After digging the pit, Ye Feng and Wu feng'an carry the body and put it in. Wu feng'an stands in the pit, looks at the body in the pit, and sighs, "Satan, no one can imagine that you are the end! Alas

Ye Feng stood in the same place and looked at it, but he was in a secret way in his heart. This matter can't be settled like this. Although Hu diong didn't harm himself directly, in a sense, he and the corpse are one. To harm him is to harm himself.

After burying the corpse, Wu feng'an took some stones and put them on the mound. He murmured, "I'll leave a mark for you. If I think about it later, I'll come to pay homage to you. One day..."

Then he sighed, "forget it, there's no hope. There can't be a day of rehabilitation. If there is one, I will move you to the federal cemetery!"

Ye Feng and Dixie both stood in front of the tomb and did not speak. After a long time, they got into the car and began to move towards longarsenic castle.

But in the middle of the car, Wu feng'an said to Ye Feng and Dixie, "remember the abandoned factory I mentioned before? It's near here. Would you like to have a look? "

When Ye Feng and Dixie heard this, they all moved. After looking at each other, Ye Feng nodded to Wu Feng an and said, "it seems that if you don't go there, you won't give up. Go there!"

On hearing this, Wu feng'an immediately said a good word excitedly, and then immediately made a sharp turn and drove in the opposite direction of long arsenic castle.

All the way, the huge red sun at the end of the ground line, just like a flash gate, the ground in the suburbs is bright red.

Soon Ye Feng saw a deserted and dilapidated factory not far away. Wu feng'an quickly drove the car outside the wall and immediately stopped.

Ye Feng opened the car door and got off. It seemed that there was no end to it. Behind the fence surrounded by barbed wire, there were many factories. The ground was covered with weeds, and there was no one.

Five feng an directly drilled in from the gap between the barbed wire net, this just turned round toward Ye Feng and di Xi Si way, "come in!"

After Ye Feng and Dixie followed in, Wu feng'an said, "this used to be a military factory specializing in the study of old military weapons, but after laser equipment became popular, it was abandoned."

At this time, Dixie asked Wu Feng an, "what do you want to do if you want to come back here by all means?"

Wu feng'an said with a smile, "you'll know when you get there!"

Dixi Si and Ye Feng look at each other, continue to follow Wu Feng an toward the front, and soon stop in front of a factory.

After Wu feng'an entered the factory building, he opened a door on one side of the ground. Then he turned back to Dixie and Ye Feng and said, "there is another cave below!" Then he went in immediately.

Ye Feng and Dixi see this went to the entrance to have a look, the following is actually a huge underground space.

After they got in, Wu feng'an turned on the lighting in the space.

Ye Feng and Dixie just looked at each other in surprise. The underground is actually full of old-fashioned weapons. However, compared with the civilization of eisf, these weapons are old-fashioned weapons. But for Ye Feng and Dixie, these weapons are no different from those on earth.

Wu feng'an said to Ye Feng and Dixie, "how about it? Now you know why I have to come back? "

Dixi Si looks at five feng an in surprise way, "those guys don't know there are these below?"

Wu Feng an shook his head and said, "I don't know if they know, but even if they do, they probably don't like it. Now they are all using laser weapons. Who will like these antiques?"

Ye Feng picked up a machine gun and weighed it in his hand. It was quite heavy, but he was in the dark. Although these weapons are too old for eisf, any weapon can kill people.

Moreover, this hole is full of these weapons, which can equip more than 10000 people.

Wu Feng an walked up to Ye Feng and said, "I knew you would be interested!"

Ye Feng puts down Ji Qiang in the hand and says to Wu Feng an, "is it such a place?"

But Wu Feng an said, "there are five more. There are almost all underground caves under each factory building, but there are only six armed ones here!"

Ye Feng immediately asked Wu Feng an, "as many as here?"

Wu Feng an immediately nodded and said, "it's almost the same, but these old-fashioned things are antiques. Their killing power is far less than that of laser weapons!"

Ye Feng is pondering, six such underground warehouses, one can equip 10000 people, six can equip 60000 people.

Although these weapons are not good in wufeng'an's eyes, they are hot weapons after all, and their lethality can't be underestimated.

Ye Feng looked in the eye, finally nodded, "put these things here first!"

Wu Feng an looks at Ye Feng way however, "how? Don't you think of a way to get it away? "

But Ye Feng said to Wu Feng, "such a big piece of ammunition, do you want to transport it to long arsenic castle? You are crazy? There is no safer place than hereFive feng an this time but toward leaf Feng way, "you satisfaction go!"

Ye Feng looked around the underground warehouse, then turned and left the ground.

Dixi Si and five feng an also followed to come out, leaf Feng this just said, "know here of still have who?"

Wu Feng an shrugged his shoulders and said, "anyway, I know that those guys have been occupying here all the time. I don't know if I know. As for other people, I don't know any more!"

Ye Feng nodded and then said, "let's get on the bus!"

Just as they were about to leave, they heard a rush of car engines behind them.

Hearing this voice, Ye Feng, Dixie and Wu feng'an all moved. Wu feng'an was even more surprised and said, "are these guys still there?"

At the end of the speech, an old jeep style car stopped in front of three people. There were four or five people on the car, each holding a laser gun in his hand. The muzzle of the gun was aimed at Ye Feng, Wu feng'an and Dixie.

The co driver of the car jumped to the ground and looked at Wu feng'an. He sneered and said, "how dare you come back?"

Wu Feng an however toward that person a wry smile, on the mouth murmur a way, "bad luck!"

The man walked towards the three, stood in front of and behind the three, looked at Ye Feng and Dixie, picked up his mobile phone and said, "they are right!"

A voice from the phone said, "bring them here!"

After that person hung up the phone, immediately pointed to Ye Feng with the muzzle of a gun, "come with me!"

Wu Feng an asked Ye Feng in a low voice at this time, "what should I do? Is there a way out? "

But Ye Feng slowly raised his hand and said, "act according to the situation, go first and talk again!"

Three people were put on a jeep and immediately drove away from the scene. They drove towards a building in the distance and soon stopped downstairs.

The three were escorted into the building again. After they got to the top floor, they went to the end of the corridor and stopped in front of an iron door.

Open the iron door, Ye Feng and the three of them are pushed in, then bang when a lock on the door, a crowd left.

Wufengan stood at the door, shaking the iron gate and said, "don't you want to see your boss?"

No one answered Wu Feng an's words. Wu Feng an immediately turned back and said to Ye Feng, "what should I do now?"

Ye Feng is toward five feng an way, "a little calm don't be impatient, will come soon!"

Just as he was saying that, he saw several people coming outside the door. They all looked strong black. Behind the black man was a white man, with a cigar in his mouth, walking leisurely towards this side.

After arriving at the gate, the black man gave way to both sides. After the white man came to the gate, he sneered at Wu feng'an and said, "do you still know how to come back

Wufengan immediately said with a smile to the man, "you see, I cheated them both?"

Ye Feng and Dixie are not surprised. Wu feng'an talks to people and ghosts. He saw it in Martin's boots last time.

But the white man didn't answer. Instead, he looked at Ye Feng and Dixie, and then said to Dixie, "are you Dixie?"

Dixie didn't say a word, just looked at each other coldly.

The white man looked at Ye Feng again, "what's your name?"

Ye Feng said, "my family name is Lao, my name is Zi!"

The white man frowned, "Laozi?" After saying reaction to come over, immediately stare Ye Feng one eye, immediately sneer a way, "verbally take advantage of, but you also can so!" Then he shook his head, hummed a little song and left again.

Seeing this, Wu feng'an immediately patted the iron gate and said, "Hey, are you leaving so soon?"

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