After listening to guterska's words, Ye Feng was stunned. That is to say, the federal government slaughtered more than one million people in the lion Square incident. No wonder it's not allowed to mention it now. The reason is that it's so taboo.

Seeing that Ye Feng stopped, guterska couldn't help looking at Ye Feng and sighed, "so, this is taboo. It's better not to mention it again, so as not to make trouble for yourself!"

Ye Feng nodded and didn't say a word. It turned out that such a thing had happened in those years, but he didn't know whether this event had only happened in this time and space, or in all of the world. When he went back, he had to ask Dixie.

After work in the evening, Ye Feng wanted to go back first. He just came to work with Ye Feng and asked Ye Feng to take his special bus to work together. Anyway, we are going to meet his boss tonight.

Ye Feng thinks it's the same, so he takes a special bus to leave the Han Ding palace. On the way, Ye Feng calls Zhu Sanjia and tells him to go to the long arsenic Castle Hotel.

After hanging up Zhu Sanjia's phone, Ye Feng asked Fei Wuliang, "brother Fei, up to now, I don't know the name of the boss behind you!"

Fei Wuliang hears the speech, but says to Ye Feng, "it's not that I don't want to say it, but that he won't let me say it. When you see it, you'll know!"

Ye Feng can't help but wonder, "he made so mysterious, that his status is not simple ah!"

Fei Wuliang said with a smile, "of course, he's a member of the Senate!"

When Ye Feng heard this, his heart suddenly moved. This is the second time that he heard the name of the Council. However, he was surprised and said to Fei Wuliang, "the Council? I heard that in the Senate, there are all retired people... "

Fei Wuliang immediately said, "yes, all the members of the Senate are retired people, and they have no position or power in the actual government affairs."

Speaking of this, without waiting for Ye Feng to speak, he immediately added, "but you can't underestimate the members of the Senate. Although they all have no position and real power, their family members can be said to be all over longarsene castle and even the whole eisf, so their strength can't be underestimated!"

Ye Feng had heard of this before, and he thought to himself, the boss behind Fei Wuliang is a retired member of the Council. Is he so mysterious?

Soon the bus arrives at longarsenbao hotel. After parking, Fei Wuliang and Ye Feng enter the hotel building together. After entering the elevator, Fei Wuliang takes out a black card from his pocket and puts it under the digital electronic screen of the elevator. Suddenly, the row of numbers changes completely.

The original arrangement of 1 to 100 instantly turned into the display of 101 to 121. After Fei Wuliang pressed 121, the digital screen immediately changed to its original appearance.

Seeing Ye Feng looking at the electronic screen in surprise, Fei Wuliang immediately said with a smile, "don't be surprised, the outside of longarsenbao hotel has always been one hundred floors, but in fact there are 121 floors. It's just that outsiders don't know, and many of the internal staff of longarsenbao Hotel Don't know!"

Ye Feng Oh, tone or some surprise.

Fei Wuliang then continued to say to Ye Feng, "this 101 to 121 is the site of the Council of elders!"

Ye Feng a listen to this words, complexion immediately move, Zheng Zheng ground saw a fee have no quantity.

Fei Wuliang shrugged his shoulders and said, "that's why my boss is so mysterious. He doesn't want to appear in public, let alone think of him!"

Ye Feng this time Chao Fei Wuliang way, "since he is willing to see me, it means that I did not intend to hide identity, this time can not say his identity?"

Fei Wuliang pondered for a while, then he said with a smile to Ye Feng, "after all, in fact, you and his origin should be deeper than me!"

Ye Feng can't help frowning at Fei Wuliang when he hears the words, "what's the relationship between me and him?"

Fei Wuliang immediately said to Ye Feng, "the power behind you is the president, you are his son-in-law, and the boss behind me is the father-in-law of the current president Qiao Huiying!"

Ye Feng a listen to this words, complexion immediately a change ground looking at fee have no quantity.

Fei Wuliang shrugged and said to Ye Feng with ease, "you don't have to be nervous. Anyway, he is also a retired president! Don't be so stiff when we meet later! "

Ye Feng nodded and didn't say a word. The reason why he was surprised was that the boss behind Fei Wuliang was Qiao Huiying's father-in-law, but the most important reason was that Qiao Huiying's father-in-law was probably the president during the lion Square incident.

If ye Feng's guess is right, the old president should have been the one who ordered the explosion to kill more than one million people, right?

Fei Wuliang saw that Ye Feng didn't say a word, and immediately said, "what else do you want to ask?"

Ye Feng shook his head and said, "there's nothing to ask. Won't we meet soon?"

Fei Wuliang nodded and then said to Ye Feng, "but I have a few words to remind you!"

Ye Feng said to Fei Wuliang immediately, "brother Fei, if you have something to say, just say it!"

Fei Wuliang took a look at Ye Feng and said, "my boss knows who you are, that is to say, he knows that he is your future father-in-law's father-in-law! So you may be pressed with this point at that time! "Ye Feng can't help frowning at this. He is not worried that Fei Wuliang's boss will press him, but he is surprised that Fei Wuliang wants to remind himself.

Fei Wuliang seems to see Ye Feng's mind, and immediately smiles to Ye Feng, "aren't we brothers? As a big brother, I have the duty to remind you

Ye Feng Wen Yan nodded, but still strange in the heart, just said, "thank you brother Fei!"

Fei Wuliang continued to say to Ye Feng, "also, he doesn't like people staring at him, because he has some defects on his face!"

Ye Feng smell speech eyebrow slightly a wrinkly ground looking at fee to have no quantity of way, "have blemish on the face?"

Fei Wuliang then said to Ye Feng, "because he suddenly had a disease, so his mouth was a little crooked. Even now he speaks with some accent, which is why every time I talk to him on the phone, you have to avoid it!"

Ye Feng nodded and then asked Fei Wuliang, "he is the father-in-law of the current president. It means that he is not old enough. He should not have reached the retirement age. Why did he retire? Is it because of this disease? "

Fei Wuliang nodded and said, "yes, he had a stroke and had to retire early. Fortunately, before he was ill, he made a good plan and trained your prospective father-in-law, so he could make a smooth transition and become the current president! Thank him for that! "

Ye Feng nodded and didn't speak. At this time, Fei Wuliang suddenly said, "and don't mention what I told you today, especially the Satan and lion Square incident!"

Ye Feng smell speech and nodded, Fei Wuliang is to continue toward Ye Feng Road, "that year is less than a month after the lion Square incident, he was sick, and some people say, is the lion square of the dead to seek his revenge!"

Listening to Fei Wuliang's words, Ye Feng can't help but take a look at Fei Wuliang. However, he is in a secret way in his heart. If there is a dead soul, more than one million people will come to find him, it's not as simple as crooked mouth.

Fei Wuliang seems to be aware of his slip of tongue. After all, Ye Feng knew nothing about the lion Square incident when he mentioned it with Ye Feng in the office this afternoon. Now that he said so, it's really a bit abrupt.

So Fei Wuliang immediately digs off the topic and says, "we'll go up later. Maybe we'll have to wait for a while. When you get out of the elevator, you'll inform Zhu Sanjia. He doesn't like waiting for people. It's better that we three are waiting for him!"

Ye Feng surprised way, "Zhu Sanjia can't come to 121 black card!"

Fei Wuliang said, "he'll call you when he arrives. I'll press the elevator for him."

Hearing this, Ye Feng nodded. As soon as the elevator stopped on the 121st floor, he took out his mobile phone and called Zhu Sanjia. Then he called Zhu Sanjia and told him that he was waiting for him on the 121st floor of longarsenbao hotel.

Zhu Sanjia was really surprised and said, "isn't the longarsenbao hotel only 100 floors in total?"

Ye Feng then toward Zhu Sanjia way, "you don't ask so much, when the time comes into the elevator call me, I give you press the elevator!"

After he hung up, Fei Wuliang took Ye Feng along the corridor. There was only one door at the end of the corridor. On the way, Fei Wuliang explained to Ye Feng, "this is his special floor. Other members of the Council are on the 20th floor below!"

Hearing this, Ye Feng looked at Fei Wuliang and said, "look at the floor. Is he the head of the Senate?"

Fei Wuliang immediately said with a smile, "yes, that's right. Otherwise, how could he be given a separate layer?"

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