However, the old president didn't say anything more. Instead, he said to Ye Feng, "you don't have to worry about these things. This is between Fei Wuliang and me. It has nothing to do with you. You just have to worry about your own business!"

Listening to the old president, Ye Feng didn't speak any more. After a long time, he said to the president, "in this case, should the old man give in to the security bureau?"

The boss listens to Ye Feng's words, looks at Ye Feng's face and says, "give in? Me? Shouldn't you give in? "

But Ye Feng said with a smile to the president, "since we are all people on the same front, Zhu Sanjia is my network, which is equal to your network!"

Then, without waiting for the old president to finish, Ye Feng immediately went on to the old president and said, "didn't you suffer from the Security Bureau before, which is not your person? Now, once Zhu Sanjia takes the position of director, it's your person! "

Ye Feng said that when he saw what the old president had to say, he immediately said, "besides, Zhu Sanjia still has a congenital advantage. Even if Zhu Sanjia gives up, will Qin Feng stop there? Don't they still arrange new people to replace Zhu Sanjia? To say the least, even if that person's chance may not be as high as Zhu Sanjia's, it will cause a certain threat after all. At least it's the bargaining power of Qin Feng and you! Do you think so? "

Listening to Ye Feng's words, the president looked at him for a long time without saying a word. To tell you the truth, before Ye Feng said this, the old president really didn't think about it.

Ye Feng saw the old president without saying anything. At this time, he continued, "if we let Zhu sit at the position of the Secretary for security, he will let Zhu San Jia continue to go closer to Qin Feng, but he is our man. This will not only solve the problem of the position of the Secretary of the Security Bureau, but at the same time, we are also putting in an eye liner on the side of Qin Feng. Isn't that a good thing to get at one stroke? "

When the old president heard the speech, he immediately thought again. After lighting a cigar, he smoked a few mouthfuls and never spoke.

Ye Feng saw the old president so, and knew that the old president must have heard his words in his heart. What he needed now was to think about it carefully. He was inconvenient to disturb him, so he took out a cigarette and smoked it on his own.

While smoking a cigar, the old president looked at Ye Feng. After a long time, he flicked the ash and said to Ye Feng, "what you said is very reasonable, but I always feel that there is something different in it, which is hard to express for a moment!"

Ye Feng shrugged at the boss and said, "you're just worried. After Zhu Sanjia becomes the director of the Security Bureau, he's completely out of your control. In this case, it shows that it's only superficial. In the final analysis, you still have your own deep consideration. In other words, what you want is nothing more than a puppet!"

After staring at Ye Feng for a long time, he said to him, "well, since you have said that, I promise you that I won't fight for the position of director of security bureau! But I also have a condition! "

Listening to the old president, Ye Feng immediately shrugged his shoulders and said, "please speak!"

The old president immediately said, "although you and Fei Wuliang have a good relationship, I hope that our conversation is limited to the two of us, and there will be no third person to know! Can you do it? "

Ye Feng thought that the old president would say what conditions, did not expect that this is just, immediately readily agreed, "no problem!"

General manager Tong said, "it's not difficult to ask, but it's not necessary to do it. I hope you can remember today's words and don't make me think I'm wrong!"

Ye Feng shrugged, "cooperation lies in mutual trust. The first thing we need to do now is to build mutual trust, but I feel that the most lacking thing between us is trust!"

After listening to Ye Feng's words, the boss could not help nodding. In fact, Ye Feng's words were all right. Although they had already agreed on the terms and said that they would cooperate with each other, there was still a gap between them.

Even so, the old president said to Ye Feng, "this kind of distrust is inevitable. After all, it's the first time for us to cooperate. We can't trust each other 100 percent. We can establish cooperation first, and then win the trust of each other through ourselves. Isn't it more successful?"

Ye Feng a think is also, toward the boss shrugged, "is also!" The speaker immediately said, "now that we have reached a basic consensus, I will leave first."

The boss nodded, "then I won't give it away!"

Ye Feng didn't say anything. He turned around and left the room. After Ye Feng left, the old president took out his mobile phone and made a call.

When the other end of the line got through, he immediately said to his mobile phone, "cancel the second plan temporarily, wait for my order Yes, feiwuliang's second plan has been suspended! "

After hanging up the phone, the old president smoked a cigar and looked at the corridor outside. When Ye Feng waited, he could not help murmuring, "where is Qiao Huiying? Qiao Huiying, you would never dream that your future son-in-law and I have joined hands?"

Thinking of Qiao Huiying's surprised face in the near future, the old president had an inexplicable pleasure and couldn't help laughing.At this time, Ye Feng has arrived downstairs. As soon as he gets out of the gate of longarsensburg Hotel, he sees Fei Wuliang still standing in front of his car, as if he had been waiting here since he went upstairs.

Seeing Ye Feng coming out of the gate, Fei Wuliang immediately welcomed him and said to Ye Feng, "how about it? How was the conversation with my boss? "

Ye Feng asked Fei Wuliang, "are you waiting for me all the time?"

Fei Wuliang shrugged and said to Ye Feng, "I'm afraid you can't get along with me, so I've been waiting for the result!"

Ye Feng put the shoulder that pats fee to have no quantity before clapping, "get on the car to say again!"

After two people get on the bus, Fei Wuliang starts the car immediately. After the car is on the road, he asks Ye Feng, "can you come out safely, prove that you should be ok?"

Ye Feng nodded and said, "it's nothing to talk about. It's nothing to talk about. The position of the director of the Security Bureau, he has promised to let Zhu Sanjia continue!"

This result is completely beyond Fei Wuliang's expectation. He takes a look at Ye Feng in the rearview mirror and says in disbelief, "the boss will actually agree to your request?"

Ye Feng was surprised to hear Fei Wuliang's voice, and immediately shrugged, "what do you think? Why else would I go back? Without absolute assurance, I will never look back. Now that I have come, I will definitely meet my own requirements! "

Fei Wuliang said to Ye Feng, "my boss is not a person who is easy to compromise. Since he can agree to your unreasonable request, you will certainly make some kind of concession, or compromise!"

Listening to Fei Wuliang, Ye Feng nodded, "it seems that you really know your boss better!"

Fei Wuliang didn't continue to speak. Ye Feng saw that Fei Wuliang didn't say a word, so he didn't speak any more. After all, he promised the old president that his previous conversation would not be like Fei Wuliang's disclosure.

And Ye Feng also knows that the less Fei Wuliang knows, the better he will be. The less he knows, the safer he will be.

Fei Wuliang drove Ye Feng all the way to his apartment downstairs. Then he looked back at Ye Feng, "don't you want to tell me anything else?"

Ye Feng shook his head and said, "I'm curious about killing cats. The less I know, the better. Now it's a problem between me and your boss. It has nothing to do with you, so you don't need to know!"

Fei wuliangtian Ye Feng said that, he didn't ask any more questions. He just said, "it's OK, at least we don't have to face the enemy!"

Ye Feng didn't say anything. He got out of the car directly. After Fei Wuliang drove away, he turned and went upstairs.

To upstairs, just enter the door, see Dixie is ready to go out, Ye Feng immediately asked her where to go.

Dixie simply said, "something happened to him!"

Ye Feng smell speech heart next a Lin, seem to feel what, but the mouth or ask Dixi Si, "who?"

Said Dixie, "who else? The one in the alley!

From Dixie said that he had an accident, it has been roughly guessed, but after listening to Dixie said personally, my heart is still a Lin, surprised looking at Dixie said, "what's the matter with him?"

Dixi Si looked at Ye Feng, did not speak for a long time, finally slightly sighed, light said a sentence, "dead!"

Hearing that, Ye Feng's face suddenly changed. He looked at Dixie and said, "what? Dead? How did you die? "

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