Just at this time, the waiter has brought the meal. Jess akadi immediately treats Ye Feng and guterska to dinner. During the meal, Jess akadi asks Ye Feng some questions, and Ye Feng knows everything.

When the dinner was about to end, guterska's mobile phone rang. Guterska picked it up and saw that it was Fei Wuliang who called. He immediately handed the mobile phone to Ye Feng and said, "brother ye, it's Fei Wuliang!"

Ye Feng immediately took his mobile phone and answered the phone, but Fei Wuliang asked if ye Feng had arrived on the phone. Ye Feng immediately got up and said that he had already arrived. Fei Wuliang asked Ye Feng to go to the lobby.

After hanging up Fei Wuliang's phone, Ye Feng motioned to Jess akadi to remove the eastern and Western waiters from the table immediately. Fei Wuliang would come soon, and he went out to look for Fei Wuliang in the lobby.

To the lobby, but see fee Wuliang is standing there smoking, see Ye Feng came, immediately toward Ye Feng nodded.

When Ye Feng walked past, he asked Fei Wuliang, who had a taste of wine, and his face was red. It seemed that he had drunk a lot.

Fei Wuliang saw Ye Feng coming, immediately put out the cigarette and said, "have you been waiting for a long time?"

Ye Feng said, "not long, secretary, this way, please!" Say a hand, will take fee limitless past.

Fei Wuliang didn't move, but looked at Ye Feng and said, "if I'm not wrong, what you want me to see with you is Jess arcadi, right?"

Ye Feng's heart moves when he hears the speech. He secretly says that Fei Wuliang has been working in the cabinet for so many years. In fact, he is a person. Sometimes he is sharper than he thinks.

Moreover, according to guterska, the reason why Fei Wuliang didn't want to be seconded by the forces behind him was that he had worked as a Secretary for so many years. Otherwise, with his qualifications, he should have been promoted long ago.

Thinking of this, Ye Feng doesn't plan to hide Fei Wuliang, so he nodded and said, "that's right!"

Fei Wuliang snorted coldly, "it's meaningless for fish to swim back from the pond! Do you think so? "

Ye Feng smell speech know Fei Wuliang meaning, mouth but immediately said, "I think the secretary or should see, listen to what he said again!"

Fei Wuliang shook his head and said, "there's no need. What some people say is better than what they do. I'm tired of hearing them lie in front of you with no eyelids! And now he's already your network, you just get in touch with him! "

Listen to Fei Wuliang say so, Ye Feng secret way, it seems that Fei Wuliang is iron heart, don't see Jess arcadi, so he and Jess arcadi said so many words, not all become nonsense?

Think of here, leaf maple tiny a sigh way, "since so, that I also don't grudge!"

Fei Wuliang saw Ye Feng so, he couldn't help laughing, "how? Isn't JAS arcadi already your network? Why do you want to go back? And what's most strange to me is that you agree to let him go back? "

Ye Feng shrugged at Fei Wuliang and said, "as big as my head is, so big is my hat. Now I'm a little errand clerk. If even I start to accumulate my own contacts, then I don't want to do anything in our department. As long as I develop contacts, what chance do I have to improve?"

Fei Wuliang heard Ye Feng say, "don't belittle yourself. Your head is not small. Don't forget that you have the president behind you to support you!"

But Ye Feng said with a bitter smile, "you're right, but it's the president's relationship after all, including you. Now it's because of the president's face that you take care of me like this. But what if one day the president is gone? Who gives me face? Just rely on the contacts I have accumulated in my office as a clerk? I'm afraid that on that day, they will be the first people to avoid it! "

At this point, Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders, and then said, "forget it. I'm afraid the secretary still thinks that I'm hypocritical. I have the president's big backing, and I have to be honest. Forget it. Since the secretary is not interested in seeing Jess arcadi again, I won't disturb the precious time of the secretary."

With that, Ye Feng nodded to Fei Wuliang, then turned around and left. At this time, Fei Wuliang stopped Ye Feng and said, "wait a minute. After listening to these words from the bottom of your heart, I want to see this Jess arcadi!"

Ye Feng a listen to this words, the heart immediately move, stopped the footstep, turn head to see to fee have no quantity way, "really?"

Fei Wuliang then walked quickly towards Ye Feng and said, "lead the way ahead!"

Ye Feng immediately takes Fei Wuliang to the private room. At this time, the table in the private room has been cleaned up by the waiter. JAS akadi and guterska are sitting there waiting.

As soon as Ye Feng and Fei Wuliang come in, Jess akadi and guterska immediately stand up one after another, especially Jess Kadi immediately smiles at Fei Wuliang and says, "director Fei, thank you for your appreciation!"

Fei Wuliang didn't say anything. After he took a seat, he said, "I'm not giving you face, I'm giving Ye Feng face, and I don't want to hear any nonsense from you. I'm just sitting here and taking a rest, drinking two cups of tea and leaving!"Jess arcadi smell speech face slightly move, immediately look at Ye Feng, but see Ye Feng toward his color way, "still Leng do what, didn't hear the Secretary said to drink tea?"

As soon as he heard this, Jess arcadi immediately came back to himself and said it clearly. Then he called the waiter and asked him to put the best tea here on a pot. After the waiter brought it, he immediately took the teapot and poured tea for Fei Wuliang and Ye Feng.

Ye Feng sat on Fei Wuliang's side, but he saw that Fei Wuliang took a sip of the tea and said, "the taste of the green tea before the rain in longarsenic castle is bitter, but the aftertaste is endless!"

Seeing this, Jess arcadi immediately added more tea to Fei Wuliang, and said, "Mr. Fei, there was some misunderstanding about what happened before. I want to explain it to you..."

Fei Wuliang frowned at Jess and said, "are you driving me away?"

JAS arcadi's face suddenly changed and said, "no, no, I absolutely didn't mean that!"

Fei Wuliang snorted coldly, "I'll say it when I enter the door. I don't want to hear your explanation. Do you think my words are out of my ears?"

JAS arcadi smell speech face slightly move, hastily stand to one side way, "I don't explain, don't explain, Secretary please have tea!"

Fei Wuliang took the cup and blew the hot air. He continued to drink tea to sober up, and the blush on his face gradually faded.

Jess arcadi was a little worried. He asked Fei Wuliang to come here tonight, but he wanted to explain it to him. Now he doesn't let himself say anything. Isn't he seeing Fei Wuliang in vain.

Ye Feng will be Jess akadi's eyes to see in the eyes, but quietly toward Fei Wuliang way, "Secretary for a while there are things?"

Fei Wuliang shook his head and said, "it's just that some local officials come to longarsenic castle to get in touch with each other and develop contacts. Every day they have these meaningless social activities. They never tire of it!"

Ye Feng then asked Fei Wuliang, "it's not a matter to drink so much every day. I don't know if there is a bath here. Let's take a bath together. How about waking up and drinking?"

Fei Wuliang, however, frowned and said, "can you sober up after taking a bath?"

Ye Feng was surprised. Didn't Mrs. ace know that taking a bath could sober her up, but she said, "of course, after taking a bath, you must be clear and have no worries!"

Fei Wuliang pondered for a while, then took a look at the time. After hesitating for a moment, he picked up the phone and dialed a number. After a while, he said, "I'm a little tired, so I won't participate in the next party. Just go to the party for me Well, I'll talk about it tomorrow. I don't want to go any more today. That's it! "

Finish saying to hang up a phone, immediately toward leaf Feng way, "this hotel has bath hall! The environment should be OK! "

Ye Feng immediately nodded, and then winked at JAS akadi. This time JAS akadi was clever and immediately understood, and then said, "I'll arrange it, I'll arrange it!" Then he went to the waiter immediately.

Seeing that Jess arcadi trotted away, Fei Wuliang took a look and said to Ye Feng, "this guy looks ok, but he doesn't know how to come!"

Ye Feng immediately nodded and echoed, "yes, the most stupid, hands and feet are more stupid. If it's not like this, how can it do such a stupid thing?"

Fei Wuliang smell speech immediately saw one eye, immediately toward Ye Feng a smile way, "he gave you how many benefits, keep saying good things for him?"

Ye Feng immediately said, "one cent confiscated, all returned!"

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