Ye Feng was also in a daze at that time. Looking at all the parts of Martin's boots, he began to fall to the ground one by one, curling up and rolling on the ground, and wailing one by one.

The sound can be described as howling all over the field. The whole area is full of such screams and groans. Looking at the body parts of Martin boots, it's obvious that all kinds of changes are beginning to take place. The muscles on the body are as if they were really burned and twisted.

At this time, Dixie also came out from the cremation pool. Seeing the situation outside, he couldn't help but look a little bit pale. Wu Fengan, who was hiding in the tank, saw from the monitor that pieces of Martin's boots were lying on the ground. He couldn't help opening the cover of the tank.

As soon as Wu feng'an poked his head out, he saw that the tank was staring at a completely impersonal Martin boot, which was twisting his body. There was a whine of sadness. Wu feng'an was really scared. He was nervous, but he hit his head directly and screamed in pain.

At this time, Ye Feng also put away his machete. Seeing the scene in front of him, he sighed. At this time, he saw that his body was already full of blood, which was the blood of Martin's boots.

At this time, Dixie walked behind Ye Feng and murmured, "this kind of scene is really rare!"

Ye Feng smell speech to turn head to see a brow tight wrinkly of Di Xi Si, immediately say, "now perhaps somewhere someone is also looking at this scene!"

Dixie looked at Ye Feng and said, "are you sure it's Dante Emma?"

Ye Feng shook his head and said, "I meant to take this guy's body and let him take me to find the person behind him, but at the critical moment, these copies came out and killed him. There was no chance at all. Now the clues are all broken!"

Dixie looked at the Martin boots around him for a while, and each of them began to shrink into a ball, as if every one were in the incinerator. Some even could see the bones, and there was a burning smell on his body.

Just in a moment, the whole army of Martin boots had turned into ashes. When a gust of wind blew by, all traces of the army of Martin boots disappeared.

Wu feng'an came over at this time. Seeing this, she couldn't help saying to Ye Feng and Dixie, "it's so terrible. I saw this situation for the first time in my life!"

In fact, it's not just Wu feng'an. It's the first time that Ye Feng and Dixie encounter this kind of situation. However, Ye Feng encountered a similar situation last time, that is, when eisf and Dante Emma met for the first time.

However, at that time, Dante Emma was only separated one by one, which is why Ye Feng thought that this incident was related to him without complete evidence.

Before Dante Emma, maybe the technology is not mature, but in Martin boots, it is almost mature technology. Thinking about Ye Feng, he still feels afraid.

Although the problem of Martin's boots was solved, even if Martin's boots were worth the force, when they appeared in groups, they were all in a mess, and they almost died in this group.

Just imagine, if so many parts are all Dante Emma's, how terrible it will be. Even Ye Feng knows clearly that he may not be able to leave alive.

Although the matter has come to an end, Ye Feng is very clear that what he is worried about will certainly appear in the near future.

What will be the scene when a whole force burst team appears in eisf, let alone himself? Even if the Federation sends out all the troops, it may face the result of the total annihilation of the army.

Ye Feng at this time looked around, then toward five Phoenix Ann and Dixie way, "also see what, go!"

Wu Feng an immediately asked Ye Feng, "where are you going? Is it going to the abandoned factory outside the city? "

The leaf maple smell speech can't help but eyebrow a wrinkly way, "go that?"

Wu feng'an said immediately, "now we are already exposed. Of course, we should strike while the iron is hot. Before the other side is completely on guard, we should drive my tank and level them at one stroke!"

Dixi si then toward five feng an way, "before really didn't discover, your killing heart unexpectedly so heavy?"

Wufeng'an shrugged his shoulders and said, "cutting grass without removing roots will bring endless trouble."

Ye Feng can't help nodding at this time and said, "Wu feng'an is right. If you cut the grass and don't remove the roots, the spring wind will blow again!"

Five feng an listen to Ye Feng so a say, immediately say, "you also agree with my opinion?"? So we're going now? "

But Ye Feng shook his head and said, "what's going on here? I'm sure I know what's going on there. I'm sure I'm ready. If we go there now, it's like throwing ourselves into the net. If we go there, we'll die!"

Wufeng an looked at Ye Feng and said, "do you agree with me?"

Ye Feng then toward five feng an way, "go or want to go, but not now, also not so go!"

Wu Feng an can't help looking at Ye Feng in surprise and said, "how can I get there?"

Ye Feng then toward five feng an way, "go back to say again first!"Wu Feng an said, "when we go back, what can we do while the iron is hot?"

"We're going now. Everyone knows. What are we going to do? If you want to go, you have to wait for a time when the other party won't think we're going! "

Ye Feng has left the scene at this time, and Dixie immediately follows Ye Feng.

Wu Feng an took a look at them, and then he followed them helplessly. He said to Ye Feng and Dixie, "if you don't go, I'll give Tucker back?"

See Ye Feng waved his hand, it was helpless to drive the tank in the past, the tank back to his friends.

When the three returned to wufeng'an's house, they found that wufeng'an's house was in a mess, and the things inside were turned upside down, which was just ugly.

Wu feng'an is even more itchy and says, "it must be the good things that those guys have done. They have started to do it now. What should we do?"

Ye Feng after a while pondering, toward five feng an way, "you live here is not safe, come with me!"

After that, Ye Feng and Dixie take Wu feng'an back to their apartment. Wu feng'an sees the decoration of the apartment and thinks about the environment he lived in before. He can't help saying, "it's really good here!"

Ye Feng then toward five feng an way, "you are very dangerous now, you know?"

Five feng an but toward leaf Feng way, "elder brother, have you in, I am not afraid of danger!" Then he immediately said to Dixie, "by the way, this guy is definitely not simple. In especial lunarsenburg, he can't be a nobody. Why don't I know him?"

Dixi Si smell speech a shrug way, "say out you also won't know, long arsenic Fort so big, how can you possibly all know?"

Wu Feng an took a look at Ye Feng and said, "no wonder the president wants to recruit you to be his son-in-law. It turns out that he already knows you are not simple!"

Ye Feng did not answer Wu Feng an's words, but asked Wu Feng an, "what are your plans now?"

Wu Feng an can't help but frown and say, "what's your plan? Isn't it waiting for you to find those guys?"

But Ye Feng said to Wu Feng, "don't say I'm not sure when we're going, and even if we're going, we don't plan to take you!"

On hearing this, Wu feng'an immediately stood up and said, "Damn, isn't it?"

But Dixie said to Wu Feng, "if we meet the situation like today again, it will be very difficult for us to protect ourselves. We can't protect you then!"

Wufengan immediately said, "I can continue to borrow tanks with my friends and crush them all the way..."

Without waiting for Wu Feng an to say, "the tank is not invincible. If the other side targets you, you may not be able to drive 10 meters, and then you will be destroyed. What can you do without the tank?"

Wu feng'an couldn't say a word from Ye Feng. After staring at Ye Feng for a long time, she sighed, "what you said is the same. I'll be your burden if I go!"

Dixi si then toward five feng an way, "calculate you still have a little self-knowledge!"

Ye Feng said to Wu feng'an, "so you have to think about what you're going to do next!"

After pondering for a long time, Wu feng'an shook his head and said, "I don't know. It's a day to muddle around."

Ye Feng and Dixi looked at each other and said to Wu Feng, "if you don't want to give up, join us!"

Five feng an on hearing this words, immediately came spirit, "that sentiment is good!"

Dixie reminds Wu Feng an, "we are an anti federal organization. You have to think it over."

On hearing this, Wu feng'an's face suddenly changed and looked at Dixie and Ye Feng, "are you an anti federal organization?" Then he looked at Ye Feng in surprise and said, "no, aren't you the president's son-in-law to be?"

Finish saying to see Ye Feng and di Xi Si all look at oneself, also don't speak, in the heart suddenly move a way, "if I refuse, but know your bottom information again, you are already ready, didn't plan to let me leave?"

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