After hearing what Ye Feng said, Dixie immediately nodded. At this time, Ye Feng waved his machete and rushed out. Dixie followed Ye Feng.

All around was surrounded by Martin boots. With her bare hands, it was almost impossible for her to break through with her own ability. Only after Ye Feng broke up the formation of Martin boots, could she have the chance to run out.

Ye Feng held a machete in his hand. It was powerful and powerful. For a moment, those Martin boots couldn't get close to him. Even Ye Feng had to admire the machete made by Martin boots. He really took advantage of it.

However, Ye Feng hasn't had such a happy war since he came to eisf, especially longarsene castle. Now he is even a little excited. It's like when he was on earth performing an impossible task.

At this time, Ye Feng took advantage of the fact that the two Martin boots didn't pay attention, and immediately cut the two Martin boots into two pieces with his machete, and immediately let Dixie rush out.

At the moment when Dixie rushes out, the other Martin boots are going to chase Dixie. Ye Feng has long expected this. With a steel knife in his hand, he instantly turns them over and blocks the way of other Martin boots.

Dixie immediately ran out of the shadow, and was Ye Feng cut over a few Martin boots, immediately lying on the ground, began to split a new Martin boots, and a few also take advantage of now instant ran out, it is estimated that is to chase Dixie.

Ye Feng sees that the secret way is not good. If the weapon in Dixie's hand is entangled by Martin's boots, even though Dixie has the ability to protect himself, it will be more difficult to destroy the body of Martin's boots.

Thinking of Ye Feng also immediately running in the direction of Dixie, want to catch up with Dixie, give Dixie cut, but those Martin boots seem to see the general intention of Ye Feng, immediately swarmed up to Ye Feng.

At the same time, the rest of the injured, even if they split into new Martin boots, did not come up immediately. Instead, they continued to split in the same place. In a twinkling of an eye, they split into dozens of Martin boots. From a distance, it seemed that they were all full of Martin boots. In addition, they were all mechanical arms. They did not wear clothes. From a distance, they looked like monsters, and the people around them had already died Scared to run around and hide.

Ye Feng has a machete in his hand. He slashes it horizontally and vertically, and then puts down a few more. But Ye Feng also knows that it's not a good way to consume it. If he cuts down one by himself, he will add two, and if he cuts down ten, he will add twenty. If he goes on like this, the more Martin boots he hurts, the more new Martin boots he will have.

Even now, Ye Feng felt that he had fallen into the sea of Martin's boots. What he could not see was the black face of Martin's boots, which surrounded him with fierce spirits.

At the same time, Ye Feng also noticed that many of Martin's boots had already taken advantage of his lack of time to separate himself, and began to chase in the direction of Dixie.

Ye Feng knew that if he spent so much time, his chances of winning would be more and more slim. Even if he cut one by one, the countless Martin boots could not be cut down even if he did not move. What's more, these guys did not resist.

And at this time, suddenly there was a rumbling sound in the distance. All Martin's boots were stunned. Ye Feng could not help but be stunned. Looking at the distance, he saw a huge tank coming at the end of the road.

And a guy on Tucker is risking his head and yelling to Ye Feng, "man, I've come to save you..."

Ye Feng a listen to this words, complexion can't help but move, five feng an this kid from where get of tank? I thought that the goods had already run away, but I didn't know that I would come back to save them.

Wu feng'an drove the tank and rushed to this side at this time. He didn't know how many Martin boots he had crushed along the way. The body was crushed directly into meat.

The rest of Martin's boots fled one after another. When the tank arrived near Ye Feng, Ye Feng took advantage of the situation and climbed into the tank. After drilling in from the entrance, he said to Wu Feng an, "can you, boy? Are all the tanks coming? "

Wufeng an shrugged his shoulders toward the leaf maple. "I used to be a soldier. When I was just fleeing, I happened to be awesome at the same time. So I thought of finding someone to help me. I didn't expect my brother to call me a tank directly. I used to be a tank soldier!"

Ye Feng looked at the tank, which was bigger than he thought, but there was only a limited space in it. At most, there were only three or five people, and it might be very crowded.

Five feng an this time surprised a way, "how so many this guy?"? What is this guy? "

Ye Feng immediately said to Wu Feng, "come on, let's go back to this guy's hometown first. Besides, Dixie is over there. Many of these guys have gone after her!"

On hearing this, Wu feng'an's face moved, and immediately began to turn the direction of the tank, and began to drive towards the nest of Martin's boots. I don't know how many Martin's boots were crushed along the way.

However, the terrible thing is that Ye Feng's chopped Martin boots are nothing more than splitting one or two new ones. However, the ground is crushed into meat mud by Wu feng'an's tanks, but every meat residue is beginning to form new Martin boots.Just for a moment, there are hundreds of Martin boots in the back. Ye Feng takes a look at the situation in the monitor from the inside. He says in his heart that if we don't solve it fundamentally, this Martin boot will never die. It's crushed by NIMA and can continue to split. What can we do to stop him? I hope what I think is right.

The tank continued to drive towards the front, and Ye Feng also noticed that those Martin boots were still chasing the tank behind, and even many of them had climbed onto the tank. At this time, the tank was clattering outside. It was estimated that those Martin boots were attacking the tank with their steel spikes.

In the process of climbing, some of them were caught under the tank and turned into meat mud, but at the same time they continued to split up behind.

Ye Feng put all his hopes on Dixie's side. If he guessed correctly, there was the body of Martin's boots. As long as the body was completely destroyed, the remaining Martin's boots would die immediately.

Soon Wu feng'an said to Ye Feng, "the speed of the tank is falling!"

Ye Feng a listen to this words, can't help heart next move, again carefully looked at the video, this just heart next a Lin way, "NIMA, these don't want to die of guy!"

Wu feng'an immediately took a look at the video, but he was also dumbfounded. Unexpectedly, those Martin boots were stacked up behind the tank, one by one, and thousands of Martin boots were dragged behind the tank.

At the bottom of Martin's boots, the skin and flesh on his body have been rubbed on the concrete floor. Those guys don't worry about it at all. Anyway, they will split when they die. In other words, these guys don't regard themselves as human beings at all. They are just fighting machines, even pests. As long as they want to win, they have no fear of any sacrifice Fear, not to mention these guys will survive in a new way even if they die.

Wufengan immediately pushed the horsepower to the maximum, but the speed of the tank still couldn't be raised. Now it can be described as tortoise speed.

Seeing this, Wu feng'an was out of breath. He immediately turned the direction of the tank, stretched out the barrel, and fired a shot at Martin's boots, which were full of people.

After the sound of a gun, Martin's boot pile in the back was split in an instant, and countless broken limbs and rotten meat were flying in the air. Taking advantage of this opportunity, Wu feng'an continued to speed up while stacking guns towards the people behind.

After firing five or six guns in a row, the speed of the tank began to improve significantly. Wufeng'an immediately turned around and continued to drive forward. Soon he saw the building where Martin's boot nest was located in front of him.

Ye Feng sees this, immediately toward five feng an way, "directly drive past!"

Wu Feng an nodded, clenched his teeth, pushed the drive lever to the end, and the tank rushed towards the building of Martin's boot nest.

At this time, Ye Feng saw that many Martin boots were faster than their tanks. He had already started to rush towards the building and ran upstairs.

Ye Feng see immediately toward five feng an way, "toward the building shooting, don't let them go up!"

Wu Feng an hears a speech to startle a way, "if so, the building will collapse! Isn't Dixie in there

Ye Feng hears speech heart next move, secret way is also, at this time immediately opened the lid, toward five feng an way, "you are in the tank, drive to the corridor there to block the door, I go up to find Dixie!"

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