Wu feng'an heard Richard say so, then slowly opened his eyes, looked at Richard disdainfully, then said, "what else can I say?"

Richard immediately said to Wu Feng, "aren't we brothers? Didn't you call me in? The problem between us, however, is the difference in the future route. It's not a matter of life and death. I could shoot you several times just now. Didn't I shoot you? "

After listening to Richard's words, Wu feng'an takes a deep breath and looks at Ye Feng. Ye Feng is also looking at himself.

If you don't look at Ye Feng's eyes, it's OK. Seeing Ye Feng's eyes, Wu Feng takes a deep breath when she settles down. There are too many things he conceals from Ye Feng and Dixie. Now that he's been exposed, he can't say a word.

Finally seamless or underground head, did not say a word, Richard see, a face anxiously toward five feng an way, "you don't say a word!"

Wu feng'an muttered to Richard, "what can I say? Accept your fate, not only you, but also me

Listening to Wu Feng an's words, Richard's heart suddenly moved. Then he closed his eyes slightly and didn't speak any more.

And those big black men near the door are all in a daze at this time, and they don't know what to do now. It's not good to shoot Ye Feng or not.

But Ye Feng didn't shoot. Instead, he said to Richard, "you let your men out of the warehouse. Let's have a good chat!"

As soon as Richard heard this, he immediately opened his eyes and wanted to turn his head to see Ye Feng. But Ye Feng's muzzle was still on his neck. He immediately said to the men at the door, "you all quit and wait! Don't come in without my orders

A group of black men immediately quit the warehouse after hearing the words. Richard said to Ye Feng, "are you satisfied now?"

Ye Feng then put away the laser pistol, pushed Richard towards Wu feng'an, and then sat down with an iron frame. Then he held the laser pistol in his hand, pointed to Richard and Wu feng'an and said, "don't squat, find a place to sit down and talk!"

Richard sniffed Yan and looked at Wu feng'an, but saw that Wu feng'an stood up and sat down on an iron shelf. Then he learned from Wu feng'an and sat down on his side.

Ye Feng this time also toward hide in the bunker behind the Dixie way, "you don't hide, come out!"

Dixie just came out and took a look at wufeng'an sitting not far away.

Five feng an see Dixi see to oneself, immediately avoided her eyes, will head buried lower.

Ye Feng this time toward five feng an way, "you don't have to be like this, talk about it, what else do you have to cheat us?"

Wu feng'an buried his head and didn't say a word.

Richard this time toward leaf maple way, "you ask me, I have what to say!"

Ye Feng also understands that Wu feng'an is a little ashamed because she cheated herself and Dixie, so she won't say anything for a while.

Then he looked at Richard and said, "what is your organization?"

Richard shrugged, "organization? It's not an organization, but it's not young. After Satan was arrested and the lion Square incident, wufeng'an found some people on the Internet. Then she found me and invited me to join the gang, saying that she would inherit Satan's mantle and fulfill his will! "

Ye Feng also heard that Richard and Wu feng'an talked about this before. After nodding, he asked, "what's the matter with these weapons?"

Richard immediately said, "this is also found by Wu feng'an. It has been here all the time. No one has moved. Our people also rely on these weapons and have been secretly training here."

"So why did you go your separate ways?" she asked Richard

Richard pondered for a while. After a long time, he said, "maybe it's because I'm short-sighted and have little ambition. The longer I stay, the more I feel that there are too many problems in front of me. If we want to achieve the so-called ideal, we can't live in front of us. So I always want to do something big with these weapons, at least make some money! But Wu feng'an said that we are not robbers and we can't do these things. At first, we had little differences, but the longer we stay, the bigger our differences will be. Later, I played a trick and invited him to drink. After getting drunk, I sent him back to longarsenic castle and I occupied here! "

Listening to Richard say so, Ye Feng and Dixie can't help looking at each other.

Richard then said, "I don't have any ambition. Relying on these weapons in my hand, I want to be a king of the world without the control of longarsenic castle! But the most important thing is to let my brother have enough to eat, so I began to harass those places in the suburb of lonzabur... "

Without waiting for Richard to finish, he sneered and said, "just harassing?"

Richard nodded and said, "at the beginning, it was really harassment. After all, we were afraid to disturb the armed forces of lonas castle. However, after a few small-scale harassment, we found that the armed forces of lonas Castle did not care about the people in the suburbs. Later, we became more and more courageous and began to rob families and houses!"After hearing Richard say this, Ye Feng and Dixie look at each other, they can't help but secretly say that what Richard said should be right, the so-called courage is trained little by little.

It was precisely because of the inaction of the armed forces in lonarsene castle that Richard was created. They gradually changed from a team who wanted to inherit Satan's mantle and had ideals to a bandit.

Richard saw Ye Feng and Dixie did not speak, immediately said, "although we rob, but we also try not to hurt people's lives, we also have our own bottom line!"

But Ye Feng frowned at Richard and said, "try not to hurt people? So, is it hurt? "

Richard pondered for a while and said, "there's no way. We'll meet so many people who are not afraid of death. We can't spend time with them, so we have to I'll do it... "

Wufengan didn't say a word all the time. At this time, she couldn't help saying, "killing is killing. Where are so many reasons? If you don't rob others, can they resist? "

Richard was speechless, his head bowed.

At this time, Dixie said to Wufeng, "you don't have to cheat us. If you want to inherit Satan's will, you can tell us that you want to get back these weapons, or you can tell us directly, why hide it from us?"

Wu feng'an took a look at Dixie and said, "I don't know what you think. In case you are like Richard again, you can get together at first, and then you have different opinions. It's meaningless. So I just want to borrow your hand to help me get back these army fires!"

Ye Feng took a deep breath at this time. "So, what you said was that you wanted to use these weapons to arm the lower class people in the suburbs, but you lied to us?"

Wu feng'an immediately said, "I really think so. After all, they can't always be harassed by them..."

At this time, Dixie asked Wu Feng an, "what about here? What about the laser equipment here? "

Richard's face changed as soon as he heard this. He looked at Dixie in surprise, but he soon seemed to figure it out. Then he bowed his head and didn't say a word.

Five feng an then toward leaf Feng and di Xi Si way, "this is I a little bit make of! If you want to truly inherit Satan's will, you can't rely on these outdated firearms alone. Lion square is a lesson. Compared with laser equipment, these are children's toys. A space laser gun can kill a million people. If we only have these ordinary equipment, when can we complete Satan's will? "

After taking a deep breath, Ye Feng looked at Wu Feng an and said, "as far as I know, longarsenbao is strict in gun control. Where did you get these things?"

Wu Feng an sneered, "strict? It's strict with the people at the bottom. Do you know what longarsenic castle has become? As long as you have money, you can buy tanks, airplanes and even space guns in Lungshan, not to mention laser equipment! As long as you have enough money! "

As soon as he heard this, his face suddenly moved and said, "I remember that you used to have a good family. No wonder you are so poor now. It turns out that all your money is for laser equipment?"

Wu feng'an shrugged her shoulders and said nothing more. She just took a look at Richard.

Richard saw Wu Feng an looking at himself and said, "what do you want me to do? Anyway, I'm sorry for you! "

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