Dixi Si smell speech can't help but toward Ye Feng shook his head way, "don't know, I also just received the news, just ready to go out to have a look, you come back!"

Ye Feng immediately said to Dixie, "I'll go with you!" Then they got into the elevator and went downstairs together. They found a taxi by the side of the road and went straight to the alley near the longarsenburg hotel.

On the way, Ye Feng suddenly remembered what, and then asked, "where did you receive the message?"

Dixie immediately said, "wufengan told me!"

Ye Feng smell speech, eyebrow a wrinkly, "five feng an now where?"

Dixie immediately said, "he should be around now. He called me after he found out in the neighborhood."

Ye Feng nodded and didn't say anything more. Soon the car had stopped near longarsensburg hotel. Ye Feng and Dixie got off and immediately went to the opposite alley.

After entering the alley, Ye Feng already saw Wu feng'an standing in a corner not far away, staring at the ground.

When Ye Feng and Dixie came near, they found that a man was lying on the ground, disheveled, with a stubble beard on his face. He had not moved.

Five feng an see Ye Feng and di Xi Si came, immediately toward two people a nod way, "you come?"

At this time, Ye Feng immediately walked over, squatted down and touched the body of the man. His body temperature had not yet diffused. He should have just died.

Seeing this, Wu feng'an said to Ye Feng, "I happened to pass here today, so I bought some things to come and have a look. I didn't expect to see this when I arrived here!"

Ye Feng didn't say a word, and continued to check the body of the man, but Dixie asked Wu Feng an, "do you see anything unusual nearby?"

Wu Feng an then shook his head and said, "it's really not. It's the same here as usual. There's nothing unusual!"

Then he took a look at Ye Feng who was checking the body, and immediately said, "I've checked the body, and it's nothing different. It's not homicide, it's natural death, right?"

After seeing the corpse on the ground, he asked Ye Feng, "what did you check out?"

Ye Feng really did not check out anything, but still very curious way, "he should be young, how can natural death?"

Wu feng'an immediately said, "he has been in this state of madness for many years, and he doesn't pay attention to eating. He eats almost everything. He even eats everything that is picked up in the garbage can, thrown away by others, and even some sou rice and Sou vegetables. No matter how good he was, he has been exhausted after so many years of consumption."

Ye Feng looks at the man in front of him. Seeing this, Dixie can't help but say to Ye Feng, "Wu Feng an is right, although he is But no matter how good the body is, it can't stand so much trouble for years! Now, maybe the oil is exhausted and the lamp is dry

Ye Feng looked at it carefully and found no abnormality, but it didn't mean that his death was normal. He stood up and asked Wu Feng an, "have you asked all these people around?"

Wu feng'an immediately said, "I've asked a few questions, but the people here are either as crazy as he is, or they don't care about anything and don't ask anything. Even if someone here kills people in front of them, their faces don't change. They can't ask anything at all!"

After pondering for a while, Ye Feng asked Wu Feng an, "is there any doctor familiar with it? It's better to be someone who knows how to dissect! "

Wu Feng an can't help but frown at Ye Feng and say, "do you suspect that he died of abnormality?"

Ye Feng nodded and said, "if it's normal, it doesn't matter if you don't die early or late. It happens that you die at this time. I think it's a bit strange!"

At this time, Dixie asked Ye Feng, "at this time? Isn't this the time to die? When is this time? "

Ye Feng can't help but look at Dixie, and then said, "by the way, I just want to ask you. Have you heard about the lion Square incident?"

"What's the lion square event?" said Dixie? According to my partial recollection, it is true that there is lion square, but is there any event? "

Wu Feng an is surprised to see two people, "the lion Square incident?"

Ye Feng can't help but look at Wu Feng an and say, "do you know?"

Wufengan immediately lowered his voice and said, "in longarsenbao, this topic is taboo!"

Dixi si more curious, immediately asked Ye Feng and five Phoenix way, "in the end what is the lion square event?"

Wufengan immediately explained to Dixie, "isn't Satan arrested in those years? A lot of people went to the lion square to make trouble. They wanted the federal government to let Satan go. At that time, President Hu Dion ordered the lion square to be bombed with space laser cannons. All of a sudden, the lion square disappeared from the map! "

Dixie frowned and said, "what else?"

Ye Feng also just knew that the old president's name was Hu Dion. Wu Fengan immediately lowered his voice and said, "I'm not surprised to see your appearance. Do you know how many people died? More than a million people! "As soon as she heard this, her face changed greatly. She looked at Wu Feng an in surprise and said, "what? So many people? "

Wu Feng an shrugged and said, "that's why it's taboo! I can't even talk about it, but soon houdion got sick and retired ahead of time! "

After hearing the words, Dixie pondered for a long time, but did not speak. At this time, he was surprised and said, "then why did Satan not die and come here?"

Five feng an Wen speech shrugged a way, "this I don't know!"

Dixie immediately looked at Ye Feng and said, "you haven't explained the problem just now. What happened at this time? What happened?"

Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders and said, "it's nothing. I just met Hu Dion!"

Listen to Ye Feng say so, di Xi Si and five feng an are surprised to see Ye Feng way, "what?"

Wu feng'an immediately said, "have you met Hu Dion? I heard that this old guy has hardly appeared since he retired. How can you see him? "

Dixie asked Ye Feng, "what can I do for you?"

But Ye Feng shook his head and said, "let's go back and talk about it!" Then he took a look at the corpse of the man on the ground and immediately asked Wu Feng an, "is there a doctor who is familiar with and knows how to dissect?"

Wu Feng an immediately said, "you really asked me. I really have a forensic friend!"

Ye Feng immediately nodded, then patted Wu Feng an on the shoulder and said, "that's good. We'll start right away with the corpse on our back!"

Five feng an smell speech a dismay, pointed to point to own nose way, "I carry?"? Why me

Ye Feng is toward five feng an way, "is not you back, let Dixie back?"

Wufeng'an immediately looked at Ye Feng and walked out of the alley. She immediately muttered, "I didn't let Dixi recite my meaning. Why can't you..."

Dixi Si did not finish listening to what Wufeng an was mumbling, immediately also followed Ye Feng out of the alley, Wufeng an had to carry the body also came out.

And then Dixie said, "take a body, isn't it remarkable?"

At this time, Wu feng'an came out panting with the body on his back, "I drove here, my own car..."

Ye Feng immediately nodded, "very good!"

Three people get the body on Wufeng an's car, Wufeng an immediately left the scene.

On the car, Wu feng'an said to Ye Feng, "why do you think he died unnaturally?"

Ye Feng then toward five feng an way, "intuition!"

Five feng an smell speech can't help but white leaf maple one eye, di Xi Si then Dynasty leaf maple way, "with Hu Di Weng's meeting related?"

Ye Feng nodded and said, "let me tell you, Hu Dion and I almost broke up. Hu Dion once told me at least twice that there are at least 100 ways to kill people without violence."

When he heard the words, he frowned and looked at Ye Feng immediately. "Do you mean that Hu Dion can kill people invisibly?"

Ye Feng immediately nodded and then said to Dixie, "I just saw his body and couldn't find any cause of death. That's why I suddenly thought of Hu Dion's words. Moreover, there is a strong intuition in my heart that if there is no accident in his death, it should be related to Hu Dion!"

After a long time, he said to Ye Feng, "I know your intuition is always accurate. I believe nothing will happen this time."

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