Say to do, Ye Feng and Dixi immediately let Wu Feng an take them now, Wu Feng an took the CD to hit a car in front, Ye Feng and Dixi hit a car behind.

The car is driving farther and farther away. It's almost out of the scope of the urban area of lonzabur. It belongs to the edge of the suburbs. The stairs here are more worn-out and the personnel are more complicated.

Although it's late at night, there are still some people around from time to time, but taxi drivers only dare to stop at the edge of the area and dare not drive further. It is said that this is the area with the highest crime rate in longarsenic fort.

Few people dare to go here during the day, let alone at night. Even if they see column robbery and other criminal acts, they are all pediatricians. Even if someone passes by on the road, they are the same as if they didn't see them. If they don't pay attention, they will burn themselves.

This area belongs to the third no matter zone of longarsenbao, which is a cancer area left over by history. Even many longarsenbao people don't recognize it as the jurisdiction area of longarsenbao, and call it savage ring, because it is surrounded by longarsenbao for a week.

Wufeng'an's car just stopped in front, and Ye Feng's car also stopped. After wufeng'an got off, he looked back at Ye Feng's car, and then he turned to the front.

Ye Feng and Dixi wait for Wu feng'an to walk far, then they get out of the car to keep up. They keep a certain distance from Wu feng'an. They can't be too close to avoid being found, and they can't be too far away to prevent being lost.

There are not many people on this road, but the more we go forward, the more people there will be, and those people look similar to the fireflies in the abandoned city that Ye Feng saw before.

The only difference is that those fireflies rarely come out in the buildings, while these people are wandering in the streets, one by one like walking dead, one by one insensitive, but with a greedy look that is obviously different from the abandoned city fireflies.

When Ye Feng and Dixie go in, there are countless eyes swept from them. Especially Dixie, such a beautiful woman, has to take considerable risks to enter here, because here, there is no legal constraint, anything can happen.

Ye Feng has already felt the abnormality from the eyes of the people around him. He secretly reminds Dixie to be careful. These guys are not good at looking at you.

In fact, she didn't need to be reminded by Ye Feng to notice that women in this area are of poor quality. It's rare to meet a woman of this kind. I don't know how many men are secretly calculating.

At this time, several men began to follow behind him. They looked at him one by one, as if they could swallow him alive.

Ye Feng and Dixie can't help looking back, but those people are just following, and don't take any further action.

However, when they looked back at Wu feng'an, they found that Wu feng'an had already lost his trace in front of them. Their hearts moved and they ran to the front.

But there was still a trace of wufengan. Dixie said immediately, "did he escape or was he caught?"

Ye Feng pondered for a while and said, "if you think he didn't lie in the end, it's that he was arrested. If you think he can't be trusted in the end, it's that he deliberately left us!"

After listening to Ye Feng's words, Dixie's heart moved. After pondering for a moment, she said, "he didn't lie at last!"

Ye Feng Wen Yan nodded, and then slightly sighed, "in this way, if he just deceived us to come over, get rid of us, but easy to do, at least he has no life danger, if it is caught, it means that those people have found us, it is likely that they have started on Wu Feng an."

Dixi Si this time immediately toward Ye Feng way, "we now separate, separate head to find five feng an, but we promised him, guarantee his safety!"

Ye Feng can't help nodding when he hears the speech, and then he looks at the people behind him. He knows that these guys are not afraid because of his ability, and then he says to him, "if you can't find them, they will meet here for a while!"

Dixi Si Wen Yan nodded and agreed, then turned and walked away. Ye Feng looked back at the people behind him at this time, and found that some of them had disappeared, obviously to continue with Dixi Si, and some of them were still standing not far away staring at their side, obviously planning to follow them to the end.

Ye Feng also ignored them. If these people belong to each other, it means that their purpose is to pester themselves and Dixie and delay their time.

Know each other's purpose, naturally don't waste time and they entangled, Ye Feng immediately speed up the pace, toward the opposite direction and Dixie walked in the past.

The buildings here are in disrepair for a long time. Some places have become dilapidated buildings, but there are still people living in them. In addition, there are shops selling cigarettes, drinks and other sundries in some places.

However, opening a shop here is not something that ordinary people can do. People who do not have the ability to open such a shop are purely recruited and robbed by themselves. People in these places are the bottom of the society eliminated from the urban area of longarsenbao. They are all local ruffians and hooligans, but they are not good people.Ye Feng this time toward the front of a small shop walked in the past, standing at the door, and the boss to a box of cigarettes.

The boss took a look at Ye Feng. After a look, he asked Ye Feng to pay first, and then he gave Ye Feng cigarettes.

Ye Feng takes a cigarette, stands at the door, lights one, and continues to walk in front of him. In fact, he knows in his heart that if the other party catches Wu feng'an, it's almost unrealistic to find it by himself.

So he began to slow down, waiting for the people behind to come up, but it's strange that as long as Ye Feng speeds up, the people behind will start to speed up. As long as Ye Feng slows down, the people behind will immediately slow down.

Ye Feng immediately found a space, sat on the side of the road, continued to smoke cigarettes, eyes have been staring at the group of people behind.

Those people see Ye Feng stop, also stop at the side of the road, looking at Ye Feng, while self-care chat with what.

Ye Feng see out, the purpose of these people is to follow their own, to ensure that they can know their whereabouts on the line.

Thinking of this, Ye Feng immediately threw the cigarette butts, and then quickly walked towards those people.

Those people obviously didn't expect that Ye Feng would suddenly come towards them. They could not help but be shocked and instinctively began to retreat.

But maybe still hesitating, the top also didn't explain if ye Feng so toward them, should so deal with, so still some at a loss.

But just when they were at a loss, Ye Feng had already arrived in front of them. He reached out and grabbed a backward one. He pinched his neck and said, "what are you doing with me?"

The man was pinched by Ye Feng's neck rustling, and he couldn't say a word, but his eyes looked at his escaped companion, as if he wanted to ask for advice.

But those people didn't care about him. After a while, they ran away. Seeing this, Ye Feng put them on the ground with a backward somersault. Then he stepped on his head and asked, "don't say it again, just step on your neck!"

The man immediately begged for mercy and said, "no, what do you want to ask?"

Ye Feng slightly released a little foot, asked, "I ask you, what do you follow me to do?"

The man immediately turned his eyes and said, "we are just looking at you. We feel curious, so we follow you and want to see what you want to do!"

Ye Feng sneer, had already relaxed feet, immediately began to step on the road, "you when I three-year-old child?"

The man immediately cried in pain, "really, I'm telling the truth!"

Ye Feng squatted down at this time, broke off one of his hands and stepped on his feet. "It seems that if I don't teach you a lesson, you won't tell the truth!"

Said Ye Feng immediately forced a step, that person pain suddenly face all blue, he even heard his hand bone broken voice, at this time of pain can't use words to describe, if it's not their willpower strong point, just afraid on the spot fainted.

And just like this, Ye Feng didn't plan to spare him lightly. He immediately took his other hand and put it under his feet and said, "if you don't say it again, this hand will end the same way..."

The man didn't wait for Ye Feng to finish, and immediately cried out, "don't, don't, I said, I said everything..."

Ye Feng saw that he was honest, so he let go of his feet and yelled at him, "hurry to say..."

The man didn't speak. Ye Feng noticed that a group of people were coming towards him at the end of the street. The first of them were the ones who had just escaped.

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