Fei Wuliang didn't say anything more to Ye Feng. When he got to the elevator entrance, Fei Wuliang said goodbye to everyone. Finally, he said to Jess arcadi, "go to my side after ten o'clock tomorrow evening!"

Jess arcadi, who had never tasted back, looked at Fei Wuliang in surprise and said, "what are you doing there?"

Fei Wuliang shook his head helplessly, then sighed, "if you don't go to my place, how can I know what your boss wants to do?"

JAS arcadi, who had just regained his mind, immediately stopped and said, "OK, OK, I'll be there!"

Fei Wuliang stood at the door of the elevator and took a look at Jess arcadi. Finally, he shook his head and took a meaningful look at Ye Feng. Without saying much, he went directly into the elevator.

After Fei Wuliang left, Jess arcadi breathed a sigh of relief. He felt as if he was going to die. He immediately said to Ye Feng, "brother ye, thank you so much today!"

Ye Feng is also helpless in the heart of a sigh, then patted his shoulder, nothing to say, directly press another elevator button, looking at the elevator door, mouth said, "you send guterska back, I go back!"

Jess arcadi immediately said, "I'd better see you off. The aircraft is on the top of the building. It's very convenient!"

Ye Feng did not say anything, still standing there motionless looking at the elevator door, and guterska will Jess akadi pull to the side of another elevator door, embracing his shoulder way, "you really can't come, ye Ge said he went back, go back on his own, what do you do so many things?"

JAS akadi can't help but take a look at guterska. Then he looks at Ye Feng and says to guterska, "do I feel that ye Ge is angry?"

Guterska reluctantly pushed away JAS and said, "he's not angry, he's helpless!"

JAS arcadi can't help frowning at the words, "helpless? Is it because of me? "

Guterska took a look at JAS arcadi, and immediately said quietly, "maybe it's for me!"

Don't want to JAS arcadi but a long comfortable airway, "not because of me, I'm relieved!"

At this time, the elevator door opened, and guterska said to Ye Feng, "brother ye, our elevator is here. Would you like to go first?"

Ye Feng waved his hand and said, "no need!" His elevator opened in the speaking room, and he went in immediately.

See Ye Feng into the elevator, guterska this just and Jess arcadi into the elevator, see Jess arcadi like this, guterska also some regret, how to stand on such a goods?

After entering the elevator, Ye Feng didn't press the elevator on the top floor, but pressed the button on the bottom floor. It has been so long since he came to longarsenic castle, and he hasn't really entered the life of longarsenic castle.

How prosperous a metropolis is depends on the night. When the elevator reaches the first floor, Ye Feng goes out of the elevator and stands at the gate of longarsenbao hotel. He can't help sighing at the night scene of longarsenbao, which is very prosperous, even luxurious.

And at this time, Ye Feng saw a man on the opposite side of the road in a hurry to go in front, and soon disappeared in the side of the alley.

Ye Feng can't help but move when he sees this. Although the man walks very fast, it can be said that he is surprised at a glance, but if he is not wrong, it should be Dixie.

He couldn't help but wonder why Dixie appeared near here, but he didn't think much about it. He immediately rushed out of the road, dodged the speeding cars on the road, dodged left and right, and immediately went to the opposite side of the road and ran towards the lane where Dixie disappeared.

After arriving at the entrance of the lane, Ye Feng finds that the lane is deep and dark, but he doesn't see Dixie at all. Ye Feng hesitates for a moment, but still goes in.

The road at the entrance of the lane is clean and spacious, but the more you go in, the more disorderly it is. There are piles of waste everywhere, and even some vagabonds in longarsene castle. They set up simple tents here and regard it as their home.

Ye Feng walked for a while, but still didn't find the trace of Dixie. There are only two exits in the long lane. No matter how fast Dixie's feet are, it's impossible to get out of the lane so soon, right?

Just thinking about it, I saw a woman squatting behind the debris in the corner not far away. Ye Feng looked at the figure and felt that it was a bit like Dixie. He immediately approached a few steps.

Then I saw that it was really Dixie, but she was squatting on the side of a shabby tent with a lunch box in her hand. The tent was open, and there was a man with messy hair, a beard and a mess.

Ye Feng's heart moved when he saw this. At this time, Dixie seemed to feel someone behind him. She immediately turned around and looked defensive. However, when she turned around and saw that it was Ye Feng, her face moved slightly. Then she stood up and said, "is it you?"

Ye Feng didn't say a word. He took a look at the man in the tent. He didn't speak yet, but saw that the man immediately said, "you follow me?"

Ye Feng then said to Dixie, "what am I following you for? I'm just in the neighborhood. I'll see you run to this alley in a hurry, so come and have a look!" then he said to Dixie immediately, "who is he?"When he heard the words, his face moved slightly, and immediately said, "nothing, I don't know!"

But Ye Feng frowned and said, "I don't know you so quickly. I bought him a box lunch?"

"I was moved by his pity," he explained immediately

The more she said that, the more suspicious Ye Feng was. "There are not a few like him here, and there are a lot more pitiful than him. Do you only buy one?"

For a moment, Dixie didn't know how to speak.

Ye Feng said to Dixie, "it's not your style. Before, even if you met anything, you were not surprised by honor and disgrace. Now your panic shows that this person is very important to you, and you don't want me to find him?"

As soon as she heard this, she immediately looked at Ye Feng in surprise, but without waiting for her to explain, Ye Feng had already walked towards the tent.

Don't want to Dixie but immediately a brisk step, blocked between leaf maple and that person way, "you don't go over!"

The more Dixie is like this, the more curious Ye Feng is. At this time, he can't help but look at Dixie in surprise and say, "you said that you would investigate separately. Did you find anything?"

Then he turned his head around his body and looked at the man in the tent. He asked, "is your investigation related to him? Who is he? "

Dixi Si listen to Ye Feng so a say, immediately a burst of ponder, immediately toward Ye Feng way, "you first don't move!" Then he turned around and gave the lunch box to the people in the tent. Then he immediately turned around and took Ye Feng's arm and walked towards the alley.

Ye Feng is pulled to the alley by Dixie Si, looking back at the slovenly man in the tent. From his eyebrows, he seems to have a sense of deja vu, but he just can't remember.

Soon out of the alley, Dixie released his hand and said to Ye Feng, "what do you want?"

Ye Feng frowned at Dixie and said, "I should ask you this. You said you would investigate alone, but I didn't object. But your investigation needs to share with me. Did you find anything? Why don't you want me to meet that man? Who the hell is he? What does it have to do with what we're investigating? "

But Dixie stares at Ye Feng, with no expression on his face, and doesn't say a word.

Ye Feng immediately walked towards the alley, and said, "since you don't want to say it, I'll ask him myself!"

Seeing this, Dixie immediately ran to keep up with him and pulled Ye Feng out of the alley, but said, "he's crazy. What can you ask from his mouth?"

Ye Feng can't help but look at Dixie in dismay when he hears the words, "are you crazy? Crazy. Why did you buy him a box lunch? You know my character. Since you make me suspect, I must know. Even if you don't tell me, I will have my own way to know! "

After hearing this, she sighed at Ye Feng. Of course, she knew Ye Feng's character, but she didn't know why Ye Feng was around here, and he just saw her?

Thinking of this, Dixie sighed, "well, I'll tell you, but you can't disturb him!"

Ye Feng smell speech brow a wrinkly tunnel, "who is he in the end, I rarely see you so nervous a person!" When he said this, Ye Feng's tone even had some extreme meaning. After all, Dixie had never been so nervous, had he not?

But Dixie stares at Ye Feng for a moment and says, "this is not a place to talk. Let's talk about it in another place!"

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