On hearing this, Ye Feng immediately looked at the black men at the door, then turned his head and winked at Wu feng'an, and immediately followed those people out of the door.

Looking at Ye Feng also being taken away, Wu Feng an looks melancholy, thinking about the look Ye Feng gave himself before he left, wondering what it means?

After thinking about it for a long time, I couldn't help muttering, "what do you mean? I don't understand. Is there anything I can't say directly? Well, "

less than 10 minutes after Ye Feng was taken away, several black men came to the door and asked Wu feng'an to come out and say," it's your turn, come out quickly! "

Wu Feng an came out of the open iron door and asked the black man on one side, "you take us out one by one. What do you want to do?"

The black man ignored Wu feng'an at all, pushed him forward, and urged him, "don't grin, go faster!"

Soon, Wu Fenghua was taken to the first floor downstairs. He walked along the corridor to a door. After the darkness, he was pulled to stop, pushed the door open and pushed him in.

As soon as wufeng'an entered the door, the door behind him was closed. The room was dark and there was nothing to see. There was also a smell of mildew, which was very pungent.

Wufengan immediately went to the door, kept beating the door, went to the door and cried, "what do you want to do? If you have anything to say, just ask me if you want to scare people to death? I'm not scared! "

If you say that, you will feel more and more scared in your heart. From childhood to adulthood, Wu feng'an does almost nothing, only afraid of two things, black and death!

There was no one outside to take care of him. Wufeng'an was shrinking in the corner, shivering. She felt that her teeth were trembling. She kept mumbling, "it's OK, it's ok..."

At this time, Ye Feng's condition was similar to Wu feng'an's, and he was also locked in a dark room. There was nothing in it, not even a stool, and there was no movement outside.

To tell you the truth, the door in front of him couldn't stop Ye Feng. The reason why Ye Feng didn't break out of the door was to see what these guys wanted to do, so he was waiting after entering the door.

But now has been waiting for 20 minutes, or no one to come, Ye Feng some can't help, think of Dixie is also in this environment?

Ye Feng thought in his heart, if you wait another 20 minutes, no one will come, he can only break out of the door, no longer wait!

As time goes by, when the 20th minute, Ye Feng is ready to break out of the door, he suddenly hears a sound of footwork from outside. He immediately stops his action and goes back to the corner to sit down.

Soon I heard the sound of opening the door. In a short time, the door was opened. There was a white man standing at the door, who had seen them before.

The white man took a look at Ye Feng. He often came in and stood in front of Ye Feng. After staring at Ye Feng for a long time, he said, "what's the relationship between you and Dixie?"

Ye Feng said to the white man, "you don't know what I have to do with her, so you lock me up? What about the Dixie? Didn't she say what I had to do with him? "

The white man said to Ye Feng, "now it's me asking you questions, not you asking me questions!"

Ye Feng suddenly stood up at this time. Although the white man was standing in front of him, he was much shorter than him.

When Ye Feng stood up, he gave the man a sense of oppression. Unconsciously, he stepped back, looked up at Ye Feng and said, "what do you want to do?"

Ye Feng sneered and stepped forward. The white man instinctively stepped back. His mouth trembled. "What are you going to do?"

Looking at the white man so afraid of himself, Ye Feng can't help but frown, "are you so afraid of me?"

White strong calm, toward Ye Feng a sneer, "I will be afraid of you, who do you think you are? Is it Satan? "

Hearing this, Ye Feng couldn't help but feel funny. Looking at the white man in front of him, he said, "you know Dixie, and I'm by Dixie's side. What's so strange about Satan?"

The white man sneered, "are you Satan? Don't be funny, who doesn't know that Satan is crazy! "

Ye Feng listened to the white man's words. He couldn't help but wonder. This guy knows that Satan is crazy. Does everyone in eisf know that?

If so, why did houdion leave Satan's life for nothing?

Ye Feng is a little curious. There must be something unexpected in it, waiting for him to figure it out.

The white human world leaf maple eyes a burst of daze, immediately and scold a person a voice way, "what do you hair daze?"? What's the relationship between you and Dixie? "

Ye Feng looked back at the white man in front of him and said coldly, "you are not qualified to talk to me, let you take charge of things!"

With a sneer, the white man took out a laser pistol from his pocket and said to Ye Feng, "I only give you one minute. Within one minute, if I can't hear the answer I want, I'll shoot!"

Ye Feng took a look at the laser pistol in the white man's hand. He couldn't help but wonder, if according to Wu feng'an, these people should use the obsolete weapons in the warehouse, how could there be laser pistols?Hearing that Ye Feng didn't speak, he immediately put the muzzle of the gun against Ye Feng's head and sneered, "do you think I really dare not shoot? If you are brave enough, try it! "

Ye Feng looked at a white, hand is just a move, the white hands of the laser pistol do not know why, has reached Ye Feng's hand.

In the last second, the white man was still holding a laser pistol against Ye Feng's head. In the next second, it was reversed. Ye Feng's big pistol was against the white man's head.

The white man looked at Ye Feng, his eyes full of surprise, even fear. He looked at Ye Feng and said, "you, you, you Who the hell are you? "

At this time, several big black men outside the door also rushed in, each with weapons in his hand, Ye Feng took a look, those people are just out of the normal firearms.

The big black man looked at the laser pistol in his hand. It just shook and shot out in an instant. The big black man fell to the ground in an instant. The gun in their hand didn't even have a chance to send out a bullet.

Seeing this scene, the white man was even more stupid. He didn't expect that Ye Feng would shoot and kill them when they didn't expect it, without ambiguity at all.

Ye Feng at this time the muzzle of the gun is still against the white man's head, sneer, "do you think your life is worth more than them? Or is your head bulletproof? "

The white man immediately counseled, immediately raised his hands and said to Ye Feng, "something to say, don't get excited!"

Ye Feng butted the white man's head with the muzzle of his gun and hummed coldly, "now I'll give you a minute. If I can't hear the answer I want, you can go down to accompany your subordinates!"

The white man immediately said, "if you want to know anything, just ask. I'll tell you everything!"

Ye Feng took out a cigarette, held it in his mouth, lit it and took a deep breath. Then he looked at the white man and said, "where is Dixie? And where's your boss? "

The white man immediately said, "Dixie is on the next floor. Our boss is not here!"

Ye Feng immediately asked, "not here, where?"

The white man shook his head and said, "I don't know, I really don't know, I didn't cheat you, and I dare not cheat you!"

Ye Feng looked at the white man's eyes and knew that he didn't speak, but he also saw that the white man's status here was not very high. At most, he was a small leader. It was probably unrealistic to ask anything.

Thinking of this, he sneered, "since you don't know anything, it's meaningless to live!"

On hearing this, the white man immediately yelled at Ye Feng, "don't shoot, don't shoot. Although I don't know where our boss is, I know where his mistress is!"

Ye Feng smell speech, brow a wrinkly, surprised looking at white way, "mistress? What am I going to do with your boss and your mistress? "

The white man immediately said, "our boss is always there. Maybe he's there now!"

Ye Feng said, "I'm not interested in following you around. I'll give you another minute and call your boss now. No matter what method you use, if he doesn't arrive in half an hour, you will die! Is that fair? "

The white man repeatedly said, "I fight, I fight, now fight..." Said immediately took out the mobile phone, dialed a number, but the phone rang for a long time, the other side did not answer.

He immediately looked at Ye Feng and said, "he doesn't answer..."

Ye Feng is cold hum a, "it seems that you are not lucky, if a minute, he answers the phone, you live, a minute, he does not answer the phone, you die, very fair?"

At this time, the white man's forehead was sweating. He immediately hung up the phone and dialed again. He still said, "answer the phone, answer the phone..."

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