Since Dixi Si already doubted, Ye Feng didn't say anything more. He just waited for Wu Feng an to come and see how round he was.

Wu feng'an came over with a set of tea sets after a long time. The tea had already been brewed. He said to Ye Feng and Dixie with a smile, "this is the last time I went south, a friend sent me tea. It's said that it was picked on cloudy days when the rain couldn't fall, so it's called Yin tea. Drink more Yin tea to nourish your stomach!"

Ye Feng and Dixi didn't speak. After Wu feng'an put the tea on the tea table and poured a cup for each of them, he reached out and said, "drink while it's hot!"

Ye Feng and Dixie are just carrying tea cups, and they don't want to drink. Dixie looks at Wu Feng an and says, "just now Ye Feng asked you, the birth of every universe is different. Can you promise to take me back to the earth where I live?"

After drinking a cup of tea, Wu feng'an said, "in fact, these technical problems are very difficult to explain to you laymen. To put it simply, I can copy a microcosm of Jock Emma. Although it's the first one like that, it's no different for you."

Ye Feng didn't wait for Wu Feng an to finish, and immediately asked, "even if you want to copy, you need to have a sample, right? Have you got a sample of Jock Emma? "

Wu Feng an immediately nodded, "of course!" Then he immediately took another sip of tea and continued, "if there is no sample, how can I copy it?"

Ye Feng asked Wu Feng an, "then I want to ask, when did you get this sample?"

At this time, Wu feng'an put down his tea cup and stared at Ye Feng for a moment. Then he shrugged and said, "I don't think I need to answer your question!"

Then he immediately said to Dixie, "Dixie, your friend is really interesting. I want to help you for free. I didn't ask you to give me any reward, but he interrogates me like a prisoner. If so, I'm sorry to say that he's not welcome here."

There was no expression on his face, but he looked at Wu Feng an and said, "you'd better answer his question, or I can't guarantee your safety!"

On hearing this, Wu Feng's face changed when she settled down and looked at Dixie, "what do you mean, Dixie! Even you doubt me? We've been friends for many years. Don't you even believe me? "

"I only believe in the truth," said Dickens coldly. "If he has questions and you don't think you have any problems with your method, you can answer him completely. Why should you cover up?"

Wu Feng an sneered, "it's really funny. These are all technical terms. If I say that, can you understand me?"

"It's his business to understand or not to understand, but it's your business to say or not to say," said Dixie immediately

At this time, Wu feng'an looked at Dixie in silence. For a long time, she didn't speak. Finally, she shrugged her shoulders and said, "I'm a little uncomfortable. I don't want to see any guests. Let's go!"

Then he added, "Dixie, I don't think I can help you. Please find someone else."

Dixi Si didn't speak, just stare at five feng an to see, but Ye Feng this time but toward five feng an way, "you certainly can help us?"

Wu feng'an said angrily to Ye Feng, "I don't want to help you. You can do something by yourself. I don't want to be questioned by others. I still need to smile and use my hot face to stick your cold ass!"

But Ye Feng said with a smile, "only you can help us with this matter!"

Wu feng'an looks at Ye Feng impatiently, then quickly walks to the door, opens the door, turns back to Ye Feng and Dixie and says, "please, don't send it!"

Ye Feng at this time to see to di Xi Si, lightly say, "now you should know?"

Dixi Si nodded slightly, and then stood up with Ye Feng. They walked towards the door together. But when they got to the door, they looked at each other again. Then they started to tie up Wu feng'an.

Seeing this, Wu feng'an immediately yelled, "Dixie, you can't do this to me. We used to be best friends..."

But Dixie said with a cold smile, "ever? Do you know it was once? Unfortunately, you are not my best friend now. Oh, no, you are not my friend now! "

Speaking, Wu feng'an has been tied tightly, and is carried back to the living room by Ye Feng and thrown on the sofa.

Wufengan was still saying to Dixie, "Dixie, I didn't expect that you would do this to me when I helped you with my kindness."

Dixi Si didn't speak. Ye Feng sat opposite Wu Feng an and said to Wu Feng an, "although you and Dixi Si can't be friends, they shouldn't be enemies, so we don't want to kill you!"

Wu Feng an looked at Ye Feng and said in surprise, "what do you say? You want to kill me? "

Ye Feng then toward five feng an way, "kill don't kill your decision power is not in our this, but in your hand!"

Wufengan looked at Dixie and said, "my God, Dixie, how can you do this to me? Your friend wants to kill me, but you don't care? "Dixie shrugged at Wufeng an and said, "you'd better listen to him! It's good for you! "

Ye Feng is toward five feng an way, "the following question, you answer truthfully, can save your life!"

Wu Feng an immediately said, "why should I listen to you?"

Ye Feng sneer a way, "listen to don't mind you!" Then he immediately asked, "who asked you to deceive Dixie?"

Wu Feng an frowned at Ye Feng and said, "what do you mean? I don't understand what you mean... "

Ye Feng took a look at Wu feng'an at this time, and then said to Dixie, "it seems that your friend doesn't shed tears when he doesn't see the coffin!"

Dixie is a shrug toward Ye Feng Road, "I just said, we are not friends!"

Ye Feng immediately stood up and walked to Wu feng'an's back. He pressed his head with one hand and strangled his neck with the other. He said, "I will strangle your neck in ten seconds, so you only have ten seconds to choose whether to answer or not!"

Wu feng'an immediately yelled, "what do you mean? I don't know what you're talking about..." Then he looked at Dixie and said, "my God, Dixie, are you going to let your friends do this to me..."

Ye Feng said coldly, "Nine..."

Dixi si then rightfully toward five feng an way, "he really can wring to break your neck, you had better think clearly!"

Wufengan, "..."

Ye Feng, "seven..."

Wu Feng an immediately yells, the body also begins to wriggle, want to break free, don't want Ye Feng's hands and tongs in general, make he can't move half a minute.

Ye Feng, "five..."

At this time, Dixie stood up, went to the window, looked out of the window, and murmured, "I don't want to see the last side of my former friend like this! Ye Feng, you start to hurt quickly, let him suffer less crime, when I and his previous friendship

Five feng an at this time saw a window of Di Xi Si, a pair of desire to talk and stop appearance.

Ye Feng, "three..."

At this time, Wu feng'an couldn't stop panting, and his chest couldn't stop undulating. He could see from Ye Feng's eyes that he really could do it.

Ye Feng, "one..." At the same time, the hand began to force.

Wu feng'an kept wriggling, "I said, I said I say everything

Ye Feng just released his hand, and Dixie also turned to look at Wu Feng an and said, "why do you have to wait until the last moment? Do you know you almost died just now?"

Wufeng couldn't help panting. After staring at Dixie for a moment, she sighed, "forget it, what do you want to ask, just ask?"

"Did you meet me again by chance or by necessity?" said Dixie immediately

Five feng an immediately way, "that pure is a chance!" As if worried about the disbelief of Dixie, he immediately added, "it's just because I ran into you that I have something to do after that!"

"Tell me," said Dixie immediately

Wu feng'an sighed, "that day I went downstairs to throw away the garbage. I just met an acquaintance and chatted a few words. I don't know how it came to you. I didn't pay attention, so I told you that I met you again, and I didn't think much about it afterwards But soon someone came to me... "

Ye Feng sits to the side of Dixi Si, looking at five feng an way, "who?"

Wu feng'an immediately shook his head and said, "I don't know. It was a man who came to me. He looked very fierce, but he gave me a lot of money and asked me what I had talked with Dixie that day!"

"Did you tell the man what I said and what you said

Wufengan helplessly looked at Dixie and said, "I'm sorry, Dixie. You don't know. That guy is more ferocious than your friend! He didn't want to break my neck, he wanted to cut off my head... "

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