Ye Feng understands what Zhu Sanjia means by saying this. He wants to tell himself that although he is ordered to investigate, he is still his own person. In any case, he takes Ye Feng's interests as the standard to measure the event.

Before, a Nan thought that Zhu Sanjia's character had problems, and Ye Feng also thought so. But now, before Zhu Sanjia maximizes his own interests, Ye Feng believes that he is still loyal.

Thinking of this, Ye Feng nodded and said to Zhu Sanjia, "it's not surprising that the Federation will pay attention to this matter. After all, one person can divide and copy infinitely. If this technology is used in military, then the whole Federation will be in danger, or even be destroyed by one person!"

Zhu Sanjia listened to Ye Feng's words and nodded his head and said, "Mr. Ye is right. If this matter had not attracted the attention of the above, I would not have come here in person. Although I am the acting director now, I am not the director after all. There are still many eyes staring at me on many things!"

Said here, can't help looking at Ye Feng, continue to say, "Mr. Ye also don't want me to take the security bureau director this position?"

Ye Feng immediately nodded and said, "of course, in this matter, our interests are the same for the public and the private. You can rest assured that we will fully support your work!"

As soon as Zhu Sanjia heard this, he immediately nodded with a smile. "Naturally, I totally believe in Mr. Ye. I'm Mr. Ye's person. Whether I'm the head of the Security Bureau, the acting director, or the director in the future, I'm Mr. Ye's person from beginning to end. This will never change!"

Without waiting for Ye Feng to speak, a Nan said to Zhu Sanjia, "you may not know that for the sake of your position as the director of the Security Bureau, he has secretly worried a lot and is still thinking of funding you to find Qin Feng!"

As soon as Zhu Sanjia heard this, his face suddenly moved and said, "I only know that Mr. Ye has been in the cabinet now, and he has come to visit for a long time, but as we all know, there are too many people staring at the security bureau now, and Mr. Ye has just gone to the cabinet, so I don't want to add unnecessary trouble to Ye Xiansheng, so I haven't come to see Mr. Ye all the time. Don't you, Mr. Ye I'll see what's wrong! "

Then he immediately said to Ye Feng, "as for Qin Feng, Mr. Ye doesn't have to worry about me. He doesn't need gifts. I have my own way! What's more, Qin Feng can't be solved by money! "

Ye Feng could not help frowning and said, "it's to solve the problem by means of surrender."

when Zhu Sanjia heard this, he suddenly said, "Mr. Ye, don't say that. You are in the cabinet now. You should know that the old men in the cabinet are all like this. The low-level people value the immediate interests. They just want to be greedy for some money and get some benefits, but Qin's not good A person of Feng's level doesn't look up to these. What he needs is a personal relationship. If I don't surrender to him, there are many people who can be the director of the Security Bureau. Why does he have to support me? "

Ye Feng said with a smile to Zhu Sanjia, "I have no other meaning. That's what I said. Don't take it to heart!"

Zhu Sanjia quickly said, "no, no, Mr. Ye can understand me, that's the best. I absolutely believe Mr. Ye, but there's one thing I want to talk about with Mr. Ye! In order to avoid any misunderstanding in the future! "

Ye Feng then said with a smile, "you don't say, let me guess what you want to say to me!"

Zhu Sanjia heard this, his face moved, "Mr. Ye, can you guess what I want to say?"

Ye Feng immediately said, "you want to tell me that your goal is not as simple as the director of the Security Bureau. In the future, you will make use of all the available connections around you to climb up. However, no matter where you climb, you will always be my person and only focus on me. So you want me to know what officials you are with, or even have a relationship with me People who are suspicious are in contact, so I don't want to be too attentive... "

Zhu Sanjia's face suddenly changed when he heard what Ye Feng said. The more he listened to what Ye Feng said later, the more dignified his face was. His expression was telling Ye Feng that Ye Feng's guess was not wrong at all.

Ye Feng said here, can't help looking at Zhu Sanjia, a smile way, "don't know I guess right or wrong!"

Zhu Sanjia immediately stood up and said to Ye Feng, "Mr. Ye, you are such a clever man. You seem to know everything I think. I can't hide anything from you To tell you the truth, I'm scared by you! "

At this time, Ye Feng waved his hand and motioned to Zhu Sanjia to sit down. Then he said to Zhu Sanjia, "you can rest assured that I always use people without doubt. In fact, as long as you have me in your heart and are organized, no matter what you do or make any decision, you will never be right or wrong. You may not know much about me. I see people and things, only the results I don't care too much about the process, so you don't have to worry about it! "

Zhu Sanjia immediately nodded to Ye Feng and said, "understand, understand, there will never be such doubts again!"

Then he immediately said to Ye Feng, "what happened today, Mr. Ye..."

Ye Feng immediately said, "in fact, it's very simple. They asked us to go there, so I went to have a look. I thought there was such a trap there. As for who those people were, I don't know. And I also want to know. If there is any clue from the Security Bureau, you must tell me!"Zhu Sanjia immediately nodded, "this is no problem, if the other party is aimed at Mr. Ye, our security bureau has the obligation to do the same!" Then he said, "let's make a record according to what Mr. Ye said."

Ye Feng nods when hearing the speech. Zhu Sanjia immediately calls in two colleagues from outside and begins to record a confession for Ye Feng. Of course, it's just a form of walking according to Ye Feng's story.

Wu feng'an stood aside and said in a low voice, "what kind of organization is this? I'm curious! "

A Nan then toward five feng an way, "you don't need to be curious, you just came, wait for a long time to know!"

Wu Feng an immediately nodded after hearing the speech. After Ye Feng finished recording the confession, he and Dixie also made a confession in the past. Of course, the confession was well coordinated, and the three confessions could be linked without any mistakes.

After the three confessions were recorded, Zhu Sanjia stood up and said to Ye Feng, "that's nothing else. Mr. Ye, we'll go first!"

Ye Feng nodded, then looked at the cat faced man who had not spoken after entering the door, and asked Zhu Sanjia, "how is it? Can he still help? "

Zhu Sanjia took a look at the cat faced man and immediately said with a smile to Ye Feng, "of course, he's very capable. After my affairs are stable, he can be the leader of a group..."

But Ye Feng said, "if you take advantage of it, leave it with you. He can't deal with other things, but he can help you solve many things you don't want to do and can't do!"

Zhu Sanjia smell speech heart next move, naturally understand Ye Feng's meaning, he is to cat face people always follow himself, but although he knows Ye Feng's meaning, but also can't face to face, can only smile, "that's OK!"

Ye Feng took a look at the cat's face and said, "for Director Zhu, be smart!"

The cat face man just nodded, and then looked at a Nan. Seeing that a Nan was saying this to Wu feng'an, he didn't look at him. Then he sighed and followed Zhu Sanjia to leave here.

After Zhu Sanjia and the cat face people left, Wu feng'an said to Ye Feng, "the Federation knows about this now. Is there any trouble?"

Ye Feng immediately looked at Wu Feng an and said, "if there is any trouble, it's also your trouble!"

Wufeng an looked at Ye Feng and said, "why is it my trouble?"

Ye Feng then Dynasty five feng an way, "your identity didn't make cover up, really want to check up of words, certainly can check your past, so come of words, you can't stay here in me!"

Five feng an on hearing this words, complexion immediately move a way, "you don't plan to want me?"

Ye Feng then toward five feng an a shrug a way, "if really don't want you, how do you plan to do?"

Wu Feng an looked at Ye Feng and said, "I'll go. If you don't want me, and I know so many things about you, I'm not dead? What else are you going to do? Wait to die

But Ye Feng said with a smile to Wu feng'an, "don't worry, I've prevaricated you in Zhu Sanjia's side. No one will stare at you to check!"

Five feng an on hearing this words, immediately relaxed an air way, "scared to death me!"

But Ye Feng looked at Wu Feng an in surprise and said, "are you afraid that others will check your past?"

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