Listen to Ye Feng say so, fee limitless can't help but frown at Ye Feng way, "all returned?"

Ye Feng immediately nodded and said, "they are not sensible. I can't be sensible. JAS akadi was originally your contact. He came to me, but I actually accepted the money. What is not being sensible?"

Fei Wuliang shrugged his shoulders and said, "that little money is not worth mentioning to me. You should also know that what I care about is not money!"

Ye Feng nodded and said, "of course I know. The secretary is complaining I can't complain. In a word, Jess arcadi is too good to be a trouble... "

Speaking of this, the conversation immediately turned to Fei Wuliang, "but I'm not helping him. I'm just telling you a fact. I don't know who told me that I have the president behind me. Jess arcadi mainly wants to do something for his boss. He doesn't want to change the mountain for his master. He just wants to get close to me and give me some money. I'm sorry I was going to visit you later. I didn't think you knew about it in advance. He... "

Fei Wuliang then sighed, "you don't have to explain anything for him, I said, I just come here to drink tea, don't want to hear any explanation!"

Ye Feng Wen Yan nodded, but he understood that if Fei Wuliang really didn't want to hear an explanation, he would not come, and he would not let himself say so much to interrupt himself.

But he still nodded his head and said, "I understand. No matter what the reason is, Jess arcadi is not doing it right. You should do it!"

Just then, Jess arcadi came back and immediately said to Ye Feng and Fei Wuliang, "I've arranged for a single room in the bathhouse. No one will disturb me! There's a sauna

Ye Feng smell speech immediately stand up, toward fee limitless way, "secretary, then we go over?"

Fei Wuliang was still sitting there. After drinking tea, he slowly stood up and said nothing. He walked out of the door of the private room from Jess arcadi.

Jess arcadi said to Ye Feng secretly, "brother ye, what should I do now?"

Ye Feng murmured, "don't be impatient, take your time!" With that, he immediately went to meet Fei Wuliang.

JAS arcadi's heart moved when he heard the speech. Guterska didn't say a word. At this time, he came to JAS arcadi's side, patted him on the shoulder and said, "brother ye said, don't worry. Take your time. If Fei Wuliang really doesn't want to see you, he won't give you a chance to invite him to drink tea and take a bath! Can't you see that? "

JAS akadi's face suddenly moved when he heard the speech. He looked at guterska with hope on his face. "Are you serious?"

Guterska shook his head helplessly and said, "believe it or not, but if you're in such a hurry, it's impossible!" Finish saying also immediately followed Ye Feng they.

Jess arcadi stood in the same place and looked at the three people walking in front of him. After hesitation, he trotted with them.

Soon four people to the bathhouse, Jess arcadi immediately led Ye Feng, the three of them went to the box he ordered, four men took off their clothes, put on the sauna suit, one after another went to the sauna room.

The temperature here is really high. After a while, all four of them are sweating. Fei Wuliang wakes up early after sweating, but he still thinks the temperature here is not high.

Guterska immediately went over to heat it. After a while, the temperature would make people gasp. Fei Wuliang felt comfortable.

Jess arcadi sweating all feel that he is about to collapse, but see Ye Feng and Fei Wuliang still sitting there motionless, they do not go, he can only sacrifice his life to accompany a gentleman.

After a long time, Jess arcadi felt that he was going to lose his breath. When he was about to collapse, he saw Fei Wuliang wiping his face with a towel. Then he walked towards the door and said, "I can't afford you. Let's go for a dip first!"

After Fei Wuliang left, Jess arcadi was the first one to rush out of the sauna room. He couldn't help panting at the door. He felt like his lungs were going to explode.

Fei Wuliang went to the edge of the bath, took off his clothes, looked back at Jess arcadi at the door of the sauna, couldn't help but sneer and shake his head, and then sat in the bath.

Ye Feng and guterska also come out at this time. Ye Feng feels OK, and guterska can't hold on fast, just a little better than Jess akadi. When they throw it, they are also panting after they come out, but they still pat Jess akadi on the shoulder and say, "OK?"

JAS Arcadia even waved that he was OK. He couldn't even speak. After a long time, he said, "you go to take a bath first. I'll come soon!"

After waiting for Jess arcadi to take a breath, he stood up straight and walked towards the bathhouse. At this time, Ye Feng and the three of them were already sitting in it.

After Jess arcadi sat down, Fei Wuliang, who was opposite him, sneered, "are you all right? Don't put your life on the hook for such a thing, then you will lose a lot!"

Jess arcadi saw Fei Wuliang take the initiative to talk to himself, immediately said with a smile, "it's OK, it's OK, I can hold on!"Ye Feng this time, then Chao Fei Wuliang way, "secretary, you look at the guy, also so big point promising, let you joke!"

Explain that akadi can't help but move when he hears the speech. Ye Feng doesn't speak for himself at this time. How can he still reproach himself? Is he really helping himself? Don't let him play with you.

At this time, Fei Wuliang sneered, "I can't stand this. What else can I do?"

Jess Arcadia nodded and said, "the secretary is right!"

Ye Feng immediately said to Fei Wuliang, "he is such a person. The first time he works for their boss, he always wants to perform better than the previous one. So he is not considerate in doing things. He is too aggressive and offends the director. When you contact him, you should see that he is a heartless guy. If you are angry with him, It's not worth it

Fei Wuliang took a look at JAS akadi at this time, and JAS akadi just laughed at himself, then covered his face with a towel and said, "I said, you don't have to plead for him!"

Ye Feng repeatedly said, "this is not a plea, I just said so smoothly!" Then he immediately said to Fei Wuliang, "after steaming in the sauna, is it more comfortable to soak in the bath?"

Fei Wuliang covered the towel and said, "don't mention it, it's really nice!"

Ye Feng immediately made a wink at Jess akadi, and said to Fei Wuliang, "if someone presses his shoulder again, it will be more comfortable!"

As soon as Jess arcadi heard this, she immediately understood and stood up from the bathhouse. She was about to go out to find someone to help Fei Wuliang massage, but she saw Ye Feng winking at herself.

At first, Jess arcadi was at a loss. He didn't know what Ye Feng meant. At last, he saw Ye Feng do a shoulder pinching action. He suddenly realized that he wanted to help Fei Wuliang massage himself.

JAS arcadi hesitated for a while. After all, he was also a man of high reputation in the place. Although he came to the dwarves of lonas castle, he should pay more attention to his words and his work, but he really didn't do such a vulgar thing.

Ye Feng see Jess arcadi this hesitant appearance, can't help shaking his head, see in Jess arcadi's eyes, is to his extreme disappointment.

After thinking about it, after a period of psychological struggle, Jess arcadi also figured out that if he went back this time, he might not have the chance to come to longarsene Castle next time. Now that he has done so, is it still a step away?

Thinking of this, Jess arcadi immediately clenched his teeth, immediately went to Fei Wuliang's back, stretched out his hand and began to help Fei Wuliang hold his shoulder.

At first, Fei Wuliang didn't feel anything, but after a while, he took off the towel and said to Ye Feng, "don't mention it. Although it's a little strange, it's really comfortable. I feel relaxed all over!"

Then he took a look at Ye Feng and guterska and said, "you all call one, too! It's very comfortable! " Then he looked at the place where JAS arcadi was sitting, frowned and said, "can't this kid stand running? That's just right. It'll save me the trouble! "

But Ye Feng said with a smile to Fei Wuliang, "how dare this boy run!" Then he looked at Fei Wuliang's back.

Fei Wuliang's face suddenly moved. He immediately understood what was going on. Looking back, he suddenly said, "are you massaging me?"

JAS arcadi immediately said to Fei Wuliang with a smile, "I'm a little unfamiliar with what I've said. I'll improve next time, I'll improve next time!"

Fei Wuliang takes a deep breath and looks at Ye Feng. Knowing that it must be Ye Feng's idea again, he can't help shaking his head. However, he doesn't mean to organize Jess arcadi and covers his face with a towel.

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