Listen to Ye Feng say so, Fei Wuliang is a while pondering, for a long time also didn't speak, after a long time, this just nodded to Ye Feng and said, "you let me think about it, wait until I think about it clearly!"

Ye Feng listened to Fei Wuliang say so, also have no much words, immediately stand up, toward Fei Wuliang nodded, this just turned to leave the office.

Just out of the office, guterska came in from the door of the office hall. Ye Feng immediately walked over and patted him on the shoulder.

Guterska saw that it was Ye Feng, and immediately said to Ye Feng, "brother ye, are you so early today?"

But Ye Feng shrugged and said to guterska, "it shouldn't be me early, but you are late today?"

Guterska then said, "Oh, today, I'm late because I got a call from the clerk last night asking me to come in and get something before I go to work."

Ye Feng smell speech eyebrow can't help but a wrinkly looking at Gu teska, "what thing, also want you specially to take?"

Guterska immediately took out a kraft paper bag from the bag and shrugged to Ye Feng, "here, this is it. I don't know what it is!" Then he said to Ye Feng, "I'll send it to the Secretary first. I'll come out and talk again!"

Ye Feng nodded to guterska and said, "go!"

Looking at guterska walking toward Fei Wuliang's office, Ye Feng sits at his desk.

At this time, a clerk came over, offered Ye Feng a cup of coffee and said, "brother ye, this is my new coffee. Try it!"

Ye Feng can't help frowning at the man in front of him when he hears the speech. However, he sees that his clothes are servile and staring at him. He just thinks that he looks familiar. He should be a clerk in this department, but he can't name him at all.

Ye Feng looks at this person's expression to know that this guy must know his way, so he came to flatter himself.

Thinking of Ye Feng toward the humanity, "I'm sorry, I don't like coffee. Drink it yourself!"

That person listens to Ye Feng to say so, immediately a face is not interesting to take coffee to walk away, but he just left, someone came to pass snacks and so on, but all by Ye Feng declined one by one.

When guterska comes out, Ye Feng immediately gets up and asks guterska where to go today, and then leaves the office with guterska.

Those people saw that Ye Feng had a good relationship with guterska in the whole office, or he was close to the director, and could not talk with them at all. They could not help shaking their heads and sighing.

After going out with guterska and coming back, Fei Wuliang immediately called Ye Feng to the office. Without waiting for Ye Feng to close the door, he immediately said to Ye Feng, "I just contacted him. It should be feasible, but I'm not sure what it is, but I'm sure it will give Zhu Sanjia some benefits!"

Ye Feng closed the door and sat on the opposite side of Fei Wuliang. Then he said to Fei Wuliang, "what's the advantage? Not sure yet? Do it! You don't just want me to help you run errands, do you

Fei Wuliang sighed, then stood up and handed Ye Feng a flue. "It's impossible. After all, it's the president behind you. You come forward to say that he may look at your face and feel aggrieved. Maybe he hopes to pull up this relationship with you."

Ye Feng lit a cigarette, but squinted at Fei Wuliang and said, "that is to say, the people behind you want to use the relationship behind me to force Zhu Sanjia to agree to such harsh conditions?"

Said did not wait for the fee to have no quantity to speak, the leaf maple immediately said, "he this wishful thinking abacus also hit too loud?"

When Fei Wuliang was about to say something, Ye Feng immediately said, "secretary, if you ask me to do anything, I won't have a problem. But if you want to use the relationship of the president behind me to force Zhu Sanjia to promise these things, I can't do it, and I will never go!"

Listen to Ye Feng say so, fee limitless can't help but frown a way, "Ye Feng, you this face all refuse to sell?"

Ye Feng immediately looked at Fei Wuliang and said, "secretary, as I said just now, it's not a problem for you to ask me to help you with anything, but it's obvious that your boss wants to use the relationship of your Excellency the president to pressure or lure Zhu Sanjia to do it. People will be scolded for doing it. I can't do this kind of thing, and I advise you not to do it either!"

Fei Wuliang listens to Ye Feng say so, immediately is a burst of ponder, after thinking for a long time, this just toward Ye Feng way, "you didn't go to Zhu Sanjia, how do you know he will not agree?"

Ye Feng shrugged, then stood up, put out the cigarette, and said to Fei Wuliang, "if you think he will agree, you go to him in person, anyway, I won't go!"

Fei Wuliang immediately said to Ye Feng, "wait a minute. Don't worry. Then what do you want to do before you go?"

Ye Feng didn't say a word. Fei Wuliang saw this and said to Ye Feng immediately, "just think you're in my face, OK?"

Ye Feng smell speech this just toward fee limitless way, "want me to go to him can, your boss must make out accurate condition come, don't draw empty check, and I went, I also dare not guarantee certainly line!"Fei Wuliang immediately nodded and said, "OK, I'll get in touch with them and see what they can offer!"

Ye Feng immediately said, "I hope they can show a little sincerity. If they don't have sincerity, don't open their mouth, so as not to embarrass everyone!"

Fei Wuliang nods, and Ye Feng leaves the office immediately. Guterska comes and asks Ye Feng, "what are you looking for?"

Ye Feng sneered, "if you want me to pick up the red brick, I'm not so stupid!"

Guterska is confused, so after a while, Fei Wuliang calls Ye Feng into the office again.

People in the hall began to talk about it. Today, the Secretary kept looking for Ye Feng. Is there anything important?

After Ye Feng entered Fei Wuliang's office, Fei Wuliang asked Ye Feng to sit down first this time. Then he said to Ye Feng, "I just asked, if Zhu Sanjia is interested in entering the cabinet, this can be arranged!"

After hearing this, Ye Feng frowned and said, "entering the cabinet requires contacts. Zhu Sanjia should have no background. After coming in, he is nothing more than the second guterska. Everyone is thinking about him and leaves quickly?"

Fei Wuliang said to Ye Feng, "but the reality is that guterska didn't leave, did he?"

Ye Feng said to Fei Wuliang, "guterska is lucky. If I help him speak, Zhu Sanjia may not have this luck!"

Fei Wuliang frowned at Ye Feng and said, "don't refuse. Ask Zhu Sanjia. After all, you are not Zhu Sanjia. You may not know what he really wants."

Listening to Fei Wuliang's words, Ye Feng can't help but say to Fei Wuliang, "up to now, I won't hide from you. I can make decisions about Zhu Sanjia's affairs."

Fei Wuliang listens to this, can't help but look at Ye Feng in surprise and says, "you can make the decision? What's your relationship with Zhu Sanjia? "

Ye Feng then Chao Fei Wuliang way, "say so, he is my person!"

Fei Wuliang listens to Ye Feng's words. He can't help staring at Ye Feng for a long time. Then he says with a smile, "after a long time of emotional talk, you are fighting for your own interests!"

But Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders to Fei Wuliang and said, "it's OK to do this, isn't it?"

Fei Wuliang immediately said, "of course, there is no problem, but it should be enough! Let's take it when it's good! "

Ye Feng said to Fei Wuliang, "it's not the time to take it when it's good. It means to take it when it's good. But I haven't seen it at all. How do you want me to take it?"

Fei Wuliang didn't speak yet. Ye Feng immediately said, "originally, Zhu Sanjia was the director of the Security Bureau. That is to say, my interpersonal relationship in the Security Bureau was stable, but the boss behind you also focused on this position, which was equivalent to taking away all my benefits, but I couldn't get anything!"

Fei Wuliang listens to Ye Feng's words and stares at Ye Feng immediately. "So, do you have interpersonal relationship with Qin Feng? If not, why does Qin Feng help you? "

Ye Feng said with a smile to Fei Wuliang, "I'm not familiar with Qin Feng at all, but people who are not familiar with Qin Feng may not be able to use them for themselves. The prerequisite is what good I can give him! In other words, I'm not your boss's contact behind you, and I can also use it for him. But the same question is, what benefits can he give me? In espresso, especially in lonarsburg, benefits are the most realistic criteria that can be used to measure everything, don't you think? "

Listen to Ye Feng say so, Fei Wuliang a while pondering staring at Ye Feng looked for a long time, this just nodded and said, "yes, interest is the criterion to measure everything!"

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