Ye Feng then rushed towards the building, and those Martin boots also ran towards Ye Feng. Wu Feng an immediately drove the tank, crushed the body of Martin boots all the way, and blocked the corridor of the building.

And the corpse on the ground kept splitting. After a while, the whole tank was buried in the crowd, and wufeng'an was hiding in the tank. Otherwise, so many Martin boots would have torn him to pieces.

Wu feng'an then turned the muzzle of the gun and blasted around. Martin's boots, which had been blocked in the muzzle, were immediately blasted to pieces by the laser power, but many buildings around also suffered.

At this time, Ye Feng is catching up upstairs, and the Martin boots behind him are also catching up. Ye Feng doesn't care about those guys, but runs upstairs, and soon arrives at the floor where Martin boots were.

However, as soon as Ye Feng went in, he saw that Dixie was lying on the ground. Two Martin boots were waving their steel spikes at her. Ye Feng immediately rushed to her with a knife to block the attack and pulled dixie up.

As soon as Dixie got up, he said to Ye Feng, "you must be right. They are robbing the body!"

Ye Feng smell speech heart immediately move, but see that two Martin boots behind there are two Martin boots are carrying the body of Martin boots ready to escape.

Seeing this, Ye Feng immediately waved the steel knife in his hand and rushed to the other side. The steel knife in his hand rose and fell, and the steel knife was used more and more.

Two Martin boots and Ye Feng fight a photo and it turns into a few sections. Ye Feng is also more and more brave. He feels that his physical fitness is infinite, and there is a heat rising.

Ye Feng's action is faster and faster, even beyond the limit of human beings. Martin boots can't even see how Ye Feng moves. Their bodies have been divided into two parts.

The two corpses in front of them, just seeing Ye Feng, saw that the two companions in front of them were broken into several sections. When they saw Ye Feng again, Ye Feng was already in front of them.

Before they could react, they felt a sharp pain in their body. They didn't even see how Ye Feng did it. The upper part of their body began to fall to the ground.

After Ye Feng quickly solved several Martin boots, he immediately took a look at the body of Martin boots on the ground. Then he took a look at the coming Dixie and said, "you pay attention to the situation outside, I'll destroy him!"

Having said that, Ye Feng immediately cuts the body of Martin's boots with a knife. Dixie goes to the window and takes a look at the overwhelming army of Martin's boots. He is still safe and sound. He can't help saying to Ye Feng, "it seems that physical methods can't solve the problem at all!"

Ye Feng didn't give up. After chopping a few more knives, he just rushed up a few Martin boots. It was equivalent to proving that Ye Feng's method was not feasible. Ye Feng immediately rushed to the parts of Martin boots, quickly solved the parts of Martin boots, and came back.

He carried the body of Martin's boot behind him and said to Dixie, "we must find a place where we can cremate it and cremate it!"

Dixie immediately toward Ye Feng Road, "there is an incinerator nearby, is dedicated to incinerate some garbage!"

Ye Feng a listen to this words, complexion immediately move ground looking at di Xi Si way, "do you know the road?"

Dixie si then toward leaf Feng way, "before we are not separately move of, I just pass by there see of!"

Ye Feng smell speech immediately toward Dixie way, "good, we go there, you lead the way in front of!" Then he handed the steel knife to Dixie.

But Dixie shook his head, then broke two steel thorns on the hand of a splitting Martin boot body, held them in his hand, and said to Ye Feng, "I'll just use this!"

Ye Feng nodded, and they immediately began to rush downstairs. At this time, the corridor was already full of parts of Martin's boots, and they were rushing up.

At this time, the corpse of Ye Feng carrying Martin's boots rushes in front of Dixie. After all, the machete in his hand is more lethal and destructive. After he clears the road block in front of him, Dixie uses her steel stab to mend the knife behind him.

All the way up the Martin boots were suddenly scattered by Ye Feng's deadly brute force. Wherever Ye Feng's steel knife went, all his limbs were broken. Even if he was not hurt by Ye Feng's steel knife, he was also squeezed by other Martin boots companions and fell down the corridor directly.

However, these Martin boots looked insensitive, and the death of their companions had no effect on them. They still rushed up in a swarm.

Ye Feng and Dixie were also unable to move. Half an hour later, they just went down a few floors. They saw more and more Martin boots below. If they wanted to kill them, they didn't know when to cut them.

At this time, there was a loud bang downstairs, but the downstairs corridors suddenly began to collapse, and the Martin boots on those corridors began to fall.

Ye Feng and Dixie were all moved. They immediately left the corridor and ran to the platform. As soon as they were standing, the stairs in front of them fell down completely, and the Martin boots below became a pile of people.A lot of Martin's boots were just waving wildly when they fell, directly stabbing his companions to death, or directly cutting them into two pieces, and a lot of them were directly stabbed on his companions' steel thorns when they fell.

Ye Feng then stood on the side and looked downstairs. He thought that Wu feng'an must have been surrounded by Martin's boots. He thought that he would fire casually.

Dixie this time toward leaf maple way, "now how to do?"

Ye Feng pondered for a while, immediately went to the side of the window, looking at the outside Martin boots are still rushing towards the building body, he can't help but mutter, "are crazy!"

But looking at his floor, which is the third or fourth floor, he immediately turned back and said, "look for the rope or something. Let's get down from here!"

Dixi Si smell speech immediately turn back in the corridor looking for rope and other things everywhere, and Ye Feng looked for a circle, only found a few old cables.

At this time, Dixie exclaimed, and Ye Feng immediately ran to see that there were a lot of people under the corridor, and began to climb upstairs with the sea of people tactics.

Ye Feng took a look, immediately tied the cable together, then began to throw the cable out of the window, just can drag to the ground downstairs.

Ye Feng immediately let Dixie go down, his Dixie go down, this just carrying the body of Martin boots down the cable.

As soon as they got to the ground, they found Ye Feng and Dixie, and immediately began to chase them.

Dixie immediately toward leaf maple loud way, "follow me!" Then he ran in one direction.

Seeing this, Ye Feng immediately started to follow Dixie with the body of Martin boots on his back, but the speed of Martin boots behind was not slow, and soon many rushed over and began to attack Ye Feng and Dixie.

Ye Feng directly handed the body of Martin's boots to Dixie and said, "you are familiar with the road, you take him there, I'll help you break it!"

When he saw this, he immediately carried the body of Martin's boots, but the size of Martin's boots was relatively large. After carrying it, he had some difficulty. The legs and feet of Martin's boots were almost dragged on the ground.

At this time, Ye Feng holds a steel knife behind Dixie and blocks in front of those rushing up Martin's boots. He cuts one at a time to prevent one from leaking from him.

At this time, although it was a little difficult for Dickens to carry the body of Martin's boots, he managed to drag the body of Martin's boots for a long time and soon disappeared in the street.

At this time, wufeng'an also drove a tank to rush over, rolling Martin boots on the road all the way.

Ye Feng sees that the boy is not a mortal. He wants to look back at the street and find that Dixie has already disappeared. He immediately speeds up his pace and follows him to prevent any fish on other roads from harassing Dixie.

Soon after catching up with Dixie, he saw a building not far from the ground, which was emitting black smoke into the sky. It must be the incinerator that Dixie said.

Dixie immediately rushed in with the body of Martin's boots. At this time, countless parts of Martin's boots rushed out of another street and rushed towards Dixie.

Ye Feng saw this immediately several fast steps rushed past, block in front of that group of Martin boots, fight for the last time for Dixie.

He turned to Dixie and said, "don't worry about me, you go!"

Dixie took a look at Ye Feng and immediately drew the body of Martin's boots to the cremation pool with his last strength. He pushed the body of Martin's boots in.

But Ye Feng was still waving a steel knife, ready to fight to the death, but he saw that the Martin boots rushed up one by one, and blisters began to appear on their bodies, which immediately burst out.

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