Martin boots face helplessly toward five feng an said, "there are people outside, I'm just the king here, out of here, I'm nothing!" Then he took out a knife from one side and walked slowly to Wufeng an, saying, "to tell you the truth, I like you very much, but I can't..."

Wu feng'an's face changed greatly. Unexpectedly, the other party said that he was going to do it. He didn't give him a chance at all. As a result, he flattered him for such a long time. It was a waste of words.

Thinking of this, Wu feng'an said in a loud voice, "what kind of king are you? You can't even protect yourself! You don't deserve to be king

Martin boots smell speech can't help a Leng, immediately toward five feng an a smile way, "can't see, you still have a hard side, if you early performance of hard point, maybe I will like you more!"

Martin's boots had clamped the knife on Wu feng'an's neck, and he still said, "it's a pity that it's too late. In this life, I owe you my life. In the next life, I'll pay you back!"

Wufengan had already felt the cold of the blade, and knew that as long as Martin's boots were a little hard on his hand, his head would not be on his neck.

At this time, he immediately scolded, what words dirty to scold what, know that he has no doubt to die, there is no good worry, before death, a good vent gas.

Ye Feng heard here, also know Wufeng an this boy also don't betray them, just be caught after expedient, full of nonsense.

At this time, when he saw his life and death, he immediately jumped out and immediately came to the back of the crowd. Without waiting for the people behind to react, he knocked them unconscious immediately.

Seeing this, the person on the opposite side immediately pointed to Ye Feng and yelled, "who..."

Martin boot face is also a move, immediately look back, but see Ye Feng has stood behind him, he did not want to hand the knife immediately turned blade, toward Ye Feng's abdomen on the past.

Ye Feng a side body avoids, immediately one hand grasped the hand of Martin boot, don't want that goods of hand incredibly extra slippery, oneself just grasped, by that person broke away.

Can't help so, Martin boots in break free at the same time, the blade in the hand is still in the palm of Ye Feng's hand a row, cut a hole.

Ye Feng hand pain, immediately a jump to the back, looked at the front of Martin boots.

But I saw that Martin boot was actually a black man with black pigtails and black gloves on his arm. From his hand to his elbow, he was holding a knife on his mouth and licking the blood stains. His eyes were staring at Ye Feng.

Five feng an see is Ye Feng, originally thought dead, did not expect Ye Feng really fulfill his promise to save himself, excited tears are almost down.

Ye Feng took a look at Wu feng'an and gave him a firm look. However, just as he was distracted, Martin boots stabbed Ye Feng's neck with a knife.

Ye Feng saw that the goods looked black, and he didn't want to have a good skill. This stab was very quick. If he was someone else, he would have a blood hole in his neck.

When Martin's boots stabbed, Ye Feng immediately sidestepped to avoid it. At the same time, he suddenly put his hand on the handle of the knife. With too much force, he directly stabbed the knife away and stabbed it directly on the other arm of Martin's boots.

Martin boots don't want Ye Feng's skill also so had to, at this time immediately back a few steps, looked at Ye Feng, and then looked at his injured arm.

Ye Feng is a little curious. The knife sticks on Martin's boot's arm, but there is no blood. When Martin's boot pulls out the knife, there is no blood, and even Martin's boot's brow doesn't wrinkle.

See so, leaf maple heart bottom secret way this goods is exactly what constitution, don't have blood on the body? Or is it not going to hurt at all?

Wu Feng an reminds Ye Feng at this time, "his arms are all mechanical..."

Before Wu feng'an finished, Martin's boots suddenly turned around and cleaved toward Wu feng'an's head.

Wu feng'an's face changed greatly, and he screamed out in fright. Ye Feng rushed up quickly. He didn't want to kill Wu feng'an. In fact, he was waiting for Ye Feng to save him.

When Ye Feng rushes up, Martin's boots suddenly turn around again. In a moment, they are rowing towards Ye Feng's body.

But Ye Feng had already made preparations in his heart. He expected that Martin boots would have such a move. When he came back with the blade, he immediately grasped the hand of Martin boots holding the knife.

The moment he catches Martin's boot arm, Ye Feng knows that Wu feng'an doesn't lie. The arm of this product is very hard, and it's made of steel.

However, ye Fengsheng is surprised. He snatches the knife of Martin's boots and does not give Martin's boots any chance to breathe. Facing Martin's boots, he cuts them down for more than ten times in a row.

Martin boots immediately stepped back, actually directly with his hands to block, and Ye Feng's every knife in Martin boots arm, all issued a few clang sound.

But Ye Feng still didn't give up, and he chopped more than ten times continuously. At this time, the gloves on Martin's boot arm had been chopped by Ye Feng, and the mechanical arm inside had been exposed.It turned out that the arms of Martin's boots were all broken in half, and the lower half was completely connected by metal, while there were two wires in the place where the metal and flesh were connected, which must be connected to his body, so that he could easily control his arms with his consciousness.

Martin boots see Ye Feng stopped, immediately stepped back, looked at his steel arms, can't help but sneer a way, "a little ability, who are you in the end?"

Immediately someone said to Martin boot, "boss, he is the boy who follows Wu feng'an with Dixie..."

Martin boots smell speech brow a wrinkly, stare at Ye Feng up and down after looking for some time, this just say, "have this kind of skill absolutely not nobody, say your name!"

Ye Feng clenched his machete and sneered at Martin's boots, "you don't deserve to know!"

Martin boots face suddenly changed, immediately waving steel fists, on the attack toward Ye Feng.

Ye Feng knew that the arms of Martin's boots were metal. It was estimated that the chopper was a waste of his own strength. He immediately waved the knife in his hand, adjusted the attack target, and began to attack the upper part of his flesh and blood instead of the lower part of Martin's boot's arm.

However, when Martin's boots smashed, Ye Feng knew how insidious the goods were. Suddenly, two steel spikes appeared in his steel arm and went straight through Ye Feng's body.

Ye Feng was really surprised. He didn't expect that Martin's boots would still have a back move. He immediately put his knife back to block. However, he heard a few clangs. When the machete collided with the steel spike of Martin's boots, there was a spark.

Although Ye Feng dodges in time, he is still scratched by the steel thorn on his face. Now the pain is hot and it is estimated that he has already bled.

The steel spikes of Martin's boots instantly retracted, and he stepped back. Looking at Ye Feng in front of him, he sneered and said, "as I have said before, I am king here, and no one can turn the world around here. No matter who you are, you have to lie down for me if you are a dragon or a tiger, and you have to bow down to me if you are a tiger!"

Ye Feng sneered and wiped the wound on his face. Seeing that his hand was full of blood, he immediately said to Martin's boots, "if you can be king of anything that is neither human nor ghost, isn't there King everywhere that day?"

Without waiting for Martin boot to speak, he immediately sneered, "and I don't think you even have the courage to spare Wu feng'an. Obviously, you still have your king behind you?"

Martin boots smell speech face suddenly move, immediately toward Ye Feng rushed up, mouth said, "less nonsense, I haven't started for many years, can die here, is also your honor!"

As he spoke, the two steel spikes in his hands immediately came out again, just like two long swords. He stabbed Ye Feng's body. The action was so fast that his steel spikes were like a pear blossom rainstorm.

Ye Feng looks in the eye, a time is also repeatedly backward, but the eye is staring at Martin boots, looking for a breakthrough opportunity.

But at this time, Ye Feng had retreated to the edge of the corridor. He had no choice but to retreat. He immediately put the knife in his hand across and hardened his head. With a machete in his hand, he met the two steel spikes of Martin's boots.

Five feng an sees in the eye, at this time saw a nearby two Martin boots of person, see they also see Ye Feng and Martin boots fierce fight, see of ecstasy, didn't notice oneself at all, immediately take advantage of them unprepared, turn round to run.

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