After a long time, Fei Wuliang opened the towel again, sat up straight, and said to Jess arcadi, "OK!"

JAS arcadi stopped and asked Fei Wuliang, "are you satisfied with Mr. Fei?"

Fei Wuliang wiped his face with a towel, and then he said to Jess arcadi, "if you change your career and engage in this business, maybe you can do something else!"

JAS arcadi's heart moved when he heard this, and then he said with a smile, "if I'm in this business, I'll do the kind of personal service for the Secretary!"

Fei Wuliang couldn't help laughing, then wiped his face, looked back at Jess akadi, and said to Ye Feng, "this boy is really more and more able to speak!"

JAS arcadi, seeing Fei Wuliang for the first time, laughed so heartily that he immediately sat in the pool and sat opposite Fei Wuliang laughing.

Ye Feng said to Jess akadi, "if director Fei wants a personal massage, he won't find a beautiful young girl? What can I do with you old man? "

JAS arcadi laughed and didn't speak. Fei Wuliang looked at JAS arcadi at this time and said, "you, what do you want me to say about you?"

Jess arcadi immediately nodded and said, "Mr. Fei, I couldn't do things before, and I won't explain. All my mistakes are my fault. You have a lot of mistakes. Don't give me the same opinion!"

Fei Wuliang was smiling, and then he stopped smiling. After a slight cough, he stared at Jess arcadi for a long time. Then he said, "if I have the same opinion with you, how idle would I be?"

Jess arcadi immediately followed with a smile, "yes, yes!"

Fei Wuliang then pondered for a while, took a look at Jess Eddie, then said to Ye Feng, "forget it, this page will be uncovered!"

On hearing this, Jess a card Di a Leng, Ye Feng hurriedly toward Jess a card Di way, "don't hurry to thank fee officer!"

JAS arcadi came back to herself and immediately said to Fei Wuliang, "director Fei, I really don't know what to say. In a word, thank you Thank you Then he really got up, walked towards Fei Wuliang and stretched out his hand.

Fei Wuliang looked up at Jess arcadi, but didn't reach out, and just looked at him.

Jess Arcadia doesn't know what Fei Wuliang means. Since he has forgiven himself, why is it still this expression?

Ye Feng is toward JAS arcadi way, "you so stand in front of the Secretary, is want to hold your secretary?"

JAS arcadi was stunned at first, and then reacted. He was standing in front of Fei Wuliang naked, and immediately squatted down.

Fei Wuliang then laughed, but shook his head and said to Jess akadi, "you little boy, your boss asked you to come to longarsenic castle, aren't you afraid that the official position is not guaranteed?"

Ye Feng said with a smile, "I'm afraid I've already seen it?"

Jess arcadi laughed awkwardly and didn't say a word.

Fei Wuliang stood up from the pool and stepped out of the pool. As he walked towards the rest bed in the distance, he muttered, "look at your behavior, I believe you don't mean it!"

JAS arcadi immediately heard the words in the pool and kept saying to Fei Wuliang, "thank you, thank you for your work!"

Ye Feng whispered to remind Jess arcadi, "what's the use of just thank you, but don't strike while the iron is hot, to show it!"

As soon as Jess arcadi heard this, he immediately got out of the pool and went to the dressing room. Then he took out the bank card and went to Fei Wuliang's bed. He handed the bank card to Fei Wuliang and said, "secretary, this is our boss's intention to you..."

Fei Wuliang didn't look, closed his eyes slightly, and didn't speak.

Ye Feng can't help but have a headache. This Jess arcadi really can't do anything. He immediately went out of the pool and pulled him aside. "How can you send things like this?"

Jess arcadi can't help frowning when he hears the words, "what should I do then?"

Ye Feng is also a little angry. This boy is stupid to say good, but stupid to say bad, which is totally different from guterska.

Guterska belongs to the kind of prison break, which is between drawing inferences from one instance and getting through at one point, and how the goods themselves are bumped, it is estimated that they are all the same.

He just snorted, "think about it for yourself!" Finish saying also lie on the rest bed closed eyes to rest.

When guterska came out of the pool, JAS arcadi pulled him and asked, "what should you do?"

Guterska also sighed, "is it necessary to ask? Of course, it's secretly put into the Secretary's pocket. You want to harm the secretary when you send things so blatantly?"

As soon as Jess arcadi heard this, he felt a sense of it and patted himself on the head. Then he went to the dressing room, opened Fei Wuliang's wardrobe, put the bank card in his coat pocket, and went back.

when he went back, the three people were lying there talking and laughing. When Jess arcadi went to work, Fei Wuliang said to Ye Feng, "I'll give you enough face. That's the only way. Let's not do it again!"Ye Feng listened to Fei Wuliang and nodded, "I regret helping him!"

Fei Wuliang couldn't help laughing and said, "there's something you regret. I think you are so enthusiastic. I thought he was related to you!"

Ye Feng wry smile a way, "don't say not, even if it is a relative, such elm pimple, I also dare not provoke in the future!"

Fei Wuliang laughs when he hears the words. Jess arcadi comes back. Fei Wuliang takes a look at Jess arcadi and looks at Ye Feng. He laughs again.

Jess arcadi see two people laughing, immediately put out a pair of smiling face, toward Ye Feng and Fei Wuliang way, "what are you laughing at?"

Fei Wuliang shook his head helplessly, and Ye Feng said to Jess akadi, "the secretary is praising that you can do things!"

No matter how stupid Jess arcadi was, Ye Feng said something ironic. He immediately asked Fei Wuliang to pay for it. "Secretary, I'm rather stupid. Please bear with me more!"

Fei Wuliang sighed helplessly, looked at Jess and said, "what do you want me to say about you? Forget it, forget it... " Said repeatedly waved his hand way, "go back to tell your boss, this time I do things, next time you want to come with me to such a, don't say Ye Feng interceded, even if the president came to me, I don't sell this face!"

Jess arcadi immediately nodded and said, "yes, yes, I will make progress next time!"

Fei Wuliang smiles helplessly again. After shaking his head, he says to Jess akadi, "I'm really ashamed of your gift. In fact, you should show it to Ye Feng. If you don't have him, I guess I can't even keep my job back!"

Jess arcadi immediately nodded, "understand, understand, brother Ye's share, I'll prepare it out of my own pocket!"

But Ye Feng waved his hand and said, "I don't need my share. I'm also looking at guterska's face. If you really feel bad about it, please show it to guterska!"

Guterska waved his hand and said, "it's all about the Secretary and ye Ge. I can't help you. I don't need it. I don't need it!"

Jess arcadi said immediately, "all of them, all of them!"

Fei Wuliang stood up at this time and walked towards the dressing room. He said, "it's almost the same today. I'll go back to bed first. I have to go to work tomorrow!"

Ye Feng and guterska also stood up and said to Fei Wuliang, "then it's time for us to go back!"

Seeing this, Jess arcadi quickly got up and followed him.

Soon the four dressed and left the bathhouse. On the way, Fei Wuliang and Ye Feng walked alone in front of each other and whispered to Ye Feng, "this kind of person, you'd better not make trouble for him in the future. If you help him, you don't get half of the benefits. In the end, you may offend others for him. Even if you send a big red envelope, it's still not worth the loss!"

Ye Feng can't help nodding and sighing, "yes, this time it's all my problem, or thanks to the director, you gave me a step down, otherwise I really don't know how to end it!"

Fei Wuliang patted Ye Feng on the shoulder and said, "it's not necessarily a bad thing to meet this kind of thing in advance. At least I know in advance. In officialdom, there are all kinds of people who say that I'm famous and difficult to deal with. I tell you, I'm a good talker. I'm more difficult to speak than I am. Not to mention the whole eisf, that's longarsenbao Yes

Ye Feng smell speech immediately point a way, "the secretary is really better to talk, if I were you, I might not forgive Jess arcadi this guy!"

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