The white man ignored Wu feng'an and walked away. At this time, Dixie said to Wu feng'an, "he doesn't seem to be familiar with you? Why don't you

Wufengan immediately said to Dixie, "I don't know him either! It's just a small collar. What do you want to know? "

Dixi Si can't help but white five feng an one eye way, "I see you that way, thought you and he very familiar!"

Wu Feng an didn't say anything more, just muttered in a low voice, and Ye Feng said to Wu Feng an, "how do I feel that the situation here is a little different from what you said before?"

"I feel the same way," said Dickens immediately Then he immediately looked at Wu feng'an and said in a deep voice, "you guy, is there anything to hide from us?"

Wufengan's face changed slightly, and shrugged to Dixie, "what else can I hide from you?"

After saying this, Ye Feng and Dixie noticed that Wu feng'an's eyes were twinkling, which showed that Ye Feng's feeling was right.

However, Ye Feng didn't say much, but made a wink at Dixie. Dixie immediately understood, and then said to Wu Feng an, "I tell you, now you say that we are still friends. Later, if you say it from other people's mouth, friends don't have to do it!"

Listen to Dixi Si say so, five feng an immediately look at Dixi Si way, "don't say this kind of words, more hurt feelings!"

But she said to Wu feng'an, "I would rather hurt my feelings than be cheated by you again and again! Don't forget that you owe me this. Last time you lied to me about what can return to the earth, I didn't say anything. This time if you dare to cheat me again, even if you commit suicide, I won't forgive you! "

Five feng an listen to Ye Feng so a say, immediately a burst of ponder, after a long time, this just toward Dixi Si way, "well, I tell you all, OK?"

Dixie immediately said that it was almost the same, but before wufeng'an could speak, several people came out of the door immediately. When they came, they opened the iron door and said to Dixie, "come out!"

Yefeng and Dixie eyebrows are a wrinkle, Dixie even fists are pinched up, but see Yefeng toward himself shook his head, immediately released his hand, this just followed those people out.

But wufengan wanted to block in front of Dixie, and said to those humanitarians, "what do you want to do? What do you want her to do? "

There is no one to take care of Wu feng'an at all. After Dixie is taken away and the iron door is closed again, Wu feng'an is still complaining about Ye Feng, "if you want to keep Dixie away, it should be easy, right?"

Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders and said, "what you said is all right, but have you ever thought that even without me, it's easy for Dixie not to be taken away by them?"

Five feng an a listen to this words, immediately a Leng, think Ye Feng's words, think he said very reasonable.

He can't help looking at Ye Feng, surprised, "you mean, Dixie is deliberately let them take, right?"

Ye Feng shrugged and said to Wu feng'an, "now you can tell me why you brought us here? If I'm right, it's related to the weapons we've just seen? "

Listen to Ye Feng say so, five feng an facial expression immediately move, Zheng Zheng of looking at Ye Feng way, "can you actually guess?" Then he shrugged and said, "but guess that's normal! Now that you have guessed, I have nothing to say! "

But Ye Feng said, "how can there be nothing to say? The real owners of those weapons should be these people, right? You brought us here just to take this batch of weapons. I guess that's right? "

When Wu Feng settled down, she shrugged, "yes, this weapon is in their hands. It's a sharp weapon for them to kill people. The suburb of longarsene fort has been harassed by these people all the year round. Although these weapons are from the old times, the shopping malls are still there, and the officials of longarsene Fort don't care about the life and death of those people in the suburb. The suburb has become these guys at any time As long as they don't have any food or food, they will go to the suburbs to rob them. If they don't have these weapons, what capital do they have? "

Ye Feng listened to Wu feng'an's words, and immediately pondered. After a long time, he said to Wu feng'an, "it turns out that you do all this for the sake of those people in the suburbs. I really can't see that you still have the heart of fraternity. It's not the people in the suburbs. Is there anyone you want to protect among them?"

Five feng an smell speech complexion tiny move, saw a leaf maple, the mouth stammer say, "which have what to want to protect of person?"? I just can't stand all this. Don't think about it! "

But Ye Feng said, "if that's the case, these people should be different from the people who asked you to cheat Dixie last time, right?"

Wu Feng an Ye Feng said so, immediately nodded and said, "yes, these people are bandits, and those who let me cheat Dixie are not the same group at all!"

After hearing this, Ye Feng immediately asked Wu Feng an, "so where is the person who cheated Dixie?"

Wu Feng an immediately said, "in fact, I don't know. The guy you saw last time forced me to do it. As for the person behind him, he won't let me know at all."Ye Feng suddenly fell into a ponder. He didn't speak for a long time. After a long time, he asked Wu Feng an, "what's the origin of these people now? Why do you become a bandit? "

Wu Feng an heard the speech and immediately said, "what else is the reason? It's just that I can't get along in the city of longarsenbao, and I don't want to bear hardships and be lazy. That's why I'm a bandit now! "

Ye Feng smell speech immediately asked, "like this kind of person in addition to here, should also have in his place, more than one, where else have this kind of person?"? How many people are there? "

Wufeng'an said to Ye Feng, "there are so many people in longarsenic castle. How can the city accommodate so many people? Longarsenic castle has not been expanded for so many years, but the population has been rising. In my opinion, it will become a waste City sooner or later."

Listening to Wu Feng an's words, Ye Feng suddenly fell into a deep meditation. For a long time, he didn't speak. He sat on the ground against the wall, lit a cigarette and smoked slowly.

Seeing that Ye Feng didn't speak any more, Wu feng'an immediately went over and sat down by Ye Feng. She asked for a cigarette with Ye Feng. After a few puffs, Wu feng'an said, "I don't know what your organization is? But if Dixie joins in, I know it's not easy. Maybe it's the second Satan

Finish saying can't help looking at Ye Feng, as if in the expectation of Ye Feng face will appear he expected face, but obviously the result let him very disappointed.

Ye Feng's face is calm, can't see a trace of abnormal look, he can't help but some lost way, "I guess wrong?"

Ye Feng smoked several puffs of cigarettes in a row, and immediately threw the cigarettes in the local color to stamp out. Then he looked at Wu Feng an and said, "if, as you guessed, it's the same nature as Satan in those years, what should you do?"

Listen to Ye Feng say so, five feng an also sink into a burst of meditation, for a long time didn't speak, after a long time, this just slowly said, "don't know, never thought about this problem!"

Ye Feng patted Wu Feng an on the shoulder, then stood up, went to the door, looked at the door, and said slowly, "it's time for you to think about it!"

Hearing what Ye Feng said, Wu feng'an immediately stood up from the place and went to Ye Feng. He looked at Ye Feng in surprise and said, "are you really..."

Ye Feng glanced at Wu feng'an and said in a low voice, "some things can only be understood and can't be explained in words. You just know it in your heart. Don't make a fuss. Compared with this, the secret in your heart makes me a little surprised!"

Wu Feng an looks at Ye Feng puzzled, surprised way, "what secret makes you surprised? I'll tell you what I can tell you! "

Hearing this, Ye Feng immediately said with a smile, "can you tell us? So, what else can't you tell us? "

Five feng an listen to Ye Feng so a say, suddenly face a change, avoided Ye Feng's eyes, repeatedly said, "what can't tell you? I said that casually. Are you serious? "

Ye Feng smell speech, sneer, but did not say anything.

But the more Ye Feng didn't speak, the more uneasy Wu feng'an was. He looked at Ye Feng and said, "I really have nothing to tell you!"

Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders and said faintly, "when you can tell us, tell us again. Now it's meaningless to say it or not!"

Just then, several big black men came out of the door. When they got to the door, they said to Ye Feng, "you! Come out

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