Fei Wuliang looks at Ye Feng, and then ponders for a long time. Then he says to Ye Feng, "I understand. You are obviously the strategy of spreading the net. Zhu Sanjia is your man. You let him go to Qinfeng to pay homage to the mountain and draw close to his relationship with Qinfeng. Later, this relationship may evolve into your relationship with Qinfeng!"

Ye Feng can't help laughing at Fei Wuliang's words. Fei Wuliang has been working in the cabinet for so many years. He can see through the relationship between people and the inner thoughts of some people.

Thinking of Ye Feng, Fei Wuliang said with a smile, "I don't deny what you said!"

Fei Wuliang then frowned at Ye Feng and said, "but you want to expand Qin Feng's route, don't you want to expand me Or is it my boss's route behind me? Maybe his ability is no less than Qin Feng's, or even more than Qin Feng's? "

But Ye Feng said with a smile to Fei Wuliang, "as a whole, who else can surpass the president?"

Fei Wuliang can't help frowning at Ye Feng, but he doesn't say anything. Ye Feng's words are very obvious. Now he has the strongest contacts. No matter how strong his boss is, he can't surpass president Qiao Huiying.

But Ye Feng said at this time, "there is an essential difference between my expanding interpersonal relationship and your expanding interpersonal relationship. I don't look at the ability or the depth of the interpersonal relationship. I only look at one point, that is, what benefits can this interpersonal relationship bring to me if I meet him!"

Speaking of this, Ye Feng pause for a moment, and then continued, "Qin Feng side, other dare not say, at least can ensure that Zhu Sanjia sit firmly in the position of security bureau director, so I will do it!"

Fei Wuliang this time but toward leaf maple cold hum a way, "sit down?"? I don't think so. My boss hasn't worked hard yet. How can he say "sit still?"

But Ye Feng said to Fei Wuliang, "if your boss doesn't work hard, it's also the result of his own profit gain and loss calculation. If he can work hard, dare to work hard, he won't let you come to ask me for help for such a position!"

Fei Wuliang listens to Ye Feng's words and says with a sneer, "so you will refuse me? In other words, you are more rare in Qin Feng's network, and think that his side can give you benefits. The reason why you are not rare in our side is that we have no benefits for you? "

But Ye Feng said to Fei Wuliang, "if I were a secretary, I would not ask like this!"

Fei Wuliang then stared at Ye Feng for a long time, then sighed, "forget it, I don't want to ask about it, I don't want to care about it, I know you are the president behind you, so in fact, you don't pay attention to me, and it's useless to talk to you more!"

Ye Feng took a look at Fei Wuliang and then said, "secretary, in fact, you don't have to say that. I know if I don't help you, I won't give you face. But for me, as a director of the Security Bureau, the layout will have a significant impact. I still say that, I only look at the interests, if the boss behind you can find one who can hold a relationship with the director of the Security Bureau I'm afraid I can also consider the position of Heng! "

Speaking of this, see fee limitless want to speak, immediately interrupted, "secretary, you listen to me first!"

Then he lit a cigarette, looked at Fei Wuliang and said, "I hope you can think about this problem from my point of view. If you are me, and the boss behind me is insincere, you want to force you to give up a position you must have, just to sell me face. You don't mention any benefits, but maybe for this reason Will you be willing to take a big loss? "

Fei Wuliang took out a cigarette to light it after hearing what Ye Feng said. He took a look at Ye Feng and took a deep breath. Then he nodded and said, "you're right. I shouldn't sell my face to you. My face is not so big that others can give up their vested interests for me. I think it's too much!"

Speaking of this, see Ye Feng want to explain what, immediately waved his hand way, "you don't want to talk, listen to me!"

After smoking a cigarette, he continued to say to Ye Feng, "what I'm saying is not angry words, nor do I want to force you. I really figured it out. If I were you, I might No, I'm sure I won't agree. I've been in the cabinet for such a long time in vain, but I don't even look at this. It's ridiculous to say that I haven't seen it as well as you, who have just been in the cabinet for a few days. What a waste of time! "

Hearing this, Ye Feng immediately said to Fei Wuliang, "if you can understand, it's best. In fact, this matter is not without a solution!" Then he looked at Fei Wuliang and said, "you arrange for me to meet the boss behind you. I'll tell him in person."

Fei Wuliang listens to Ye Feng's words, and immediately looks at Ye Feng in silence. He hasn't spoken for a long time.

Ye Feng seemed to see Fei Wuliang's worry, and immediately added, "you don't have to worry about the secretary. Your contacts are always your contacts. To tell you the truth, the boss behind you is so unskillful. I don't want to develop this network at all!"

Fei Wuliang doesn't deny Ye Feng's view of himself. In fact, some things are open, but there are not so many twists and turns. Everything is clear at a glance, and the clear one is better.Fei Wuliang thought of Chao Yefeng and said, "since you don't want to develop this network, you don't need to pay attention to it, so why do you want to see him?"

Ye Feng shrugged at Fei Wuliang and said, "secretary, I think although we haven't known each other for a long time, we should be able to become the kind of relationship that we don't need to worry about before we speak, what we can say and what we can't say, so I'm talking with you based on this principle today, so I don't want to hide it from you!"

Speaking of this, Ye Feng slowly smoked a cigarette and continued to say to Fei Wuliang, "I'm willing to see him. It's to sell your face completely. In fact, the position of director of security bureau is the most attractive and stable for me at present. There's no need for me to go out of my way to help Zhu Sanjia fight for a position that I didn't even think of. Besides, Zhu Sanjia is in the security department The bureau is no longer young. It can be said that it is his root. To put him in that position is to do his duty and change to another position. Even if the potential development space and prospect are better than that of the director of the Security Bureau, it may not be a good thing for Zhu Sanjia! "

Speaking of this, Ye Feng paused for a moment, took a look at Fei Wuliang, and then continued, "I could have refused it directly, or I would have refused it if anyone came to talk to me about it. The reason why I have been asking for it is not what I want to ask for, but just to give you face. After all, I feel in my heart that the secretary is a person who can be paid My friend

Ye Feng took a puff and continued, "that's why I decided to meet the boss behind you. But I'm afraid that if I ask, the boss behind you thinks I want to climb his high branch! On the contrary, if you love me and ignore me, I'll just find my own fault! "

Fei Wuliang, listening to Ye Feng's words, immediately looked at Ye Feng. After a long time, he sighed, "you can say that. I know you are my friend. I thank you for giving me face. But now your words make me feel that I'm taking advantage of you. I don't think it's necessary to see you now I feel that the position of the director of security is very important to you, and I don't want to give up in my heart, so let's take it as if I didn't say what I said today

Ye Feng smell speech but immediately said, "true friend, don't refuse, I know you behind the boss forced you to do this thing, if you do not do it properly, it will affect you a lot, if this thing I don't know, then it's just, now I already know, as your friend, if I pretend not to know, I can't do it!"

Speaking of this, he immediately said, "but you want me to do nothing for your face, and it's impossible. What I can guarantee is that when the sincerity of the boss behind you is the greatest, I will show my sincerity, but if he doesn't have sincerity, I can't be a fool."

Fei Wuliang listened to Ye Feng's words. He had nothing to say. He could only nod his head and say, "OK, I'll make an appointment for you, but now I'm not sure if he will promise to meet you! I can only promise to have a try! "

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