Ye Feng took a look at Wu feng'an at this time and immediately asked, "how true are those words you said to Dixie?"

Wu feng'an didn't seem to understand Ye Feng's meaning. She looked at Ye Feng in surprise and said, "what do you mean? What's true? "

Ye Feng then took a look at Dixie and said, "the guy in the alley, how did you find him?"

After hearing this, she immediately looked at Wu Feng an and said, "Satan! Is that man really Satan? "

Wu feng'an immediately said, "Dixie, think about it. It was the first time we met. I told you that it had nothing to do with those guys. How could I cheat you then?"

After hearing the speech and staring at Wu feng'an for a long time, he said to Ye Feng, "I believe him. He shouldn't have lied!"

Ye Feng immediately looked at Wu Feng an and said, "that is to say, the only thing that you lied to Dixie is the micro universe?"

Wu Feng an immediately said, "of course, this is my special subject. If I say anything else, I can't even lie. How can I cheat Dixie?"

Ye Feng hummed coldly, "even if it's your major, your lies are not true!" Then he immediately said to Wu Feng an, "how do you know that Dixie wants to go back to earth?"

Before wufengan could speak, Dixie said, "since I saw that After Satan, I met him again, and I talked about it at that time... "

Ye Feng looked at Wu Feng an and said, "every word that Dixie said to you, did you say to those people?"

Wufeng an said helplessly, "my friend, those guys are not like you. They come up with knives and guns. I'm a man who has no power to bind chickens. In order to survive, of course, I can only do so!"

"I'm really sorry, Dixie. I really don't deserve to be your friend!"

Dixie did not speak, Ye Feng continued, "if Dixie agreed to you, what would you do next?"

Wufengan immediately said, "if Dixie agreed, she said she would bring a friend with her. I think it should be you?"

Then he took a look at Ye Feng and saw that Ye Feng didn't say a word, so he didn't continue the topic. He continued, "if you two come, I'll take you to a place and say that it's a microcosm laboratory. You won't doubt it!"

Ye Feng immediately said, "where?"

Wufengan immediately said, "it's not in longarsenic castle. It's a deserted site outside longarsenic castle!"

Ye Feng immediately asked, "what's next?"

Wu feng'an said, "they let me cheat you to accept that experiment. When the experiment runs, my task will be completed!"

"What's that experiment?" she asked immediately? What are the consequences of running it? "

Wu Feng an shook his head and said, "I don't know. They didn't tell me to do that. I just need to know what I want to do. As for what they will do, I really don't know. Believe me, Dixie!"

Dixie didn't say a word. Wufeng'an was right. He was just a small role in this matter. The other party would not tell him the details.

Ye Feng this time toward five feng an way, "that place you can take us to?"

Wufeng'an immediately looked at Ye Feng in surprise and said, "since you have seen through, what do you want to do there?"

Ye Feng then toward five feng an way, "since you can't say each other's origin, we certainly are oneself to see!"

Wu feng'an immediately said, "I advise you not to go. Those guys are not good people. I even know that if I help them, they may be killed in the end!"

Ye Feng eyebrows a wrinkly way, "since you know, still help them?"

Wu feng'an immediately said, "if I help them, I may die after I finish their explanation, but if I don't help them, I will die soon!"

Ye Feng sniffed Yan's cold hum, and Wu feng'an immediately said to Dixie, "in fact, Dixie, I have hinted to you several times, but you didn't care..."

Dixi Si smell speech brow a wrinkly way, "what did you hint me?"

Wu feng'an immediately said, "every time I talk to you about the micro universe, I deliberately say that I really don't want you to leave. If only I didn't go Don't you remember? "

Dixi Si hears speech a dismay, immediately thought, toward Ye Feng way, "indeed said, and more than once!"

Wufengan immediately said with a smile, "do you remember? I implied that you should not do that experiment, but I can't say it clearly. Unfortunately, you didn't hear it... "

Then he took another look at Ye Feng and sighed, "fortunately, your friend still sees the clue, otherwise I'm afraid I'll become your accomplice!"

But Ye Feng said to Wu Feng an, "it's a pity that you are exposed now. I'm afraid your ending is still dead!"

Wu Feng an's face moved slightly when he heard the speech, and then he sighed, "well, I'm so worried these days that what should come will come. Since I'm going to die sooner or later, I don't want to think about it. Living one more day is one more day!"Ye Feng this time immediately toward five feng an way, "but if you are willing to atone, I can protect your peace!"

Wu Feng an looked at Ye Feng suspiciously and said, "can you keep me safe?"

At this time, Dixie asked Wu Feng an, "do you believe what I said?"

Wu Feng an looked at Dixi and nodded, "Xin, you have never cheated me, and you really treat me as a friend!"

Dixie nodded and said, "I trust him as much as you trust me! He never lied to me

Wu feng'an took a deep breath when she heard that. Then she looked at Ye Feng and said, "I can take you! But I must remind you in advance that it's very remote. If we don't have transportation, we can't get out at all. But if we take transportation, we will be found if we don't get there! "

Ye Feng can't help pondering after hearing the speech, and then asked Wu Feng an, "so how did they contact you?"

Wufengan immediately said, "every day I will put the video of whether I met with Dixie and what I talked about in the prescribed place."

Ye Feng a listen to this, complexion immediately move, "video?"

Wufengan immediately explained, "this room has monitoring, but this building is too old to be connected to the Internet! So I can only deliver videos on time every day... "

Then he immediately said, "it's not that I didn't say it, it's that I didn't think about it for a moment!"

Ye Feng stood up at this time, looked around, and really saw a hidden camera in the corner of the living room.

At this time, Dixie immediately asked Wu Fengan where the video was. Wu Fengan immediately got up and opened a computer, took out the CD and said, "it will be automatically copied to this CD."

Ye Feng walked over and immediately broke the disc. Then he picked up an empty disc from one side and handed it to Wu Feng an, saying, "this is today's video. You send it according to their address!"

Wufengan immediately said, "if they find that it's empty, I'll die on the spot. Every time they test it on the spot to see if I'm a ghost!"

Ye Feng patted Wu Feng an on the shoulder and said, "I will follow you. As long as you are in danger, I will come out to save you at the first time!"

Wu feng'an immediately said, "I'd better take you to the factory outside longarsenic castle..."

Ye Feng said, "don't you say that it's very dangerous there. It's easy to be found when you go there. Since there are their people here, why should I go for a long way?"

Dixie this time also toward five Phoenix way, "don't worry, I will do my best to protect you!"

Without waiting for Wu feng'an to speak, Ye Feng immediately said, "if the other party finds that it's a blank CD, they will ask you what's the matter. They won't do it immediately. When you delay a little, I'll do it with Dixie!"

Then he immediately patted Wu feng'an on the shoulder and said, "you just looked very open. What did you say that you should come back? Now you're counseling again?"

Wu feng'an took a deep breath at this time. She didn't speak for a long time. After staring at Dixie for a long time, she nodded and said, "OK, I'll do as you say!"

Ye Feng smell speech a smile, immediately patted five feng an's shoulder way, "don't worry, won't let you have an accident!"

Dixie also assured Wu feng'an, "I will always stare at you! But you also need to have a sense of self-protection. When you go there, just as usual, don't be nervous. You'll expose yourself before others find anything! "

Wu Feng an can't help nodding and taking a few deep breaths, then said, "I understand, I understand, relax, relax as much as possible!"

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