Soon the car arrived at a street in the suburb, where the sense of chaos was as good as that of Martin boots.

Wu feng'an drove the car and soon got into a corner. Then she got off the car and went to a shop on the side of the road where it looked like the door was very messy. She patted the door hard.

With the sound of "Kuang Kuang", Wu feng'an began to use rude language. After a while, the iron door opened, and a disheveled guy came out. He looked at Wu feng'an angrily and said, "knock what? Are you not coming? "

Then he came out and said to Wu Feng, "I haven't seen you for a long time. I thought you were dead!"

Wu Feng an immediately knocked his head, "you're dead, I'm not dead!"

The man immediately asked Wu Feng an, "you didn't die so long and didn't come to me? Come to me now! What's up? "

Wufengan immediately said with a smile, "there is something I want to ask you for help!" He said something in his ear.

As soon as the man heard this, he immediately retreated wufeng'an to the outside. "Go away, I haven't seen you for such a long time? Stay where it's cool! "

Five feng an repeatedly say good words, just rushed in, Ye Feng and Dixi Si sit in the car, Dixi Si can't help but mutter a way, "that guy is the forensic?"

Ye Feng is also a shrug a way, "estimate is past tense?"

When two people see five Phoenix ANN into the door for a long time did not come out, all feel that this is a bit mysterious, don't want five Phoenix Ann but and that guy hook shoulder to shoulder came out.

Wufengan took him to the car, took a look at Ye Feng and Dixie, and introduced him to the man, "my friend!"

Ye Feng and Dixie both nodded to the man. The man didn't look at them. Obviously, they agreed, and they didn't want to.

But no matter whether he is willing or not, wufeng'an and he carry the body into the room. Ye Feng and Dixi just follow him.

It's chaotic enough outside. I didn't expect that the house of the goods is more chaotic. There are lots of sundries everywhere, just like the garbage pool.

The man and Wu feng'an put the corpse on a table. It was obvious that the table had just been cleaned up, and the ground was full of things pushed down from the table.

The man said casually to Ye Feng and Dixie, "sit down!"

Ye Feng and Dixie look at each other. Where else can we sit in this room? There's not even room for feet, let alone sitting.

Five feng an this time then dynasty that humanity, "elder brother, you this what equipment all have no, can do?"

The man shrugged his shoulders and said, "if you don't think it's OK, go to someone else. I won't serve you any more!"

Wu Feng an immediately said with a smile, "don't, don't, you can do it. Everything is up to you!"

The man murmured quietly, then went to one side and took out a box from the dirty cupboard. The box looked brand new.

After the man put the box away and opened it, Ye Feng saw that it was a brand new set of surgical equipment. However, he put on a mask, picked up a scalpel, looked up at Ye Feng and said, "are you standing here to see me cut his stomach?"

On hearing this, Wu feng'an was the first one to wave his hand. Then he went out of the room and said, "you're busy!"

Ye Feng and Dixi Si also followed to walk out, just went out, Dixi Si asked Dixi Si way, "this person reliable?"

Wu feng'an took out a cigarette, handed it to Ye Feng, and then lit one himself. Then he said to Dixie, "don't look at his Dexing now. He used to be a good hand, but he came down here after being implicated!"

Said to see a leaf maple way, "you just don't mention lion square?"? He is one of the victims affected by the incident

Ye Feng can't help looking at Wu Feng an in surprise, "affected by the event of lion square? Is there a follow-up to the lion Square incident? "

Wu feng'an looked at Ye Feng and said, "do you think the laser bombardment will be over in a moment? After three consecutive months of cleaning, other cities were also affected, and the time span of those cities was even wider. Some lasted for more than a year, some for many years, and some are still in liquidation! "

But Dixie said to Wu Feng, "you friend, you were also a follower of Satan in those years?"

Wufengan sighed, "his wife is, he is not, but the people who come down to investigate, where they care about these, are directly arrested. This pass is more than a year. Later, the new president came to power to find out that he was wronged, but he lost his job, his wife died, and the children don't know where to go!"

Ye Feng heard Wu Feng an say so, his heart suddenly a Lin, the original things that year, not only a million people died to end, there are so many tragedies continue to happen.

Wu feng'an then said to Ye Feng, "when you see Hu diong, did he show you what he did? This old man, what a retribution! Fortunately, I retired early, otherwise I don't know what happened! "

At this time, Dixie asked Ye Feng, "what's the matter with this old president looking for you?"Ye Feng did not say, just toward the Dixie way, "wait to go back to talk about this!"

Dixie took a look at Ye Feng, did not continue to ask, since Ye Feng does not want to say, no one can force him to say.

But Dixie also knew that the more Ye Feng didn't say it, the more complicated it was, and it might not even be a good thing.

After a long time, the man came over with a mask and his hands full of blood, and said to Wu Feng an, "the basic anatomy has been completed. I have taken out all the internal organs. You Come and sew it up for me! "

Five feng an points to own nose, surprised way, "I?"

The man sneered, "it's not you, is it me? Hurry up... "

Wu feng'an had no choice but to walk past with his nose in his mouth, but Dixie stopped Wu feng'an. When he got to his side, he said in a low voice, "he doesn't know who it is, does he?"

Wufengan knew what Dixie meant and immediately said, "don't worry. If you know, you won't pick him up if you kill him!" Then he went into the house immediately.

After a long time, Wu feng'an vomits and comes out. After a long time, she calms down a little. Then she says to Ye Feng and Dixie, "the test results need one or two days. He tells us the results and tells us that we can go first!"

Ye Feng asked Wu Feng an, "what about the corpse?"

Wu Feng an looked at Ye Feng in surprise and said, "do you want to take it away?"

Ye Feng then toward five feng an way, "don't take away, don't stay here?"? Let him live in peace! "

Wu feng'an immediately said to Ye Feng, "take it away. Carry it by yourself. I can say I won't carry anything. If you think of me..." Then he immediately went to one side and vomited again.

Ye Feng took a look and walked in. He came out with the body on his back and put it on the back of the car. Then he said to Wu Feng an, "find a place to bury it!"

Wufeng an vomited for a long time, then came to drive the driveway, "the cemetery is definitely not going to enter, can only find no one's place to bury!"

Said to start the car, continue to drive toward the outskirts of the car, the road toward Ye Feng said, "I know a good place!"

After driving for more than half an hour, Wu feng'an finally stopped on the slope of a wasteland. After getting off the bus, Wu feng'an looked back at the distant city of longarsenbao and said to Ye Feng, "how about it? Buried here, you can have a panoramic view of longarsenic castle, isn't it? "

Ye Feng nodded, and then from the car to find tools to start digging, Wu Feng an had been standing on one side watching, see Ye Feng alone digging, can't help but ask, "you are also surrounded by Satan?"

Ye Feng smell speech raised head to see one eye five feng an way, "I?"

Wu feng'an immediately nodded and said, "of course it's you. I think you're good to him, but you still want to bury him. You must be surrounded by him?"

Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders and said, "it's true."

At this time, Wu feng'an came over with a tool and began to help Ye Feng dig a hole. He said, "to tell you the truth, I'm also..."

Ye Feng can't help but look at Wu Feng an and say, "Oh? really? I can't see it! "

Wu feng'an immediately said, "it was that year, but after the lion Square incident, many people should keep a low profile. Who dares to tell others that they are? Are you not afraid of being implicated? "

At this time, Dixie also said to Ye Feng, "don't believe him. You see, Satan has been wandering all these years. In fact, wufeng'an is taking care of him. Otherwise, I don't know where he died of starvation!"

Wu Feng an said with a smile, "I can't talk about taking care of him. I often go to see him and give him something to eat. If I really want to take care of him, I will take him home early!"

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