Don't want this time, that goods immediately kick to leaf maple, while leaf maple hind legs to avoid, he is also a jump body jump to the back, the body tightly stick to the wall.

Although Ye Feng cut off the two arms of the goods, but from each other's face can not see the slightest fear, even half a silk of tension, a pair of eyes are still staring at his side.

Ye Feng feel bad, this time suddenly found that the goods actually began to split on the body, a body actually began to split from the middle, bloody looking particularly disgusting.

And the wounds on Martin's boots were slowly healing, and soon the two halves grew out of the flesh and blood.

That is to say, at this time, standing on the wall opposite Ye Feng, there are two Martin boots, which is actually TM abruptly split from a Martin boot.

What's more, the arms of the two split Martin boots, which were cut off by themselves, actually grew out again, even including their metal arms.

Ye Feng is silly. If the split body of Martin boots, including the regeneration of his flesh arm, can be explained, then his mechanical arm can be regenerated, which is a bit of nonsense. Is it a metal regeneration experiment?

That is to say, while Ye Feng is surprised, the bodies of the two Martin boots have completely recovered. They sneer at Ye Feng with one voice, "this is the difference between me and him! My body can never die. If you hurt me once, I will split once. If you hurt me countless times, I can split countless times! "

Ye Feng a listen to this words, immediately a Leng, press the words of Martin boots, theoretically oneself may be about to face is an army of Martin boots? Isn't this NIMA too much?

And at this time, but listen to the voice of five Phoenix an coming from upstairs and below, way, "brother, you see, it's coming?"

Ye Feng smell speech toward the corridor to see one eye, but see Dixi is coming up, didn't want to way five Phoenix Ann this boy really Dixi to find.

Wufengan said downstairs, "man, I won't go up. I'll wait for you outside!" Then he ran away without looking back. In nature's garb,

saw Disis as like as two peas standing on the opposite side of the leaf, and two of them were naked. They could not help but frown.

Dixie began to think, is it triplets? But they looked as like as two peas, even the arms on their arms.

Ye Feng this time toward the Dixie way, "are you ok?"

Dixie shook his head and said, "it's just a little time being entangled by a bunch of guys! And you? "

Ye Feng wry smile a way, "you see now don't know?"

At this time, Dixie frowned at the two Martin boots in front of him and asked Ye Feng, "what ghosts are these two guys?"

Ye Feng then toward Dixie Si way, "this is a guy actually!"

Martin boots didn't give Ye Feng and Dixie a chance to chat there. Two Martin boots immediately waved the steel thorn in their hands and rushed towards Ye Feng and Dixie.

Although they are one and divided, their actions are not consistent. It can be said that they can be regarded as two individuals, dealing with Ye Feng and Dixie respectively.

Ye Feng reminded a Dixi Si, be careful that the steel thorn in this guy's hand can be detached or even split.

Dixie nodded, grabbed a bench on the ground and went up to meet the enemy, but the bench in her hand was split by the steel thorn in Martin's boot hand, and the steel thorn in one hand attacked Dixie.

After all, Dixie is unarmed and has no power to fight for the time being. He can only blindly avoid dodging. For the time being, he really has nothing to do with Martin's boots.

And Ye Feng over there, with a steel knife in his hand, was barely able to cope with it. However, Ye Feng also saw that although Martin boots could be split, there was no essential difference between the combat effectiveness and before.

He soon found the opportunity to unload the two arms of Martin's boots. At present, he only knows that the combat effectiveness of Martin's boots is the steel thorn of both hands. As long as it is removed, there will be no combat effectiveness.

After Ye Feng solved one, he immediately went to help Dixie, and instantly took off the arms of Martin's boots. Dixie frowned and said, "it's just a brute force. Are you entangled now?"

But Ye Feng said with a bitter smile, "you don't know, it's not over yet!"

At the same time, he saw that the body of Martin's boots on the ground began to split again. Even when he saw that the flesh and blood of Martin's boots began to tear apart, he could not help exclaiming, "what is this?"

Ye Feng, as like as two peas, Disis, who has been guarding the two steps, "the two people who you see are exactly the same. He can split up and reproduce."

When she heard the words, she was surprised. She didn't fully understand Ye Feng's meaning. However, when she saw how Martin's boots on the ground changed from two to four, she immediately understood Ye Feng's meaning.She can't help but wonder toward Ye Feng said, "this guy's body can always be like this? Two to four, four to eight? Isn't this endless? "

Ye Feng immediately nodded to Dixie and said, "so there's no need to waste time here. Hurry up!" With that, he immediately took Dixie's hand and ran downstairs.

And the Martin boots upstairs didn't go after them. Four Martin boots stood in the same place and split up again in an instant. In a short time, they became eight, eight began to split up again, and they became sixteen.

Sixteen Martin boots immediately began to chase down the stairs, each in a group of two, and began to chase Ye Feng and Dixie.

Ye Feng and Dixie Si have already run out of the stairs. While Dixie Si is running, she asks Ye Feng, "what is that guy?"

Ye Feng shook his head and said, "I don't know. Maybe it's something new that uncle and nephew Dante Emma have developed."

As soon as she heard this, she immediately asked Ye Feng, "has it been confirmed that it has something to do with Dante Emma?"

But Ye Feng shook his head again and said, "no, I just guess, besides these two uncles and nephews, who else will do this? And I can find you? "

After hearing this, Dixie thought for a while, but didn't say a word. At this time, the two Martin boots behind him had caught up with him. Once the two Martin boots saw Ye Feng and Dixie, the other Martin boots knew immediately and began to come here one after another.

Just for a while, sixteen Martin boots had come from all directions, and immediately surrounded Ye Feng and Dixie.

Ye Feng and Dixi Si look at the Martin boots around them. They can't help but feel awe inspiring. This time they split so much. It seems that they are not ready to let them leave today.

At this time, Dixie said to Yefeng, "what should I do? These guys can't be killed at all! "

Ye Feng is also a burst of melancholy. Although the force value of these Martin boots is almost the same, he estimates that he can still fight, but he can't stand each other's constant splitting and copying. If this goes on, his physical strength will be exhausted sooner or later.

However, Ye Feng believes that everything is positive and negative. If Martin boots have his strong side, there must be weaknesses. As long as we find each other's weaknesses, it will be easy to deal with.

Dixie looked at the Martin boots around him and said to Ye Feng, "can you tell who they are?"

The leaf maple smell speech eyebrow can't help a wrinkly way, "what meaning?"

But Dixie shook his head and said, "it's meaningless. I'm just curious. I asked casually."

Ye Feng's heart is suddenly a Lin, noumenon? Dixie's words seem to remind himself that after the elimination of the noumenon, these duplicative fission bodies will disappear completely?

Think of here, Ye Feng will heart a horizontal, immediately toward Dixie way, "you still remember just that upstairs lying on the ground that guy?"

When she heard this, she frowned and said, "you mean the other nigger in clothes?"

Ye Feng nodded and said, "yes, that should be the noumenon. Now I'm dragging these guys. You can find a way to go back and destroy the body!"

Dixi Si does not understand ground looking at leaf Feng way, "what meaning?"

Ye Feng immediately said, "I don't know. I'm just trying. That corpse should be the body of these guys. If you burn that corpse, maybe you can completely solve these guys!"

When she heard the words, she couldn't help but nod her head. Then she looked at the sixteen Martin boots around her and asked, "can you handle this side?"

Ye Feng nodded to Dixie, "no problem, I'll do it later, and you'll run, no matter what else, just go for the goal!"

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