Ye Feng looked at Dixie and said, "haven't you seen it yet? As long as it's about Dante Emma, it's about us! "

After hearing this, she can't help but look at Ye Feng in surprise. But Ye Feng continues to say to her, "don't you have this consciousness after we've been entangled with Dante Emma for so long?"

Then, without waiting for him to speak, he immediately asked him, "just now you said, do you have a way to go back to earth? What is the solution? Where did the solution come from? "

Dixi Si listen to Ye Feng so a ask, immediately eyebrow move, Zheng Zheng ground looking at Ye Feng.

But she did not speak, Ye Feng immediately said, "if I am right, behind this method, is Dante Emma!"

"It's impossible," said Dickens at once. "It has nothing to do with him. A friend of mine told me that!"

Ye Feng can't help but frown and say, "your friend? Do you have any friends here? "

"I'm not saying that. I've actually recovered some of my memories very early. Of course I have friends in lungsburg," said Dickens immediately

After listening to the words, Ye Feng said to Dixie, "can you take me to meet your friend?"

Dixi si then toward leaf Feng way, "can be can, but I want to know you see what he wants to do?"

Ye Feng then toward Dixie Si way, "still use me to say?"? Of course, I want to investigate and see what your way back to earth is! "

After listening to the speech and pondering for a while, she looked at Ye Feng for a long time. Then she took out her mobile phone and dialed a number. After the phone rang a few times, she took the phone to one side and said in a low voice, "are you at home?..." Well, I'll go over now See you soon

After hanging up the phone, Dixie immediately turned back to Ye Feng and said, "he's at home. Shall we go now?"

Ye Feng nodded and said, "lead the way ahead!" Said immediately and Dixi Si went to the roadside, stopped a car, Dixi Si said an address, the car immediately left the scene.

In the car, Ye Feng asked Dixie, "do you know so much? Do your friends tell you so much, or do you have the majority in your own memory?"

After hearing the words, she took a look at Ye Feng. Naturally, she understood Ye Feng's meaning. If it's all in her memory, her credibility would be higher. If it's all told by her friends, her credibility would be very low on Ye Feng's side.

In other words, Ye Feng doesn't believe in his friend, and even suspects that Dante Emma is behind his friend.

Think of here, Dixie toward Ye Feng way, "I don't want to hide you, half of it, some are my memory, some are he told me, but he said those, I will also according to the relevant memory in my brain to make judgment, according to my judgment, he should not lie!"

Ye Feng sneered, "if he didn't lie, he didn't lie, not that he should have!"

Said Ye Feng looked at Dixie, then said, "this shows that, in fact, in the deepest part of your heart, you are not sure, whether he can believe it or not!"

When she heard what Ye Feng said, she immediately moved and looked at Ye Feng. In fact, she knew that what Ye Feng said was right. She was not sure whether what that person said was completely believable, but just inclined to be believable.

In fact, this is not what happened after Ye Feng questioned. She knows that this doubt exists from beginning to end, but the other side tends to be credible, so she doesn't think much about it.

Now listening to Ye Feng's words, Dixie couldn't help but feel more suspicious, but he didn't say anything.

Although Dixi Si didn't say anything, Ye Feng had already seen the result he wanted from her expression, and immediately shrugged his shoulders and said, "it seems that I don't believe it!"

And he said immediately, "he doesn't know I'm going, does he?"

Dixie shook his head and said, "I didn't say that on the phone!"

Ye Feng nodded, slightly closed his eyes, did not continue to ask Dixie what.

But at this time, the doubts in his heart became bigger and bigger, and he didn't know whether the original doubts were enlarged, or because ye Feng said so.

After a while, the car stopped at the destination. The driver reminded Dixie and Ye Feng that they had arrived. They got off immediately. Then Ye Feng asked Dixie, "lead the way!"

The surrounding environment doesn't look very good. The surrounding buildings look old, but in lonasburg, such an area is called suburb.

After entering one of the buildings, they entered the elevator. After Dixie pressed the elevator on the 60th floor, the elevator slowly began to go up. They stood in the elevator, but they didn't say a word.

Looking at the number on the elevator is beating up one by one, soon to the 60th floor, after the elevator opened, two people saw a man standing at the door of the elevator.

The man looked about forty, combed his hair neatly and dressed neatly. He was obviously well dressed. There was a smile on his face, but he was surprised when he saw Ye Feng."This is a friend of mine, who happens to be with me, so we're here together," said Dixie

The man looked at Ye Feng up and down, immediately showed a polite smile, nodded to Ye Feng and said, "Hello!"

Ye Feng nodded to him and walked out of the elevator without speaking. After Dixie came out, the man led Ye Feng and Dixie to the front.

On the way, after Dixie introduced the man and Ye Feng to each other, Ye Feng knew that their name was Wu feng'an.

Wu feng'an heard Ye Feng's name, his face could not help but slightly move, "you are the Ye Feng who is said to marry the president's daughter?"

Ye Feng smell speech brow a wrinkly, it seems that he want to marry Joanna thing has spread the street know Lane smell? On the mouth then faint smile, noncommittal.

Seeing that Ye Feng didn't speak, Wu feng'an couldn't help looking at it. Then she went to open a door and stood at the door and said, "please come in!"

After waiting for Ye Feng and Dixie to go in, Wu Feng an just followed to come in, shut the door, facing two humanitarians, "sit casually!"

Ye Feng stood at the door and had a general look at the environment inside the house. It was extremely clean, and he didn't know if it was because he knew that Dixie was coming, so he specially cleaned it.

Wu Feng an LED Ye Feng and Dixi Si to the living room, then asked them to sit down and said to Dixi Si, "what can I do for you?"

Dixie immediately nodded, then toward five Phoenix way, "I come this time, mainly want to ask, you are through what way can let me back to earth!"

Five feng an smell speech eyebrow tiny move ground looking at di Xi Si way, "last time I didn't explain with you?"? I was also involved in the research project of Jock Emma at that time, but I was young at that time, so I didn't have much contact with it, but I still knew the core part, just making a magnetic field! "

While speaking, Wu feng'an looks at Ye Feng. It seems that he knows that Dixie is helping the man around him to ask. But he says it again. It's just to give Dixie face and answer again.

Dixi Si smell speech then nodded, leaf Feng this time but stare at five feng an way, "since you contact of not much, how do you understand the core part?"

Wu feng'an immediately said, "because It seems a little inappropriate to say that. In a word, I'm interested in this line of business, and I'm a little more attentive when I get in touch with it, so I finally found out by myself! "

Ye Feng smell speech eyebrow move ground looking at five feng an way, "so say, you also can finish micro universe independently now?"

Wu Feng an shrugged his shoulders and said, "of course, this technology has been used more than ten years ago. Even if I didn't touch it at the beginning, it must not be a sophisticated technology now?"

Ye Feng continued to ask, "even if you can create a micro universe, but each universe is different. How can you guarantee that Dixie can go back to the earth where she lived?"

Wu Feng an's face suddenly moved when she heard this. She looked at Ye Feng thoughtfully for a long time, but she didn't answer the question. She suddenly stood up and said, "look, the guests are coming. I haven't poured tea. It's really impolite. Sit down first, and I'll pour tea for you two!"

Said also did not wait for Dixie and Ye Feng to speak, immediately walked away, he just left, Ye Feng looked at Dixie, but see Dixie at this time is also brow locked, it seems that Wufeng an's uneasiness has deeply aroused Dixie's suspicion.

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