Zhu Sanjia listened to what the old man said, and immediately said to him humbly, "old president, you are too fallacious!"

On hearing this, the old man looked at Zhu Sanjia with a slightly thoughtful look and said, "the title of president has not been called like this for a long time!"

Fei Wuliang immediately said, "you really used to be the president. That's right!"

The old man nodded, then waved his hand with his cigar and said, "it's all in the past. Don't mention it, don't mention it!"

Then the old man squinted at Zhu Sanjia and said, "since you are willing to come here and meet me, I believe you should know the main purpose of calling you this time?"

On hearing this, Zhu Sanjia's face suddenly moved, then nodded and said, "I know!"

The old man nodded with satisfaction, smoked a cigar and asked Zhu Sanjia, "what do you mean?"

Then, without waiting for Zhu Sanjia to speak, he immediately added, "I want to listen to your real ideas. If I want to, I will. If I don't want to, I won't. don't force me! As a man, I never like to force others to do things. That's what I did when I was president. Now that I'm out of office, it's even more so! "

Zhu Sanjia immediately looked at the old man after hearing the speech. He didn't speak for a long time. At this time, he took a look at Ye Feng. He really couldn't make up his mind.

If this request is made by ordinary people, Zhu Sanjia may not give him such face. Maybe he will refuse it face to face. Even if ye Feng agrees, he can fight for it.

But now sitting in front of him is the president, the president's father-in-law, which really makes him a bit embarrassed.

The old man took a look at Zhu Sanjia and noticed that he was asking for Ye Feng's advice with his eyes. He immediately sighed, "it seems you can't make up your mind, so I'll ask the one who can make up your mind?"

Then the old man looked at Ye Feng and said, "what? You can see that he has been asking you for help. Why don't you make up your mind for him? "

At this time, Ye Feng smiles at the old man. He hasn't spoken yet, but he continues to say, "you're welcome. Take out your courage to let Fei Wuliang convey those words to me. Any condition can be put forward. Isn't that the main purpose of our meeting this time?"

Ye Feng heard the old man say so, this just nodded to the old man and said, "since you always say so, then I'm not afraid of it!"

The old man said with a smile, "aren't you afraid? So you were a little afraid of me before? Because I'm the president? Or am I Joanna's grandfather? "

Said, did not wait for Ye Feng to reply, immediately a smile, smoked a cigar, continued to look at Ye Feng way, "well, I don't joke with you, you talk about it! If I can do it, I can consider to promise you. If I can't do it at all, I will turn you down. Let's have a talk today

Listening to the old man's words, Ye Feng immediately said, "I think the position of the director of security bureau is big or small. After all, it's the position where the security work of eisf is closed!"

The old man nodded, continued to smoke cigarettes and said, "I don't need you to tell me the importance of the position of the director of security. You just need to tell me what kind of position to exchange with you, and you feel satisfied!"

Ye Feng pondered for a while at this time, then looked at Zhu Sanjia, and then said to Zhu Sanjia, "then I'll be the Lord for you?"

Zhu Sanjia smell speech immediately toward Ye Feng way, "please Mr. ye make the decision, I have no opinion!"

Ye Feng smell speech in the heart but in the secret way, no opinion just strange, you for this position waste how much mind, others don't know, I don't know? How can there be no opinion?

Thinking of Ye Fengchao, the old man said, "there is only one person in longarsenbao who can match the position of director of Security Bureau."

The old man smelled that he pointed to Ye Feng with his cigar fingers, "but it doesn't hurt to say that!"

Ye Feng immediately said, "if Mr. Lai can change the position of director of the Federal Bureau of investigation with us, I believe Zhu Sanjia will never have half a complaint!"

Everyone at the scene can't help but feel a move when they hear this. Even Fei Wuliang looks at Ye Feng in surprise and says in his heart that this boy really dares to offer conditions.

Zhu Sanjia is also Yilin at heart. He is still thinking that the Security Bureau and the FBI are actually two sides of the coin. They are all related to the security work of eisf, but a lot of things of the Security Bureau are done more clearly. A lot of things of the FBI are on the dark side. The two departments are complementary, and the things that the security bureau can't do are handed over to the Federation The Bureau of investigation will do it, and the Security Bureau will do what the FBI can't do.

If you can really use the position of director of the Federal Bureau of investigation to replace the position of director of the Security Bureau, it is not a loss or a gain.

But Zhu Sanjia also knows that the position of director of the Federal Bureau of investigation has been decided by the president himself over the years, and it is also directly under the presidential palace, which is the only difference between the Bureau and the Security Bureau.

So in some ways, the FBI has become the president's personal staff, which was changed at the end of the old president's term.If ye Feng can really win the position of director of the FBI from the old president, he will have no problem.

The old man did not expect that Ye Feng would make such a request. Just as Zhu Sanjia thought, the former FBI was indeed like the president's right-hand and left-hand, and the appointment came from the cabinet. However, since the Satan incident and the lion Square incident, he has changed the nature of the FBI to the presidential palace in Zhili. Therefore, he is no longer in office, so he should be Where you can't reach.

At this time, the old man stares at Ye Feng. He is still thinking that Ye Feng is really a bit embarrassed when he mentions such a position. Seeing that he is so smart, he can't be unaware of the personnel problems of the FBI. Now that he knows that he still asks for such a position, is he politely rejecting himself?

At this time, Ye Feng said to the old man, "I just mention it casually. After all, the nature of Zhu Sanjia's work determines that he can only work in a working environment similar to that of the Security Bureau. Looking at the whole job of longarsenic fort, he must have the position of director of the FBI!"

Then he stared at the old man and said, "of course, the purpose of our visit is to discuss. If you are not satisfied, you can say it directly."

The old man didn't say a word all the time. After listening to Ye Feng's words, he slowly stretched out his hand. After playing the soot, he looked at Ye Feng and said, "I have to say, you have courage!"

Ye Feng smell speech immediately a pair of "suddenly" appearance way, "old gentleman, why say so?"

But the old man immediately said, "just now, we have something to say. If we want to be frank, then I won't beat around the bush with you. I'll tell you frankly, this position No way

Ye Feng Wen Yan frowned at the old man and said, "the old man can also put a place in your heart!"

The old man immediately said, "the leader of the tiger guards in the palace outside the Han Ding!"

Then, without waiting for Ye Feng to say spark, he immediately added, "the whole position is temporarily vacant. Now Hanks, the leader of the central hall guard, is a part-time job, and the nature of his job is similar to that of the security bureau!"

Then he added, "although his position may seem shorter than that of the director of the Security Bureau and the director of the Federal Investigation Bureau, his salary and the importance of his position are no worse than those of the two directors! After all, you should be aware that there is no precedent for the tiger guards to recruit non military personnel! "

When Zhu Sanjia heard this, he immediately fell into a deep meditation. The position of the tiger guards outside the palace of the Han Ding is very important and unique. But once he enters the palace of the Han Ding and becomes the leader of the tiger guards, it is basically a military position. Although he can have more or less contact with the political circles, the direct relationship is alienated. Never a leader of the tiger guards outside the palace of the Han Ding finally comes out to work in politics Yes.

After hearing the position mentioned by the old president, Zhu Sanjia felt that he could not compare with the position of director of the Security Bureau and director of the Federal Bureau of investigation. At least he could make some achievements in the two directors' posts, and there was still hope for promotion in the future. But as a captain of the tiger guards, he just went to the military region of longarsenburg to continue to be a civilian In that case, it is far away from the political center of lungsanbao. Thinking of this, Zhu Sanjia is somewhat lost.

And the loss of Zhu Sanjia, Ye Feng also see in the eye, he then toward the boss said, "this position, although as you say it is very important, but I guess I can't accept it!"

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