Listening to Fei Wuliang's words, Ye Feng suddenly shrugged his shoulders and said, "I can't talk about interest, but I always hear someone mention him, which makes him seem like a legend. All of them are a little curious!"

Fei Wuliang sighed and then lit a cigarette, nodded to Ye Feng, motioned him to sit down, handed Ye Feng a cigarette and helped him light it.

After waiting for Fei Wuliang to smoke a cigarette, he said to Ye Feng, "it's not that he's like a legend. He's a legend himself!"

Listening to Fei Wuliang's words, Ye Feng couldn't help staring at Fei Wuliang and said, "do you know Satan?"

Fei Wuliang then said with a smile to Ye Feng, "who doesn't know such a long arsenic castle, or even the legend of eisf? It's just that I know him and he doesn't know me! "

Speaking of this, Fei Wuliang took a deep puff of his cigarette and continued to say to Ye Feng, "but in the end, I really have an affinity with him!"

Ye Feng smokes a cigarette and looks at Fei Wuliang and his eyes. It seems that he has gone back to the scene of meeting Satan in the past.

Fei Wuliang took a deep breath. Then he looked at Ye Feng and said, "in fact, what he did in those years is not so bad. It's just because of his different political positions. He thinks that the existing system has serious defects and wants to reshape the Federation of eisf, but he finally fails and his whereabouts are unknown."

Speaking of this, Fei Wuliang looked at Ye Feng and said, "in a word, he is a legend. In the years after his disappearance, although few people talked about him again, I believe many people can't forget him. He is a legend!"

Ye Feng looked at Fei Wuliang and said, "tell me about your friendship with him."

Fei Wuliang couldn't help laughing and took a puff of the flue. "In fact, it's nothing. I was just a newspaper reporter, and I just started my career. Once I was ordered by our boss to interview a senior official of the Bureau of investigation, but that guy didn't care about me at all. The bodyguard around him pushed me away, and I was still carrying video equipment, so I didn't care about him at that time He said, "that set of equipment belongs to the TV station, which is more than my life. So in order to protect that set of equipment, I would rather hurt myself, so I fell very ugly..."

Speaking of this, Fei Wuliang smiles knowingly. He seems to think of his ugly face when he fell down. After smoking a cigarette, he continues to say to Ye Feng, "at that time, there were many reporters from other TV stations. No one cared about me, and even watched my jokes. I was very embarrassed and depressed at that time, but at this time, a hand reached out and pulled him from the ground I got up... "

Ye Feng immediately said, "is it Satan?"

Fei Wuliang nodded and said, "that's right, but I didn't know him at that time. I heard that he was the number one person in the Bureau of investigation at that time. After many years, I didn't work in the TV station any more. One day when I came home to watch the news, I knew that he was Satan. But the news said that he was dead!"

Ye Feng can't help frowning when he hears the words, "dead? Didn't you just say he was missing? "

Fei Wuliang shrugged his shoulders and said, "since that time, there have been two statements. One is that he has been secretly executed by the federal government, and the other is that he is actually missing, that is, he hid himself in order to avoid the federal pursuit. I prefer to believe the latter one! I believe that many people are like me. They would rather believe that he is hiding than admit that he is dead! "

But Ye Feng said to Fei Wuliang, "he just helped you up when you fell down. Do you have such a good impression on him?"

Fei Wuliang then said to Ye Feng, "first of all, you think it's a trivial matter for him to help me, but it's very important for me at that time. Secondly, I have a good impression on him, not only because of this, but also because of many You don't know that he was the person who was almost talked about in the streets. He not only gave me a good impression, but also gave many people this impression... "

Speaking of this, Fei Wuliang asked Ye Feng, "have you ever heard of the lion Square incident?"

Ye Feng smell speech brow a wrinkly shake head way, "what lion square event?"

Fei Wuliang could not help looking at Ye Feng in surprise and said, "even if you are not from longarsenbao, you should have heard of it. This event had a great influence at that time!"

Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders and said, "maybe I'm ignorant. I haven't heard of it yet." Then he immediately asked Fei Wuliang, "what happened to the lion Square incident? And Satan? "

Fei Wuliang smokes a cigarette, and the high spirits of talking about Satan on his face are swept away. At this time, his face presents a kind of lost haze.

Fei Wuliang smoked several cigarettes in a row, then he said to Ye Feng, "forget it, if you don't know, you don't know. If you know, it may not be a good thing! In a word, we should try our best to mention this person in the future. "

Then Fei Wuliang put out the cigarette and said to Ye Feng, "by the way, don't forget at night!"

Ye Feng saw that Fei Wuliang didn't continue this topic, so he didn't ask much. He immediately got up to put out the cigarette and nodded to Fei Wuliang, "see you that night!"After leaving Fei Wuliang's office, Ye Feng immediately follows guterska and runs errands with him. On the way, Ye Feng asks guterska, "have you heard about the lion Square incident?"

Guterska listened to Ye Feng's question, his face suddenly changed, and immediately put his hand on his mouth and hissed, "brother ye, how do you remember to ask this? Don't you know this incident is taboo? We are not allowed to talk about it any more. Even on the Internet and in the federal information, this matter has been removed or sealed up. In the Han Ding palace, this is even more taboo. You can't even mention it! "

Ye Feng frowned at guterska and said, "lion Is this incident so serious? "

Guterska looked around and saw that there was no one. Then he whispered to Ye Feng, "of course, it's serious. This incident is related to Satan's anti federalism. It can be said that it's the most serious incident in the post Satan era!"

The more Ye Feng heard this, the more curious he was about what the lion Square incident was and how it became taboo.

Guterska saw Ye Feng's brow locked, then immediately whispered, "I can tell you, but don't pass it out any more!"

Ye Feng shrugged and took a noncommittal look at guterska, which means it's up to you to say it or not.

Guterska continued to say to Ye Feng, "when it was said that Satan was executed by the Federation, many people who were concerned about Satan's benefits spontaneously organized to gather in lion square to ask the Federation to return Satan justice. Moreover, the then federal president came out to explain whether Satan was dead or missing!"

Speaking of this, guterska said, "do you know how many people were there?"

Ye Feng immediately shook his head, he even the lion square event is the first time to hear, where to know how many people.

Guterska continued to say to Ye Feng, "when the time was long arsenic castle, more than half of the people went. In the next few days, people from surrounding cities came to lion square to gather support. Lion square could hold 200000 people in those days, but at the peak of that event, nearly a million people gathered there. It is said that the surrounding green belts were full of people People, the streets around the square are full of people, leading to the surrounding traffic completely paralyzed

Ye Feng said at this time, "gathering so many people, what happened in the end? Otherwise, it won't be called an event just because so many people have come? "

Guterska's face moved slightly at this time, and the corners of his eyes were trembling. He looked at Ye Feng and said, "you're right. If it's just gathering, it's not an event! It can be called an event because all of these one million people disappeared in an instant

Ye Feng a listen to this words, complexion can't help but move, frown a way, "all disappeared?"? How did it disappear? Disappeared out of thin air? "

But guterska stared at Ye Feng for a long time before he said with his shaking mouth, "it's a space laser gun!"

Ye Feng smell speech complexion immediately is also a change, Zheng Zheng ground looking at Gu teska way, "what? You mean... "

Guterska immediately nodded and said, "yes, it was the order of the federal president at that time that the people gathered in lion square had to leave for one day, or they would take tough action. But those people didn't pay attention to the president's words, and then you know the result Under the one shot, it went up in smoke, not to mention one million people in the square. Even many buildings around the lion square were affected. After that shot, all one million people disappeared and the lion square no longer existed! "

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