Ye Feng and Dixi listen to Wu Feng an say so, can't help but look at Wu Feng an, originally this guy and chest hair big man is a gang? Bring the two of them here. Are you ready to share the spoils?

Now that Wu feng'an has chosen to tell the truth, there is a reason why he was driven to the shelves by Ye Feng. However, in this case, he can no longer lie. He can only tell the truth.

After all, the big man with chest hair is in front of him. Even if he wants to hide something, he can't hide it. He can only continue to say to the big man with chest hair, "Richard! It's you who betrayed our original ideal

Ye Feng smell speech see to call Richard's chest hair big man, but see Richard immediately sneer a shrug a way, "you said those ideals are too far, simply impossible to realize, our brothers food and clothing have become a problem, you still talk with me about what ideal?"

Say immediately toward five feng an sneer a way, "so you come back this time is to plan with me to settle accounts?"

After taking a deep breath, Wu feng'an immediately yelled at Richard, "yes, now you keep using your weapons to harass the people around longarsenic castle. You have become bandits!"

Richard sneered and said, "even if it's a bandit, what's wrong? Now we don't care about anyone here. Our brothers can do whatever they want. Isn't this our ideal life? "

Wufengan said to Richard, "it's just your ideal life, not mine or most people's!"

Richard immediately said, "you just know me, you know I'm a big old man. At the beginning, I just want to live together. My ideal is so simple. I've never concealed you since I knew you all these years! But how much did you hide from our brother? Don't you count in your heart? Looking forward to our life and death for you, your own high official position, do you really think we are fools

Wu feng'an took a deep breath. Instead of saying anything more, she looked at Ye Feng and said, "I have something to hide from you. It's really my problem. I want to tell you And Dixie apologizes! "

But Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders. At this time, he put down his hand and said to Wu Feng an and Richard, "it seems that the misunderstanding and prejudice between you are very deep. We should continue to have a good chat!"

Before Wu feng'an spoke, Richard immediately sneered and said, "there's nothing to talk about. This is my place. It has nothing to do with you for a long time. Several times before you sneaked into my place, I turned a blind eye to my friendship. The last time I let you go, I made it clear to you. Next time, I will never recognize you, You won't forget so soon, will you? "

Wufengan shrugged and said to Richard, "you can shoot me. I died for my ideal. It was a proper death!"

Richard can't help muttering, "you are just a madman. What bullshit ideal is more important than your own life?"

Having said this, he immediately picked up the machine gun and quickly walked to Wu feng'an. However, he did not shoot. Instead, he directly hit Wu feng'an's head with the butt of the gun.

Wufeng'an was immediately knocked down by Richard. Just as he was about to get up, the machine gun in Richard's hand had already touched his forehead and said, "do you still remember your ideal now?"

Looking up at Richard, Wu feng'an sneered and said, "I shouldn't have looked for you at the beginning. You are a big old man!"

Richard was amused by Wu feng'an's words, "do you know me? Lao Tzu has always been a big old man. He has always been like this. He used to be like this, he is like this now, and he will be like this in the future! It can't be changed! "

Wufengan directly sat on the ground, closed his eyes and said to Richard, "if you want to shoot, shoot. Don't talk so much nonsense. I don't want to talk to you any more!"

Richard butted Wu feng'an's skull with the muzzle of his gun, but he snorted coldly, "do you really think I dare not kill you?"

Ye Feng then asked Wu Feng an, "what is your ideal?"

Wu feng'an still closed her eyes and said, "now I'm sorry for you and Dixie. I have nothing to say!"

But Richard said to Ye Feng, "this boy's ideal is to be a second Satan!"

On hearing this, Ye Feng and Dixi's face were all moving. They looked at Wu feng'an in surprise.

Wu Feng an opened his eyes at this time, looked at Richard and said, "is it ridiculous to be the second Satan?"

Richard shrugged at Wu Feng an and said, "it's ridiculous! Do you know who Satan is? What's his end? Why do you want to be him? "

Wu Feng an looked at Richard firmly and said, "faith!"

Richard was amused by Wu feng'an again, "bullshit belief, bullshit ideal, these are unrealistic, illusory false big empty space, used to deceive those who have no brain, deceive those people to work for you, finally even if you succeed, how many people will die? How many of those people below can live the ideal life you mentioned all day long? We are all stepping stones to your success. When you get to the top and live in the Han Ding palace in longarsenbao, you will be the second group of those in power. What's the difference between us at the bottom? "Speaking of this, without waiting for wufengan to speak, Richard immediately said, "besides, who is Satan? What can you do that he didn't do? Don't dream

Wu Feng an looked at Richard and said, "even if I can't, at least I'm still working hard. What about you? Bandits

Richard's face slightly changed and said, "what's wrong with bandits? I'm the biggest in the world. Even if we are close to longarsenic castle, who can control us? Isn't that a happy day

Wufeng'an then said to Richard, "but your happiness is based on the unhappiness of the people at the bottom of longarsene castle. If you have the ability to take the weapons here and go to longarsene castle, rob those rich families and even go to the Han Ding palace, I admire you for being a man. What are you doing now? Bullying those poor people who are powerless? What do you think you are? "

Richard was not angry when Wu Fengan said that. Instead, he put away the machine gun of his mobile phone, smoked a cigar and looked at Wu Fengan. After a long time, he shrugged his shoulders and said, "I can't help it. Who dares to rush into the city of longarsenic castle? We don't care now, because we only operate in the suburb of lonzabur. We really rush there. Aren't we looking for death? "

Then he said to Wu Feng an, "brothers, you have to eat and drink, too! I'm going to find a way out for my brothers. I can't sit back and eat nothing with these weapons, can I

Wufengan asked Richard, "is this your excuse for killing people and robbing everywhere?"

Richard's face changed several times and his eyes turned around. He seemed to be thinking of some excuse, but he didn't think of anything at last. He just made a posture of breaking the pot and yelled at Wu feng'an, "yes, right now we are just killing people and robbing people. What's the matter? Now the gun is in my hand. I can do whatever I want. Do you think you are still our boss? Now I has the final say, I am the boss! "

Wu feng'an listened to Richard's words and closed her eyes slowly, with a look of disappointment and despair.

Richard looked at Wu feng'an and then looked at Ye Feng. He quickly walked over and put the machine gun in his hand against Ye Feng's head. He said angrily, "what are you looking at? Get down

Ye Feng can see that Richard seems to have nothing to do with Wu feng'an. Now he wants to send fire to himself.

He took a look at Richard and said, "you are good brothers. Why do you have to do this?"

Richard immediately said, "who is his good brother? I don't have such a brother. Talk to you. Squat down!"

Ye Feng squats down slowly at this time, but just squats down and immediately pulls out the laser pistol on his back waist. The other hand immediately grabs Richard's machine gun muzzle, and then tugs hard.

Richard a standing instability, the body suddenly forward, Ye Feng took advantage of the opportunity to stand up, a strangled his neck, with the muzzle of the laser pistol against his neck.

Richard's face suddenly changed, then he raised his hand and said, "it's all his own people, it's all misunderstandings!"

But Ye Feng reached Richard's neck and said, "raise your hand, stand up, don't talk nonsense!"

As soon as Richard heard this, he immediately raised his hand and said to Wu Feng, "you have a word to say!"

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