Hendry looks depressed, and at this time, there is a sudden brake sound outside the warehouse. Ye Feng and others can't help but feel a move, knowing that Hendry's boss should come back.

And they all know that just now when they brought Hendry all the way, there must have been many big black men who were hiding in the dark and didn't dare to stand up. So it's not surprising that they could find here quickly.

Ye Feng immediately looks at Dixie and wufeng'an, indicating that they are all looking for shelter to hide, while Hendry, who is lying on the board, looks desperate.

Ye Feng, they can appear here, and they are also here. No matter how stupid the boss is, he can know what's going on. The boss must know that he betrayed him.

Thinking of this, Hendry immediately asked Ye Feng for help and said, "help me. The boss will kill me when he sees me here. Help me Help me... " The last sound was almost wailing.

Ye Feng takes a look at Hendry, who is still lying in the middle of the warehouse. His heart moves, and Wu feng'an says to Ye Feng, "who cares about him now?"

Ye Feng hesitated for a moment, but when he saw Hendry's desperate eyes, he rushed out with a brisk step.

However, when Ye Feng just rushed out, the door of the warehouse was opened, and a kind of machine gun in the hands of a black man immediately started to shoot inside.

Ye Feng's heart is suddenly a Lin, immediately a local roll, rolling on the ground after a circle, and then grasp the ground rope, and then a brisk run toward the other side.

Hendry, who was lying on the board, was immediately dragged by Ye Feng. However, Hendry was shot twice in his leg, but the lower part of his leg was injured. Compared with the injuries caused by these two laser pistols, the injuries caused by those two bullets are not worth mentioning.

From the firepower of the other side, we can see that the boss didn't care about his life. Hendry felt guilty. When he saw Ye Feng, he immediately said thank you to Ye Feng.

Ye Feng didn't speak. At this time, he just heard a bang. A jeep came in from the outside of the warehouse, and the jeep rolled down the iron door of the warehouse.

After the jeep came in, a man with a red upper body, chest hair all over his chest, a cigar in his mouth, and a heavy Gatling machine gun in the back of the jeep.

Just after the jeep stopped, the big man with chest hair immediately howled, and then the Gatling machine gun of the mobile phone shot in front of him.

Although the power of jetting machine gun can't be compared with that of laser machine gun, its firepower can't be underestimated. Some old shelves, boards and even brick guns in the warehouse were swept out of shape by jetting machine gun.

Even Ye Feng, at this time, can only find a shelter to hide in the back, not to mention Hendry and wufengan, Hendry's whole body has shrunk into a ball.

Wu feng'an was not so good there. He hid behind the wall motionless, and his chest kept undulating. He was afraid that the shelter behind him would be pierced.

Fortunately, after a burst of shooting, the excitement was gone. The eggshell of the Gatling machine gun was already a little red, and the back seat of the jeep was also a pile of shot shells.

At this time, the big man with chest hair jumped from the back seat of the jeep, took the machine gun in the hand of a big black man on one side, held it in his arms and shot at the front again.

When the shooting was over, the man with chest hair put away his machine gun and carried it on his shoulder. He went to one side with his cigar in his other hand, stepped on an iron shelf, and cried to the front, "where are you? Why don't you come out? Don't you want me back? "

At this time, Ye Feng was just about to emerge from the back of the bunker, and the big man with chest hair saw it at a glance. He immediately carried a machine gun and shot at Ye Feng's bunker.

Ye Feng was immediately beaten back. The chest hairy man found out where Ye Feng was. He immediately put his cigar in his mouth, bit his teeth tightly, and continued to shoot Ye Feng with his machine gun.

All the time, the cement pillar behind Ye Feng was about to be broken, and the bullets in his machine gun were just used up, so he threw the machine gun away and yelled, "don't be sneaky, if you are brave enough, come out!"

After hearing this, Ye Feng immediately put the laser gun in his hand on his back. Then he raised his hands and walked out of the bunker slowly.

As soon as he saw Ye Feng, he frowned and said, "are you the boy who wants me back?"

Ye Feng raised his hands and said, "yes, it's me!"

The big man with chest hair sneered, but there was still some admiration for Ye Feng in his eyes. After all, under such a big fire, Ye Feng dared to stand up, not afraid that he was waiting for him at the muzzle of his gun?

See Ye Feng so, chest hair big man immediately toward Ye Feng way, "how many do you mean?"

But Ye Feng asked the big man with chest hair, "you let your men arrest us. I haven't asked you a few points!"

The chest hairy man was stunned at first, and then said with a smile, "it's a little interesting!" Then he immediately picked up a machine gun from the black man's hand on one side and said to Ye Feng, "are you not afraid to talk to me like this? If I'm not happy, I'll kill you?"But Ye Feng said to the hairy man, "how boring that is! If you wanted to do that, you would have shot. Why ask me? "

The chest hairy man immediately laughed and looked at Ye Feng and said, "it's a little interesting, it's a little interesting!"

But Ye Feng said to the hairy man, "you think I'm interesting, but I don't think you're interesting at all!"

The big man with chest hair can't help looking at Ye Feng with a frown. "I'm not interesting? Why? "

Ye Feng immediately said, "look, you brought so many people here to deal with me One, it's really boring! "

The big man with chest hair smelled the speech, and his face moved slightly! It doesn't work for me, but I respect you a little boldly... " Then he threw the machine gun back to the black man, and then waved his hand, indicating that those who hold the gun to Ye Feng put down their guns.

After everyone put down their guns, the big man with chest hair said, "where's the boy of Wufeng an?" Then he said in a loud voice, "Wu Feng an, don't hide, come out, let's have a chat!"

Wu feng'an was hiding behind the shelter at this time. Listening to the big man with chest hair calling himself, his face suddenly moved. It was not going out, it was not going out. It was a bit embarrassed.

Ye Feng's heart is a little curious. It seems that Wu feng'an has a lot to do with this big man with chest hair. It can be seen from the relationship between him and Hendry before.

Just at that time, Ye Feng didn't think much about it and kept it in his heart. Now he can't help but say to the big man with chest hair, "it's all his own people. Don't be fierce. How dare Wu feng'an come out like this?"

Ye Feng in fact is a nonsense, to see if you can get something out of the big man's mouth.

Don't want to at this time of chest hair big man immediately said, "who and he special is his own person, long ago not, this kid pit Laozi pit is still little?"

Listen to the chest hair big man say so, Ye Feng heart immediately move, so say his guess is completely correct, five Phoenix Ann and these guys really have a special relationship.

At this time, even in another shelter behind the Dixie can not help but surprised to see five Phoenix an.

Wu Feng an's face changed several times at this time. Seeing that Dixie looked at him with strange eyes, she immediately muttered to Dixie, trying to explain something, but she didn't dare to make a sound.

At this time, Ye Feng said to the chest hairy man, "we're here this time, mainly because Wu feng'an wants to talk to you! Nothing else

But the big man with chest hair sneered, "who's special? What's the bullshit with him?" Then he immediately looked around and said in a loud voice, "Wu feng'an, you shrinking head tortoise, dare you come and show your face?"

Five feng an at this time a burst of embarrassment to look at Dixi Si, see Dixi Si's eyes to oneself more and more doubt, had to a bite of teeth, hard scalp walked out.

The chest hairy man obviously didn't expect that wufeng'an would come out so soon. He looked at wufeng'an unexpectedly and said, "it's rare. How dare you grow up?"

Wu Feng an then quickly steps toward the chest hair big man way, "I come out now, appeared, what do you want?"

But the hairy man sneered and said, "I've come to ask you, what do you mean when you bring Dixie and this guy here?"

Wu Feng an then glanced at Ye Feng standing on one side and immediately said to the big man with chest hair, "the things here are half of me. I've come to get back half of what I should be, shouldn't I?"

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