The bald Ladybug immediately took Ye Feng to walk in front of him. After walking around several streets, he soon came to a dilapidated building and said to Ye Feng, "brother, it should be up here!"

Ye Feng looked up at the stairs and said to the bald ladybug, "if you are there, you are not there! Don't do it

The bald Ladybug hears speech and immediately says to Ye Feng, "your friend is up here! It must be... "

Ye Feng nodded and motioned to bald Ladybug to lead the way. Bald Ladybug immediately entered the building, but the building was in disrepair for a long time, and the elevator had already broken down, so he could only take the corridor.

Go up one layer by one, don't know how many layers, Ye Feng can't help but toward bald Ladybug way, "play with me, right?"

On hearing this, bald ladybug's face suddenly moved and said, "no, there are still a few layers to go! I dare not cheat you, elder brother! "

Ye Feng did not say a word, continue to follow the bald ladle toward the upstairs, and at this time, the top of the corridor came a voice, "who?"

Ye Feng a listen to this words, immediately pressed bald ladle shoulder, bald ladle toward upstairs shout a way, "is me!"

When the man upstairs heard this, he immediately said, "you boy, what the boss told you to do has been done?"

Bald Ladybug said immediately, "it's done. Isn't it just a kid? I'll take care of it a few times! "

The man upstairs said, "what are you doing here?"

Bald Ladybug immediately said, "I'll ask the boss, what else can I do?"

The man immediately said, "the boss will take the initiative to find you when he has orders. Let's go. This is not where you come from..."

As soon as she was about to speak, she felt that her head suddenly sank and she suddenly fainted.

Ye Feng just heard what the other party said has been confirmed, this upstairs is the dens of those guys, their boss should also be on the top, which means that there is no need for bald ladles.

After the man upstairs said this, he couldn't hear the slightest sound. He couldn't help saying, "gone?"

At this time, Ye Feng is creeping up the stairs. At this time, he is behind the man. When the man doesn't pay attention, he hits the man in the head with a punch. The man doesn't see Ye Feng's appearance clearly, so he falls to the ground in an instant.

Ye Feng immediately dragged the man aside, put on his clothes, and walked out of the corridor on this floor. As soon as he got to the door, he saw that there were people all over the corridor. Some were sitting there chatting, some were smoking, and others were injecting drugs.

Ye Feng sees in the eye, in the heart can't help secretly way, it seems that no matter what civilization, drugs are the biggest enemy of mankind.

But Ye Feng didn't think much. He immediately went inside, and the people in the house didn't pay much attention to Ye Feng, and they were busy with their own work.

Before, Ye Feng's clothes were too clean, which attracted a lot of attention from people here. Now he has changed into a slovenly dress. As expected, no one cares about himself any more.

Ye Feng bypassed the crowd and continued to walk towards the front. When he saw that he went inside again, he was separated into single rooms. There were people in each single room. There were several people in the single room who were doing the great cause of inheriting the family in the light of the day.

And the room actually did not install a door, but people sitting outside seem to have been used to this kind of thing.

Ye Feng took a look and continued to walk forward. There was a corridor at the end, but there were two big men standing at the entrance of the corridor. It must be the real destination upstairs.

The two men were chatting at this time, and they didn't notice that Ye Feng had quietly approached. When they saw Ye Feng standing in front of them, they couldn't help but move.

Ye Feng didn't give them the slightest chance. He immediately took them face-to-face and knocked them unconscious. Then he helped them sit on the ground and found that they were redundant, because no one cared about them.

Ye Feng immediately went up the corridor. After a few steps, he heard a sneer from the building and said, "empty CD?"

Then came Wufeng an's voice, "I may have taken it wrong!"

The voice immediately sneered, "right? I can take the CD as a mistake. What's the matter with the two people in the back? "

Wu feng'an then said, "they are Dixie and his friends..."

Ye Feng a listen to this words, can't help but secretly scold a, five feng an is really soft bone, here haven't how, sell oneself and Dixi Si.

I was worried about whether he would be in danger, so I came to save him. Dixie didn't know what happened. If he had known that the goods were urine, he would have let it go.

But at this time, Wu feng'an continued to say, "today, Dixie went to see me with one of his friends. The main purpose of my coming here is to bring you the CD that I met with them today, but I was in a hurry, so I took it wrong!"

The man immediately snorted, "I'm asking you, why are they following you? Did you bring them here? "

Wu feng'an obviously had already thought out his words when he was arrested, and immediately said to the other party, "I didn't have them. Maybe they were suspicious when I talked to them today, so they would follow me. If I knew they were following me, I wouldn't dare to come here even if I killed them!"After listening to Wu feng'an's words, he didn't say anything for a long time. At this time, Ye Feng slowly came out of his head and looked at the place where it happened.

However, Wu feng'an was kneeling on the ground, and there were still some big men standing behind him. It was obvious that Wu feng'an had just been called, and he was black and blue.

On a worn leather sofa opposite wufeng'an, there was a man sitting, but Ye Feng could only see his feet in Martin's boots. The others were blocked.

Then Martin said, "it seems that we have wronged you."

Wu Feng an Lian said hurriedly, "if you can understand it, you can't be unjust. You're just worried about something..."

That Martin boots smell speech can't help but smile a way, "can't see, you still so understanding?"

Wu Feng an said busily, "yes, yes, as long as you don't misunderstand me, boss!"

Martin got up at this moment, and then asked, "go and catch the men of Dixie and his friends. Any news?"

There is humanity behind him. "Dixie used to be an agent of the FBI, and his friends estimated that his origins were similar. It's not easy to catch them!"

Martin boots immediately cold hum a voice, "I do not care whether they are secret agents, this place has the final say, there is a president in the long arsenic Castle area, but in this place, I am the king here!"

Wufengan immediately said to Martin boots, "yes, you are the king here!"

After Martin boot's proud smile, he said, "since you've got the wrong CD, you can tell me, what did Dixie come to you to do today?"

Wu feng'an immediately said, "she asked me about what I had said to her before. It seemed that she was a little suspicious, but I got round again Oh, at least on the surface, but judging from their follow-up, maybe the doubts have not been eliminated! "

Martin said with a deep thought, "if so, it means that you have no use value!"

Five feng an on hearing this words, complexion immediately move a way, "no, no, I still can continue to help eldest brother you work!"

But Martin said with a sneer, "DESIS doesn't trust you any more. That is to say, you can't cheat her to the factory outside the city. What else can you do for me?"

Wu feng'an immediately said, "although Dixie is suspicious, she is only suspicious. She will come to me whenever she has a chance. I can help the boss at that time No, help Wang. You'll make her dizzy. Can you take her then? "

But Martin said after pondering for a while, "no, some people don't want us to do this. We have to go there with a sober Dixie. We can't use this kind of dirty means. If it's so easy, what else can we do with you? Can't we do it ourselves? "

As soon as Wu feng'an heard this, he immediately said, "it's not good for you to kill me. Wang, if you have any orders, just give them to me. It's certainly useful for you to keep me alive!"

Martin said after another pause, "what you said is very reasonable. There are many dogs around me, but they are not as smart as you Unfortunately, it's not that I don't want to keep you, it's that someone won't let you live... "

On hearing this, Wu feng'an immediately said, "aren't you the king here? As long as you want to keep me, no one dares to move me! "

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