After a while, the phone was finally connected. The white man immediately sighed and said to the phone, "boss, where are you? When will you be back? "

The other end of the phone can't help yelling, "what do you mean? When shall I go back and when shall I be arranged by you? "

The white man immediately said, "no, didn't we catch Wu Feng an and Dixie just now?"

The person on the other end of the phone immediately said, "you've reported it before, and there's a strange man, right? I didn't mean to know. I'll go back after I'm busy!"

The white man immediately said, "no, boss, I've been held by that strange man now. He wants you to come back immediately..."

On the phone, the man immediately yelled, "waste..." Finish saying to hang up the phone immediately, also did not come back in the final analysis.

The white man looked at Ye Feng and said, "you heard me, too. He didn't say that he would come back!"

Ye Feng then sneered at the man and said, "it seems that your boss doesn't care whether you live or die!" And then he said, "what's the point of saying you're alive? It's better to die! "

Listen to Ye Feng say so, that white life afraid Ye Feng shot general, quickly said, "don't kill me, I've tried my best, but our boss didn't listen to me!"

Ye Feng didn't talk to the white man. He just asked Dixie where he was and asked him to take him. The white man immediately took Ye Feng out of the room and went downstairs.

In the corridor at this time, there are several black people in ambush. Ye Feng shoots out his gun in an instant. Those black people are not ready, but they have been killed by Ye Feng.

The white man's legs and feet were trembling. After all, every time Ye Feng shot, it was from his ear. He was afraid that if ye Feng's shot was not accurate, he would lose his head.

Downstairs, the white man immediately took Ye Feng to the door of a room and quickly opened the iron door. As soon as he opened the door, the Dixie inside hit him directly in the white man's face.

The white man suddenly cried in pain, covered his mouth and squatted on the ground. As soon as Dixie saw Ye Feng standing outside, his heart moved.

Ye Feng and Dixie didn't speak. Ye Feng picked up the goods on the ground and continued to ask him, "where's Wu Feng an?"

The white man has no choice but to continue to take Ye Feng and Dixie to find Wu feng'an. At the same time, Ye Feng picks up a gun from the ground and hands it to Dixie.

As soon as he met anyone on the road, Dixie shot and killed him no matter what.

Soon to the door of a room on the next floor, after the iron door was opened, Wu feng'an saw that it was Dixi and Ye Feng, which was a relief.

After Wu feng'an came out, he saw that the white man's mouth was full of blood. He was obviously beaten by Ye Feng and Dixie, and his whole body was relieved

That white person also dare to anger not dare to speak, immediately toward leaf maple compensate smile way, "now I all let you go, boss, you also should let me go?"

Ye Feng but looked at the white humanitarian, "I'm not your boss, your boss now don't ask you life and death, don't know when to save you!"

White smell speech complexion move, leaf maple then toward five feng an way, "you tie him on the balcony, we wait for his boss to come back here!"

Wu Feng an was very excited when she heard this. She immediately found the rope and tied the white man to the balcony. She patted him on the face and sneered, "do you have today?"

The white man immediately said to Wu Feng an, "Wu Feng an, I have nothing against you I do what I'm told! "

Wu Feng an didn't care. She patted the man's mouth and said, "I have nothing to do with you. I'm just acting on orders. Don't blame me!"

At this time, Dixie said to Yefeng, "now we are going to wait?"

Ye Feng nodded and sighed, "their boss doesn't care about this guy's life at all. It seems that he won't come back for a while and a half!"

Wu feng'an immediately said, "since their boss doesn't ask him whether he's alive or dead, we'll help him. We'll take it as a gift to their boss!"

On hearing this, Ye Feng nodded and said, "it's a good idea..."

Before Ye Feng finished, the white man yelled, "don't kill me, don't kill me You promised me that our boss would kill me if he didn't come back within an hour. It's not an hour. Maybe my boss is on his way back! "

Ye Feng smell speech can't help nodding, toward five feng an way, "yes, I promised him, so, then wait for an hour!"

Wu Feng an can't help muttering, "what's the credit with these guys?"

Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders and said, "if you have to be trustworthy, what's the difference between being trustworthy and not being trustworthy?"

At this time, however, she said to Wu Feng, "at this time, is it time to talk about your personal credit?"

Wu Feng an frowned and said, "what's wrong with my credit?"

But Dixie said immediately, "you haven't answered what I asked you just now."Wu feng'an suddenly said, "Oh, I have explained to Ye Feng that these people are all bandits nearby. They often rely on the shabby weapons we saw before to disturb the people in the suburb of longarsenic fort. So I just want to rely on you to let me take these weapons away. It's better to distribute them to the people in the suburb of longarsenic fort, since the authorities of longarsenic Fort don't care about them If they don't ask, let them arm themselves! "

When she heard this, she couldn't help looking at Ye Feng and asked him if what he said to himself was the same as what he said to Ye Feng.

But Ye Feng frowned at Wu Feng an and said, "you didn't say you want to arm these people, did you?"

Wu Feng an then awkwardly a smile way, "I that is because see you seem to be also interested in these arms, worry you don't agree, so didn't say all the time!"

Then he immediately explained, "but I don't want to hide you. I just want to find a suitable opportunity to say. Besides, we are already trapped here. I want to go out and find another opportunity!"

Ye Feng didn't talk much, but Dixie said at this time, "you are not helping them, you are harming them."

Wu Feng an can't help wrinkling her brows when she hears the words, "do you harm them? I'm trying to help them with all my heart. How can I harm them? "

Ye Feng also nodded at this time, "then you are doing bad things with good intentions! Have you ever thought that the most they can do now is to turn a deaf ear to them by the lungsburg authorities, but once these people are armed, they will be a large armed force. At that time, the lungsburg authorities will not turn a deaf ear to them! "

Wu Feng an said with a smile to Ye Feng, "you think so much. You see they are seasonal armed forces all the year round, and there is no action of the longarsene Fort authorities!"

But Ye Feng said to Wu feng'an, "that's because these guys only aim at the suburbs of long arsenic fort, and they don't pose a real threat to them. But once the people are armed, they can't threaten the gang of bandits most. The bandits are easy to eradicate, but the armed forces have been formed. What will happen then?"

Five feng an Zheng Zheng ground looking at leaf Feng way, "I didn't think of these, should not......"

Before Wu feng'an finished, Ye Feng said immediately, "I don't think so! As far as I'm concerned, not only will they, but they will. As long as they are armed, they will see the difference between the urban area and the suburb of lonasburg, and the sense of gap will become more and more serious. At that time, they can only resist with weapons, and then it will turn into a rebellion! Do you think that with their military literacy, they can compete with the military forces around lonarsenic castle? "

Listening to Ye Feng's words, Wu Feng fell into a deep meditation when she settled down. Just as he said, he never considered this problem from the beginning to the end!

Just as Ye Feng said, once there is a military conflict, the people in the suburbs, no matter in terms of military literacy or weapons and equipment, can't be compared with the regular army in longarsenic fort. Once there is such a day, there is only one solution, that is, the suburbs are completely wiped out by the regular army.

Thinking of this, Wu feng'an couldn't help looking at Ye Feng and said, "I haven't thought about it. I haven't thought about it carefully!"

But Ye Feng patted Wu feng'an on the shoulder and said, "it's good for you to have this heart, but you can't make a decision without overall planning, because if you make a decision, it's likely to kill countless people!"

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