Five feng an listen to Ye Feng so say, immediately a burst of silence, for a long time also did not speak, as if to reflect on their own this kind of naive idea, fortunately met Ye Feng and Dixi Si, otherwise he really do, I'm afraid inadvertently killed, don't know how many people.

However, it's not right to think about it immediately. If he didn't meet Ye Feng and Dixie, he would not have such an idea at all. With his own ability, it's impossible to take away the ammunition here. It's only after he met Ye Feng and Dixie that he felt this idea.

At this time, the white people were listening all the time, and they didn't dare to say anything. They said in their heart, good guys, it turns out that these guys are targeting the ammunition here, and they want to give it to those people in the suburb of lonzabur.

He is still thinking that when the boss comes back, he must tell his boss the news so that he can take precautions.

But at this time, Ye Feng went to the white man's side, patted his mouth and said, "can you hear clearly?"

Hearing this, the white man was shocked. He knew what Ye Feng meant, but he pretended to be stupid. "What? I don't understand you

But Ye Feng sneered, "don't pretend. You can hear everything here. Do you think you still have life? Only the dead keep secrets

Upon hearing this, the white man's face suddenly changed. He even said in a voice, "don't kill me. It's still useful to keep me..."

But Ye Feng sneered, "your boss thinks you are useless. What else can I use if I keep you?"

Five feng an on hearing this words, immediately excitedly say, "keep him to inform to waste food, had better directly kill to calculate!"

The white man repeatedly said, "it's useful to keep me..."

Ye Feng looked at the white man and said, "you'd better talk about it. What's your use! I just saw your eyes turning around. You must be full of ideas, right

The white man continued, "don't you just want the ammunition here? I can take you there!"

Wu Feng an immediately patted his mouth and said, "don't I know? You want to take us? I know how many arsenals you have, and I say you are useful, but I say birds are useless! "

Ye Feng also nodded and said, "yes, if it's just these, you are worthless!"

Hearing this, the white man immediately said, "you only know these open arsenals and the dark ones, and those open arsenals are all obsolete. I know our boss has a treasure warehouse, which is full of new ones It's not new, but it's much more advanced than those... "

Wu Feng an can't help but frown and say, "and this place? Really? Why don't I know? "

White immediately toward five feng an way, "you are not our people, how can you know?" Then he immediately said to Ye Feng, "boss, listen to me, only our boss and I know this place. My boss regards this place as a treasure..."

But Ye Feng frowned at the white man and said, "where your boss is a treasure, will you know? Just now I listened to your boss's voice and didn't take you seriously at all! "

The white man immediately said, "of course, it's not our boss who told me, but I found out by accident. The boss later found out and scolded me. I'm not allowed to talk about it everywhere!"

Hearing this, Ye Feng immediately patted him in the face and said, "before your boss comes, you can take us to have a look. If there is such a place, I can beat you, but if you find that you cheat us Hum... "

Wu feng'an said immediately, "if you dare to cheat us, I will kill him immediately!"

At this time, Ye Feng motioned to Wu feng'an to untie the white man. The white man nodded to Ye Feng and said, "no, no, there must be this place. I'll take you now!"

Ye Feng personally escorts the white man and asks him to lead the way. If he escorts Wu feng'an, he is afraid that the white man will slip away.

The white man took Ye Feng and the three of them to the downstairs. Then they got on an off-road vehicle, which was driven by Wu feng'an. Dixie sat in the co pilot, while Ye Feng escorted the white man in the back seat.

After driving, Wu feng'an asked the white man how to get there. After listening to the white man's description of the route, he frowned and said, "don't fool me. I've been to that place. It's an empty warehouse!"

The white man immediately explained, "it's empty on the surface, but there's another mystery in it. I found it by accident. There are two underground floors there!"

Five feng an on hearing this words, eyebrow is a wrinkly way again, "underground 2?" Said the police immediately confessed humanity, "you must not lie, if not, you know what the consequences!"

The white man immediately nodded and said, "no, no, I promise with my own head, there must be!"

Wu feng'an didn't say a word any more. She immediately drove to the white man's position and soon stopped beside a warehouse.

Ye Feng immediately escorts the white man out of the car. The white man immediately takes three people into the warehouse. Wu feng'an goes to open the door of the underground dark Pavilion. After four people enter the first floor underground, Ye Feng notices that there is nothing here.

Wu Feng an immediately pushed Bai humanitarian, "where is the passage to the next floor?"The white man said at once, "it's up ahead. I'll take you!"

Ye Feng noticed that when the white man said this, his eyes moved slightly and he immediately held the gun in his hand.

Seeing this, his heart moved, and he just held the gun.

Wu feng'an can't help but feel awed when she sees Ye Feng and Dixie's action. It's obvious that Ye Feng and Dixie have found something, so she has prepared ahead of time, but she has no gun in her hand and can only hide behind Ye Feng and Dixie.

But Wu feng'an followed her and walked straight ahead. She found that it was empty all around. It was not easy to hide anyone here, was it?

Just thinking about it, the white man in front suddenly stopped and said, "here we are!"

Ye Feng and Dixie immediately stopped, looked around, and found that there was still nothing here.

After Wu Feng an looked around, he immediately went to Chaobai and said, "where is it? Why don't I see an entrance! "

The white man said at this time, "the mechanism is on this wall!"

Wu feng'an looked at the wall in front of her, but saw that the wall was extremely smooth, without any mechanism. She frowned and said, "I didn't see anything!"

Then he turned back and yelled at the white man, "are you kidding us?" Say to return toward leaf maple way, "don't say, this kid is definitely playing slippery head!"

The white man then looked back at Ye Feng and said, "I can't see it on the surface, but there is an electronic screen hidden behind the wall. Only a small place with a thumb sized button can open it!"

Said also immediately toward the wall side aisle, "I'll open it for you to see!"

Ye Feng then observed around, and then called Bai humanitarian, "you don't need to go, Wufeng an..."

However, at this time, the white man ran towards the wall like a gallop, pushed hard on the wall, the wall actually moved and rotated, and the white man instantly got in.

Seeing this, Dixie fired several shots in succession, but the white man ran so fast that he hit the wall with several shots.

Ye Feng see immediately also chase in the past, in the heart thought, his side has been on guard, did not expect or by this boy to run.

Dixie and wufengan also catch up, wufengan mouth also muttered, "I know this boy is not a good bird, you see, I said right?"

Ye Feng took the lead to rush in, but saw that it was a dark article, and he couldn't see how much space it was. However, he soon heard the sound of footsteps on the left side, and he immediately followed the sound to catch up.

Ye Feng's action is very fast. After a while, he saw a shadow running in front of him. Immediately, he jumped over and kicked the man to the ground with one foot. Then he went up and knelt down on him. He immediately put the muzzle of the gun against his leg and fired two shots in a row.

That person suddenly a burst of scream, Ye Feng directly get up and pull that person's leg to go back, at this time just Dixi Si and five feng an catch up, see Ye Feng back, five feng an surprised way, "people?"

Just asked to see behind him is dragging a person, face suddenly move, and so on Ye Feng they are several from the dark way out of time, but see that white man a face pale, pain.

The power of the laser pistol is much greater than that of the normal firearm. Besides, the white man's legs were already blurred with blood and flesh when he was still shooting at such a short distance.

Seeing this, Wu feng'an couldn't help sighing, but he angrily scolded the man and said, "don't you want to die on your own?"

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