There were only a few people when they ran away, but now they have gathered dozens of people, and there are new people coming in one after another, and the whole street is full of them.

The man on the ground was about to explain himself. When he saw that his companion had brought someone, he immediately began to keep his mouth shut and didn't say a word.

Ye Feng is not ambiguous, immediately kick in the man's face, directly to kick him fainted in the past, then walked to the center of the road, stood there, re lit a cigarette.

The crowd rushed in front of Ye Feng, and everyone stopped. Just now one of those people said, "big brother, that's the boy!"

There was a scar from the center of his brow to his left cheek, which seemed to be very penetrating. A punk fur coat on his body seemed to hold his head up. He couldn't help squinting at Ye Feng and said, "what are you doing here? Is this where people like you can come? "

Ye Feng smoking cigarettes, leisurely spit out, looking at the bald ladle, this just light said, "I can't come, so who can come?"

After staring at Ye Feng for a moment, bald ladle smelled speech and looked at the man lying on the ground. One hand of others was red and swollen, obviously it hurt the bone. Then he looked at Ye Feng and said, "is that man you beat?"

Ye Feng flicked the ash and nodded, "that's right!"

Bald ladybug's face suddenly moved, and then waved his hand, "waste him, let him know our rules!"

Behind a group of people have long been eager to try, a listen to bald ladle words, immediately a swarm of toward Ye Feng rushed up, at least there are more than a dozen people, and each person is holding a blunt instrument, look a very tough appearance.

The first person who rushed in front of Ye Feng immediately yelled, waved the iron bar in his hand, and went to greet Ye Feng's head.

But Ye Feng is not slow, after smoking the last cigarette, he puts the cigarette end between his fingers and flicks hard. The cigarette end draws a perfect arc in the air and flies to the man's eyes.

Cigarette butts in that face hit, sparks immediately sputter to that person's face, even in the pupil, suddenly pain hugged his head, pain Wai Wai Wai.

And Ye Feng also took advantage of the opportunity to take the iron bar in the man's hand, I was in the hand, an instant is a stick hit in the man's hand, suddenly a sound of bone fracture came, the scald on the face is not good, now the hand than the face also backache, immediately on the ground can't help rolling, slaughter pig general scream.

In addition, more than a dozen people were not idle. As soon as the goods fell in front of them, two people rushed up from behind. At the same time, they attacked each other from left to right. One hand was an iron bar, and the other hand was a hammer. As soon as they went up and down, they called Ye Feng.

Ye Feng looks in the eye, sneer, did not put in the eye at all, but saw the iron bar in his hand a turn, a lift, a block, a knock, the blunt instrument in the hands of the two people fell to the ground, and then the sound of killing a pig came, ye Feng has broken the hands of the two people.

Bald ladle standing not far away, see Ye Feng just instant Kung Fu won his three hands, and three people are broken hand bone, can't help but face move.

But those people were not frightened by Ye Feng's momentum, but became more excited. One by one, they seemed not to die. In an instant, they rushed towards Ye Feng. Five people and five blunt instruments flew up and down.

Some people even took the blunt tool out of their hands and smashed it at Ye Feng's head. Seeing his gnashing teeth, they knew that the goods had exhausted all their strength. Once they hit it, it would be fatal.

Ye Feng is still not in a hurry, first the iron bar in front of a horizontal, blocking the flying blunt, bang fell down, but before the blunt has not landed, Ye Feng out of the foot.

Ye Feng's foot kicked on the blunt instrument, and the blunt instrument immediately flew towards the man who threw the blunt instrument. The man didn't react, and his whole arm was broken by the force.

And there are four other people's blunt instruments have arrived at Ye Feng's side, some in front of his eyes, some in the back of his brain, and some in the footwall of Ye Feng.

Bald ladle brow slightly a wrinkle, this up and down attack together, together to say hello, see your boy has the ability, how to avoid?

Don't want to bald ladle just showed a confident smile, instant smile on condensation, but see there's Ye Feng hand an iron bar, instantly around his body a sweep.

The blunt instruments of the four people around had not yet touched Ye Feng, and they were hit by Ye Feng's iron bar. At the moment when they ate the pain, they immediately squatted on their wrists. They didn't see what happened. Their wrists were in a sharp pain, and the blunt instruments in their hands fell to the ground one after another.

This will be the rest of that group of people come back to God, know Ye Feng is not easy to provoke, this guy just instant Kung Fu put down several good hands, and each one is interrupted by him, NIMA, this goods is broken hand party?

Bald ladle's face is also very ugly, see a group of brave men, have been awed by Ye Feng's prestige standing in the same place, do not dare to step forward, he knows that his help can not be Ye Feng's opponent.

At this time, as soon as he reached for his hand, someone around him immediately handed him a machete. It was not so much a machete as a hybrid weapon of iron sheet and iron stick welded together.The iron sheet is used as the blade, the iron bar as the handle, and the uneven saws on the iron sheet. If you are cut by this tool, you will lose a piece of meat even if you don't die.

Bald Ladybug waved his "machete" in his hand and roared. The younger brothers behind him immediately began to cheer for bald ladybug, "boss, kill this boy and avenge the brothers..."

Bald ladle will "machete" a horizontal, immediately toward Ye Feng roared rushed past, but Ye Feng will iron on the ground, hands on one end of the iron stick, frowning at the bald ladle.

The bald Ladybug saw that Ye Feng was standing in the same place, and his heart was even more angry. He just looked down on himself. He didn't know how many heads he had cut with his machete.

In a flash, bald Ladybug wielded his "machete" to chop Ye Feng's head. When the giant "machete" was wielded, there was wind on both sides and a roar.

At this time, Ye Feng is still standing in the same place, and those younger brothers are even more jubilant. They think Ye Feng is awed by his boss's spirit, so they are completely scared to stay in the same place. They are even more excited to cheer up bald ladle.

But at this time see that bald ladle a knife after waving, unexpectedly Ye Feng and bald ladle two people are standing in situ motionless.

The younger brothers behind are stunned, and they don't know if the boss's knife has cut Ye Feng, or Ye Feng has been cut by the boss, or not, but attacked by Ye Feng. What's the matter with these two people standing in the same place?

And at the time of everyone's surprise, the bald ladle standing there suddenly fell to the ground, and Ye Feng still stood there with an iron stick.

Everyone was stunned to see this scene. They didn't even know when Ye Feng made his move or how. His iron bar didn't seem to move, so his boss fell?

At this time, Ye Feng took a look at the bald ladle on the ground and walked slowly. He waved the iron bar in his hand and pointed it at his wrist.

The bald Ladybug seemed to have fainted. At this moment, he woke up again with pain. He immediately covered his wrist and screamed and rolled with pain on the ground. The scream was not much smaller than the previous ones.

At this time, Ye Feng looked up at the people in front of him. When those people saw Ye Feng looking at them, they suddenly seemed to see a ghost, and they suddenly cried out and scattered.

Ye Feng couldn't help spat on the ground, then pulled up the bald ladle in front of him, grabbed his neck and asked, "where's my friend?"

At this time, bald ladybug's forehead was full of cold sweat. Hearing Ye Feng's question, he immediately said, "I don't know what you said..."

At this time, Ye Feng immediately released his hand, waving the iron stick in his hand, facing his other hand is a stick, the pain on the hand just eased a little, at this time, he suddenly cried out, fell on the ground and twitched.

But Ye Feng still didn't plan to bypass him. He walked over and knocked on the man's knee with an iron bar. "Here's the next stick..."

That bald Ladybug tears all came down, even think Ye Feng beg for mercy way, "I know where he is, I lead the way, you don't hit..."

Ye Feng smell speech this just will stick on the ground, tut tut tongue way, "you these people, ask what say what not good?"? I have to suffer a lot to say, "why?"

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