Ye Feng shrugs his shoulders and says, "if I start to let you be my puppet now, will you do it? This kind of request, and talk about what in the same starting line

But after staring at Ye Feng for a long time, the old president said with a sneer, "I thought you were so smart. Don't you think that the time of the world change will change and judge the situation. If I can hold you up as president, when it comes to that time, you will think about those things that you don't have, isn't it better?"

Listening to the old president's words, Ye Feng sneered, "I can do it, but what's the difference between Qiao Huiying and me?"

Old president Wen Yan's brow is a frown ground looking at Ye Feng way, "so say, you very disgust become Qiao Hui Ying?"

But Ye Feng said to the boss, "Qiao Huiying must have been very disgusted to be the second one. Don't you feel disgusted to be the second one? It's just human instinct! And Since you have decided that I will become the second Qiao Huiying, why do you still have to look for me? Aren't you afraid that I will return to the water halfway? "

But the old president said with a smile, "it seems that you misunderstood my purpose. Now I think you know me well. Now I find that you don't know me at all!"

Then, without waiting for Ye Feng to speak, he immediately said, "if a few years ago, I trained a new candidate to replace Qiao Huiying, maybe I would really treat him as a puppet and control everything behind the scenes. But now, I'm old and can't refuse to be old. I just want to overthrow Qiao Huiying in my lifetime! I don't want anything else! "

Ye Feng stared at the old president, then shrugged his shoulders with a smile and said, "I look at your body, which can be regarded as the right year. How can I talk about being old?"

The old president gave a wry smile, "I know my own body. You can't see that my appearance seems tough now. In fact, my previous illness has always had sequelae. It attacks from time to time. People are not like people, ghosts are not like ghosts. I can't survive, I can't survive, I can't die! What's the use of power in such a body? "

But Ye Feng said, "before you met me, you may not think so, do you? Or did you just say that on purpose after meeting me? "

The old president immediately said, "I don't have to cheat you. Think about it for yourself. If I really want a puppet, should I find someone who is more stupid and more controlled? Why should I find someone who is self righteous and conceited like you? Isn't it an invisible increase in risk to your plan? Why bother? "

Listening to the old president's words, Ye Feng fell into a deep meditation. In fact, what the old president said is reasonable. Relatively speaking, if you want to control a puppet, it's better for the puppet to have no own thoughts. If you want to listen to him, you'd better be a little more stupid and slow. That's better. Obviously, you are not such a person, and the old president should be able to see it.

But let Ye Feng believe that the president just to revenge Qiao Huiying, give yourself a presidential position to do, this kind of pie in the sky thing, Ye Feng naturally maintain a hesitant attitude.

Seeing that Ye Feng didn't speak, the boss immediately said to Ye Feng, "in order to show my sincerity, I'll give you another night. After you go back, you'll think about it and give me a reply tomorrow. Then you can find Fei Wuliang and say it!"

Ye Feng looked at the old president's eyes at this time and sneered, "if I don't promise after one night, will I carry out the second plan?"

Just after that, Ye Feng has a little regret. After all, this is the privacy order given by the old president to Fei Wuliang. If he blurts out, isn't it the key to Fei Wuliang?

However, when the old president heard this, he was not very surprised. He just nodded slightly and said, "if we have to, we will really use the second plan!"

Looking at Ye Feng, Ye Feng hesitated and immediately said, "you're wondering why I didn't look surprised when I heard that you knew the second plan. Fei Wuliang said everything to you. I've already said that Let me tell you, if you refuse, the second plan will be implemented not only for you, but also for Fei Wuliang! Alas, "

when Ye Feng heard this, he pondered again. He did not expect that his words really hurt Fei Wuliang.

But there is one thing, Ye Feng more curious, can't help asking the boss, "Fei Wuliang in your eyes, isn't it stupid to be a puppet? Why have you not considered training him to be a puppet president for so many years

President Tong sneered and said, "you're smart, you're smart, you're stupid, and you're pathetic. Is the president so easy to do? If you didn't have Qiao Huiying's influence behind you, do you think you would be the right person? What's behind Fei Wuliang? He is not of the same nature as you. "

Ye Feng also thinks that if he didn't catch Qiao Huiying, he would have no connections in longarsenic castle.

What's more, Ye Feng also thought of a deep-seated thing. The old president just saw Qiao Huiying's relationship behind him. He wanted to really cultivate himself, become Qiao Huiying's confidant, and then fight against him. He felt that such revenge would come more easily.

At this time, the old president also smoked a cigar. After he snuffed out the cigar, he shrugged his shoulders, stood up from the sofa and said to Ye Feng, "well, what should be said and what should be understood have been said. You should think about it when you go back."At this time, Ye Feng said to the boss, "don't go back to think about it. I've thought about it very clearly!"

Boss unified listen to this, can't help staring at Ye Feng looked at a moment later, this just said, "has considered clearly?"

Ye Feng nodded and said, "I can agree to your condition, but I also have a condition!"

After listening to Ye Feng's words, the boss immediately said, "tell me about it!"

Ye Feng immediately said to the old president, "first, I can tell you in advance that I will never be a puppet! You have to be prepared for this. If I find something wrong, I won't wait to die! "

The old president did not speak, just looked at Ye Feng, motioned him to continue to say.

Ye Feng immediately said, "can't kill Qiao Huiying, this is what I promised Joanna!"

The old president couldn't help laughing and said, "it's very easy to kill people, even if he is the president. If I want to hurt him, he died years ago. Why wait until now? What I want is the feeling that he fell from his high position, not his life!"

Speaking of this, I can't help staring at Ye Feng for a moment. Then I said with a smile, "I didn't expect that you were good to Joanna, and you agreed to her request!"

Then he looked at Ye Feng, as if he saw something. He immediately said to Ye Feng, "wait, what do you say? You said you promised Joanna not to kill Qiao Huiying? "

Ye Feng's heart is also moving. I don't know if it is because of the pressure of the old president that he has made mistakes in his speech.

When I said that to the old president, wasn't I telling him that Joanna knew she was going to deal with her father?

At this time, the old president looked at Ye Feng thoughtfully and said, "in this way, Joanna knows the purpose of your coming to longarsenic castle?"

Ye Feng knew that he had already said it. Now it's no use changing his words. The old president is not a fool. He can't muddle through at all. He simply nodded and said, "that's right!"

The boss looked at Ye Feng for a long time without saying anything. After a long time, he said with a smile, "it seems that I underestimate you. You can make Joanna's child pretend not to have such a thing when she knows that you are going to do harm to her father. You really have your means!"

Ye Feng did not speak, the old president immediately said, "I promise you, I will never want Qiao Huiying's life, what else do you have to ask, now say it together, let's talk about the scandal first, and then cooperate well!"

Ye Feng then toward the president of the road, "can not be unfavourable to Fei Wuliang!"

The old president could not help but look at Ye Feng again, then shook his head with a slight sigh and said, "there are so many people you want to protect!"

Ye Feng then looked at the boss to unify a way, "you don't agree?"

But after staring at Ye Feng for a long time, the old president said, "you and Fei Wuliang have such a good friendship. You must have heard about his refusal to transfer?"

Ye Feng smell speech can't help nodding a way, "have heard!"

The old president then said, "if he had accepted the transfer, the situation in longarsenburg might have changed a long time ago. His obstinate decision destroyed my carefully arranged chessboard for several years. I can keep him until today. Do you know why?"

Ye Feng smell speech heart immediately move ground to look at the boss to unify a way, "you think he still has usable place!"

The old president sneered and did not speak, but his eyes looked more gloomy.

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