When Ye Feng heard Fei Wuliang say that, his heart suddenly turned cold. It seems that the relationship behind Fei Wuliang is no smaller than himself. How could he be willing to be a secretary?

Soon Zhu Sanjia called and said that he had arrived at the door of the elevator. After Ye Feng told Fei Wuliang, Fei Wuliang immediately went to press the elevator button.

Ye Feng and Fei Wuliang are waiting for Zhu Sanjia at the door of the elevator. When Zhu Sanjia comes, they can't help but look slightly moved when they see Fei Wuliang.

Then Zhu Sanjia said to Ye Feng, "what's the matter with Mr. Ye coming here for me?" While speaking, his eyes glanced at the surrounding environment. It was obvious that he was very strange to see that there were more than 100 floors in the hotel.

Without waiting for Ye Feng to speak, Fei Wuliang said, "don't stand here to talk. We'd better go in and sit down first and then chat slowly."

Fei Wuliang takes Ye Feng and Zhu Sanjia into the luxurious office on the top floor of longarsenbao hotel. The office is beyond Ye Feng's and Zhu Sanjia's thinking in terms of area and decoration design.

Just a rest and reception area with sofa is more than twice as large as the whole office area of the cabinet department. The light in the middle is a crystal lamp hanging from the ceiling, which is bigger than the living room of Yefeng apartment.

Even the unnamed stone tea table in front of the sofa is half the size of their living room, with a transparent ashtray bigger than the toilet, carved with the sleeping posture of a fruity woman.

On both sides of the wall are some famous paintings of the world. On the other side, there is a fish tank with various unknown fish. On the other side, there is a hollowed out garden and swimming pool.

Zhu Sanjia looked silly when he entered the door. After Fei Wuliang and Ye Feng sat down on the sofa, he called him, and then he reacted and walked over.

Fei Wuliang also asked Ye Feng and Zhu Sanjia to sit down after sitting down. Then he took a look at Zhu Sanjia and said to Ye Feng, "while the old man didn't come, would you talk to him first?"

Ye Feng smell speech immediately nodded, then looked to Zhu Sanjia way, "if let you give up the security bureau director position, what's your opinion?"

Zhu Sanjia was still immersed in a kind of vague feeling. After all, he has been to many luxurious places in longarsenic Castle these years, but it's his first time to come to such a place.

After hearing what Ye Feng said, Zhu Sanjia immediately looked at Ye Feng excitedly and said, "Mr. Ye, I don't quite understand what you mean. We didn't agree before..."

Ye Feng immediately nodded. Without waiting for Zhu Sanjia to speak, Fei Wuliang immediately said, "Mr. Zhu, we meet for the first time. Let me introduce myself first!"

Zhu Sanjia immediately said to Fei Wuliang, "Mr. Fei is not polite. You don't know me. I know you!"

Fei Wuliang frowned and looked at Zhu Sanjia in surprise. "Do you know me? I have the impression that we should meet for the first time, right

But Zhu Sanjia said with a smile, "that's how you forget things. Don't you remember? When you were still working in the TV station, you went to our security bureau for an interview. I received you at that time, but at that time, I was just a clerk! "

Fei Wuliang immediately said with a smile, "if you say that, you have a little impression!"

Zhu Sanjia continued, "but that was the only time we met before that. What really impresses me is that you would rather stay in the cabinet to be a secretary than to be an outsider. That time I really knew you!"

Fei Wuliang said with an embarrassed smile, "that's a long time ago. At that time, he was young and didn't know the world. Let's not mention it, let's not mention it!"

Zhu Sanjia heard the speech, but immediately said, "you will be the example of many people!"

Fei Wuliang immediately said with a smile, "what kind of role model, even if it is, it is also a bad role model. You see how many years I have been working as a secretary now, you will know how much I regret it!"

Zhu Sanjia smiles and doesn't speak any more. Instead, he looks at Ye Feng who hasn't spoken all the time.

Fei Wuliang then said to Zhu Sanjia, "the purpose of inviting you here this time, Ye Feng has made it clear to you. We want to know what you think!"

Zhu Sanjia then converged to smile, looked at Fei Wuliang, then looked at Ye Feng, and then said, "I don't quite understand!"

Fei Wuliang said to Ye Feng, "it's up to you to explain to him."

Ye Feng nodded, and then he said to Zhu Sanjia, "I believe the people behind Mr. Fei come here, and even if you don't know, you know something about it. His boss takes a fancy to this position and wants to arrange for their people, so he wants you to give up this position..."

Speaking of this, Ye Feng and Fei Wuliang see that Zhu Sanjia's face is very ugly.

Fei Wuliang immediately added, "of course, you will not be sacrificed in vain. As compensation, we will arrange another position for you!"

Zhu Sanjia looked up at Fei Wuliang and asked, "where is it?"

Ye Feng immediately said to Zhu Sanjia, "the purpose of letting you come here is to see the boss behind director Fei first. As for the position, we'll talk about it in front of him later!"Fei Wuliang also nodded. "That's right. We're talking to you now. First, it's to prepare you psychologically. Second, you can also think about what position you like besides the position of director of the Security Bureau. You may as well say it at that time. Of course, it may not be possible, but at least we can discuss it. Do you think so?"

Zhu Sanjia looked at Ye Feng and asked, "Mr. Ye, what do you mean?"

Ye Feng said to Zhu Sanjia, "I mean, you'll see someone later and listen to what they say there before you decide! The purpose of calling you here is not to force you to give up, but to discuss how to do it. If you don't like it, no one will test you! "

Zhu Sanjia listen to Ye Feng so a say, in the heart have bottom, immediately nodded.

And at this time, the door suddenly opened, outside a white haired old man came in, mouth also smile toward three humanity, "three are here?"

The tone of the old man's voice is not big, but it gives people a very gloomy feeling. Ye Feng gets up and takes a look at the old man. Although his hair is white, his face looks very ruddy.

But on the old man's face, as Fei Wuliang said, his mouth was obviously crooked, but Ye Feng also remembered Fei Wuliang's warning and didn't stare at his mouth.

The old man didn't walk slowly. After a while, he came to the sofa and took a look at Ye Feng and Zhu Sanjia. Then he sat down and looked at Ye Feng and said, "you are Ye Feng!"

Ye Feng just nodded, the old man immediately said with a smile, "Qiao Huiying this boy is a little vision, the ability to choose son-in-law is not under me!"

Then the old man took another look at Zhu Sanjia, but then he put his eyes on Ye Feng and continued, "by the way, have you decided the wedding date with Joanna? This girl, such a big thing, didn't mention it to me after she came back. It's really hard for her to stay! "

Fei Wuliang immediately said with a smile to the old man, "she didn't even say the president, how could she say it to your grandfather?"

The old man laughed, shook his head and said, "yes, old man, it's useless!"

Fei Wuliang immediately said, "how can you, I think you are very strong except your hair is a little gray and your body is very strong. Why don't you just come down and run for the next president?"

Hearing Fei Wuliang's words, the old man couldn't help laughing, "your mouth is really..." Said to see to leaf Feng way, "right, this time invite you to come, don't delay your business?"

Ye Feng shook his head and said, "I'm just a cabinet clerk. What can I do?"

But the old man said to Ye Feng seriously, "what happened to the cabinet clerk? At that time, I got up step by step from your position. Don't underestimate this position! So was your father-in-law in those days! "

Ye Feng nodded, but listened to the old man looking at Zhu Sanjia, and continued, "this should be the director of our future security bureau, Zhu Sanjia, director Zhu?"

Zhu Sanjia had been listening all the time. Knowing that the old man was Qiao Huiying's father-in-law and Joanna's grandfather, he immediately knew the identity of the other party. Listening to the old man talking to himself, he immediately stood up and said, "it's just the acting director, not the director!"

But the old man picked up a cigar from the tea table and lit it. Then he said, "now it's an agent, and soon it won't be. I've heard that you are far ahead of the new director! Besides, Qin Feng in Ge Nei has been lobbying other cabinet members for you. Your hope is the greatest! "

Zhu Sanjia even said, "that's everyone's love! Take care

But the old man shook his head and said, "if you don't have some skills, no one will care for you. You need to be hard to strike iron! I see you know you are a good seedling! The future is limitless! "

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