The white man was already in agony. At this time, his lips were a little white. He looked at Ye Feng and Wu feng'an, and could not say a word.

Ye Feng squatted in front of the white man at this time, with a pitiful look on his face, and said, "Why are you suffering?"

At this time, the white man took a look at Ye Feng. After a long breath, he said to Ye Feng, "I know, you didn't intend to let me go from beginning to end! I don't want to run. Am I waiting here to die? "

When he heard the words, he immediately turned to the white man and said, "so, what Secret Armory are these fake?"

The white man listened to such a sound, just looked at her, did not say a word, did not admit, did not deny.

Ye Feng sees in the eye, then takes out the cigarette, after oneself light up one, again light up one, plug into the white man's mouth, "since you want to die, I will complete in! When you finish smoking this cigarette

On hearing this, Wu feng'an immediately took a gun from Dixie's hand and pointed it at the white man in front of him. She said to Ye Feng, "if you say a word, I'll shoot!"

Ye Feng took a look at Wu feng'an, and then Dixie took the gun back and said to him, "you don't know how to use a gun, you'd better not touch it!"

At this time, Ye Feng took a look at the white man who was smoking, but saw that he was pale at this time. Then he directly sat on the ground and sat face to face with the white man. Then he said, "what's your name?"

The white man took a look at Ye Feng. He didn't say a word. He continued to smoke cigarettes. The cold sweat on his forehead now slowed down a little.

Ye Feng said, "even if it's dead, I don't kill nobody. What's your name?"

At this time, the white man took a look at Ye Feng, and then humed, "Hendry!"

Ye Feng smell speech this just nodded a way, "Hendry, you smoke slowly, finish smoking I send you on the road!"

Hendry listened to what Ye Feng said. He was silent for a while. He didn't say a word, but his eyes were staring at the cigarette end on his mouth.

He seems to know that this cigarette end represents his life. After he finishes smoking cigarettes, his life will come to an end.

At first, Hendry was not so nervous, but when he saw the cigarette end getting shorter and longer, he felt that his breathing became a little difficult, and he was reluctant to take another sip of the cigarette in his mouth.

Ye Feng had finished smoking a cigarette. Then he stood up and looked at Hendry, who was sitting on the ground. He said, "it's almost time. Hendry, it's time to go on the road!"

With that, Ye Feng immediately took out the laser pistol in his hand and pointed it at Hendry's head. Hendry couldn't help but inhale deeply. The cigarette ash in his mouth also fell to the ground.

At this time, when Hendry looked up at Ye Feng, his eyes began to contract. When he thought he would die, he felt less afraid.

But now I know that the original fear is just a kind of illusion. I think I'm not afraid. That's because I haven't really faced death.

Now Ye Feng's face has become a little impatient. He says to Hendry, "are you ready? I don't have time to spend here with you! "

Hendry said immediately, "I'll tell you where the secret arsenal is. Can you let me live?"

Wu Feng an immediately sneered, "you've already used this move. Do you want to do it now? Do you think we are idiots

Hendry immediately explained, "look at my legs. Do I have a chance to run now? I'm telling the truth

Five feng an smell speech immediately toward leaf Feng way, "don't believe this kid!"

Ye Feng did not speak, just staring at Hendry's eyes, from his eyes, Ye Feng can see the desire to survive.

After a long time, Ye Feng took a deep breath, then put away the laser pistol.

Seeing this, Wu feng'an immediately looked at Ye Feng in surprise and said, "don't you really believe this boy?"

"He didn't lie this time," said Dixie

Wu Feng an can't help but frown and say, "why? Why can't I see that? "

At this time, Ye Feng immediately found a board from one side and a rope to tie it up. Then he put Henry's on it and said, "go ahead, where is it?"

Hendry pointed to the end of the warehouse and said, "go straight to the end!"

Ye Feng immediately led Hendry to the front. After a while, he reached the end of the warehouse.

Hendry said immediately, "there is a row of nails beside the iron door. Do you see them? The seventh nail from left to right is the switch

On hearing this, Wu feng'an immediately went over and looked at a row of nails. He said to Hendry, "is this nail a switch?"

Yefeng put down Hendry, walked past, but saw wufengan want to press the nail, he immediately put out his hand to stop.

Wu Feng an looked at Ye Feng in surprise and said, "what's the matter?"

Ye Feng then toward five feng an way, "you don't believe me?"

Ye Feng is toward five feng an way, "no, I don't believe him, in case this nail is what concealed weapon button, aren't you very dangerous?"Five feng an on hearing this words, complexion immediately move, immediately backed back a few steps, toward leaf Feng way, "that still you come!"

After waiting for Wu feng'an to step back, Ye Feng went to count the seventh nail, reached out and pressed it, but saw the wall on one side moving towards both sides.

After a while, there was a metal door behind the stone brick wall, and there was an electronic screen in the middle of the metal door.

Ye Feng went over to have a look. After waking up the electronic screen, he saw that there were three kinds of identification methods: password, pupil and fingerprint.

Seeing these, Ye Feng looks back at Hendry. Wu feng'an is extremely surprised at this time. It seems that he didn't expect that there is something else behind the stone wall.

Hendry looked at Ye Feng and said, "I didn't cheat you, did I?"

Said immediately and toward Ye Feng way, "you promise not to kill me, I will tell you the password! I can see that you are a man of promise. As long as you nod your head and promise, I'll believe you. I'm not afraid that you will go back on your promise when you come back! "

After hearing the speech and looking at Hendry for a long time, Ye Feng nodded and said, "OK, you believe me, I will believe you. I can promise you not to kill you!"

Hendry, relieved, said to Ye Feng, "852741963654987321."

After Ye Feng input the code on the electronic screen according to Hendry's words, he suddenly saw the metal door clang. The metal door, which originally looked like a whole, suddenly split into two parts and opened slowly.

After a rumble of opening the door, the heavy metal door was completely opened, and a brand new warehouse appeared in front of them.

and in that warehouse, there are a lot of bright lights, and there are several rows of shelves that look tall, on which are all kinds of weapons, not only outdated firearms, but also laser weapons.

Seeing this scene, Wu feng'an couldn't help but excitedly stepped forward and said, "I wipe, do you really have this secret Arsenal?"

Hendry said at this time, "this is our boss's Secret collection for a long time, even our own people, few people are equipped with these equipment, but he has always been as a baby pimple!"

Ye Feng smell speech immediately look back to Hendry way, "your boss where come of these?"

Hendry shrugged his shoulders and said, "I don't know. Anyway, it's not the same source as the firearms you know. He must have his way! You have to ask him specifically about that! "

Wu feng'an immediately said to Ye Feng, "this kind of laser equipment has been strictly controlled by the Federation. It's very difficult for a private person to get one or two. This warehouse is full of these. I don't think it's normal!"

After entering the warehouse, Ye Feng looked around and came out again. After closing the metal door of the warehouse again, he said, "when their boss comes, I'll know! There may be some unexpected harvest! "

Hendry this time toward Ye Feng way, "secret warehouse also showed you, also confirmed that I didn't cheat you, now can let me?"

Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders at Hendry and said, "no problem. If you believe me, I'll believe you. I can't kill you. You go!"

Hendry was excited at first, but then his face moved again. Although Ye Feng released himself, his legs had been abandoned and he had no legs to walk. Ye Feng told him to walk. How could he walk?

Wu feng'an was worried that Ye Feng had let Hendry go, but seeing that Hendry was still lying on the board, she couldn't help laughing, "didn't she let you go? Why don't you go yet? "

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