Ye Feng and Dixi shrugged and laughed, but no one said anything, but no one said anything. In fact, Ye Feng didn't make such a decision at the beginning, but after getting along with Wu feng'an, they found that the boy was not bad, so they moved the heart of solicitation.

But Ye Feng is most happy with Dixie. Since she and Wu feng'an say that they are anti-government forces, what does that mean? This shows that Dixie has given up the idea of returning to earth, at least the current situation does not allow her to do so, she has to give up.

Seeing Ye Feng and Dixie smile so mysteriously, Wu feng'an mumbles, "it seems that I am in your way. I even doubt whether this is your conspiracy, and the purpose is to let me in!"

Dixie then white one eye five feng an way, "you think you are what indispensable talented person, return to join in the conspiracy of the gang?"? Is the scene and the price a little too high? "

Wu feng'an felt her head and giggled for a moment. Then she said, "yes, it's very easy for me to join the gang. I don't care whether you support the federation or oppose the government. It doesn't make any difference to me. I just need to know that you want to invite me to join, which shows that I'm still useful and not useless!"

Ye Feng and Dixi Si haven't said anything yet. At this time, the door of the apartment opens, and a Nan and Yueying Wuxiu just come back together. When they see Ye Feng and Dixi Si, they can't help but move.

After all, Dixie left here to act alone, did not expect that this time will be in the apartment, and there is a strange man, the most important thing is that three people are bloodstained.

They were surprised to see Ye Feng, Dixie and Wu feng'an. Ah Nan immediately asked, "what's the matter with you?"

The moon shadow without sleeve is also frowning, "are you from the dye factory?"

Ye Feng and Dixi did not speak. Wu feng'an immediately stood up and waved to a Nan and Yueying, saying, "Hi, two beauties, Hello, I'm Wu feng'an. Please take care of me in the future!"

A Nan and Yueying can't help but take a look at wufengan. Yueying frowns and says, "take care of it more in the future? What do you mean

Wu Feng an immediately said with a smile, "we will be colleagues in the future No, it's a partner. Well, it's not accurate In a word, we will be our own people in the future. I'm new here. Of course, I'll ask two beauties to take care of me! "

Ah Nan looked at Ye Feng and said, "what's the matter?"

Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders and talked about today's situation with a-nan and moon shadow, but he didn't say that this is probably a new ace parallel to time and space. He just said that someone used the technology of returning to the earth to cheat Dixie. He and Dixie and wufengan went to the other's nest together.

Wu feng'an also added fuel from time to time, telling the heroic story of how powerful Martin boots were, how they would split into new parts, how they fought with Ye Feng and Dixie, and finally solved hundreds or even tens of thousands of Martin boots.

A Nan and Yue Ying are also surprised. Although they feel that Wu feng'an's tone of speaking is exaggerated, they don't refute Wu feng'an either. Although the process may be exaggerated, the process must be extremely dangerous.

Ah Nan looked at Ye Feng at this time and said, "is there anyone who can split and reproduce a new person infinitely?"

Moon shadow without sleeve immediately said, "it seems that Dante Emma used this move at the beginning, but it's not so exaggerated!"

Ye Feng nodded and said, "so I suspect Dante Emma is the one behind that guy! It's just that there's no evidence yet! "

Yueying asked Ye Feng, "what about the factory outside the city? Have you been there?"

Without waiting for Ye Feng to speak, Wu feng'an immediately said, "I said that I wanted to strike while the iron is hot. I went to have a look, but they didn't agree!"

A Nan said at this time, "it's right not to go there. It's impossible to make such a big noise in the suburbs. There's no way that you don't know anything, and you've already taken precautions. Even if there's no people there, it's a vain trip!"

Five feng an listen to a Nan so say, can't help nodding, feel reasonable also didn't speak again!

Ye Feng this time toward a Nan way, "don't say we, you, you there what situation?"

Ah Nan shook her head with a slight sigh and said, "it seems that I was too confident in myself before. Gu zhaohuide didn't give me a chance at all!"

At this time, the moon shadow immediately said, "don't worry about Gu zhaohuide. He is old and dazzled! He doesn't want you. It's his loss. I think it's good to stay here and stick to the base camp with me

Ah Nan shrugged her shoulders at this time and said, "now even if I don't want to stay and stick to the base camp with you, I can't! Where else can I go without me in the Institute of science and technology? "

Ye Feng said to a Nan at this time, "the moon shadow is right. Don't deny yourself just because you don't want to be there!"The moon shadow has no sleeve at this time looked at how did not speak Dixie, then asked, "you are outside so long, what have you found?"

Dixie took a look at the shadow of the moon. She shook her head and said nothing.

The moon shadow has no sleeve brow can't help wrinkling a way, "so long what didn't check?"

Ye Feng knew that the moon shadow had no sleeves and didn't want to talk. He immediately turned away from the topic and said, "needless to say, now people will come back!"

Just then, there was a knock outside the door. A Nan frowned and looked at the electronic display screen. She couldn't help looking back at Ye Feng and said, "it's Zhu Sanjia!"

Ye Feng's heart moved, and immediately motioned to a nan to open the door. As soon as he opened the door, Zhu Sanjia came in, followed by several people, one of whom was a cat faced man.

As soon as Zhu Sanjia entered the door, he took a look at Ye Feng and other people, and then said to the other two men, "just wait outside the door, don't come in!"

After waiting for those two people to go out, Zhu Sanjia walked toward Ye Feng and said, "are you going to the suburbs today?"

Ye Feng nodded and frowned, "are you coming this time? Is it for this? "

Zhu Sanjia immediately said, "you're making too much noise there. It's like demolition, and even tanks have passed by. Let me come to investigate!"

Then he immediately said to Ye Feng, "what do you want to say? I'll record it symbolically. If it's inconvenient to say, you can't say it! But it's better to be able to contact back and forth, which makes sense! "

Ye Feng listen to Zhu Sanjia so a say, can't help but eyebrow a wrinkly way, "there is not three regardless of the zone, you security bureau also want to tube?"

Zhu Sanjia immediately said, "originally, things in that place were not in the charge of our security bureau, but someone went there to provide clues, so we had to come out to investigate. I asked someone to go nearby to find the video of the accident time, and I saw you in the video, so I came here!"

At this time, the moon shadow said to Zhu Sanjia, "can't the video be destroyed?"

However, Zhu Sanjia shook his head and said, "they report through regular channels. The video has been used as evidence. If it is destroyed, it will bring a lot of trouble!"

Said to pause for a while, then looked at Ye Feng way, "and I saw the video, you should be in that encounter attack, video also did not disadvantageous to you, so there is no need to destroy!"

In the end, Zhu Sanjia said, "besides, what we want to investigate is those people who are fighting with you. I see in the video that these guys all look the same, and they will regenerate even after they die. If there are such dangerous people in the longarsene fort area, it will have an impact on the security work of longarsene Fort!"

Ye Feng listened to Zhu Sanjia and nodded, "now the conference of Han Ding palace will be held soon. Whether you can sit in the position of director of Security Bureau smoothly is closely related to this matter! If you can solve this problem, it will undoubtedly be your political capital! "

Zhu Sanjia listened to Ye Feng's words and immediately said with a smile, "there are these interests involved in them, but most of all, I'm still worried about you. If there are such people pestering you, it may not be a good thing. This time you will win, but next time? What if they come back? "

Ye Feng heard Zhu Sanjia say so, and then asked Zhu Sanjia, "if this matter is big, what action will the Federation take?"

Zhu Sanjia immediately said, "this matter has not been reported, so I come to ask first, what is the matter, after asking clearly, we can see whether this matter should be reported, how to report, which can be reported, which can not be reported, we have to discuss with you."

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