Ye Feng didn't speak at this time, but after looking at Dixie, he said to Richard and Wufeng an, "you talk here first. Dixie and I need to talk too!"

With that, Ye Feng made a wink at Dixie, and Dixie immediately went to one side with Ye Feng. Then he said to Ye Feng, "what are you talking about?"

Ye Feng said to Dixie, "now the situation is very clear. Wu feng'an is the original leader of the gang. Richard is his Betrayer!"

Dixie looked at Ye Feng and said, "what should we do now? Did you kill Richard? "

Ye Feng didn't answer, but looked at Dixie and said, "what do you mean?"

Dixie also pondered for a long time, and finally said to Ye Feng, "you'd better do it by yourself, including Wu feng'an, who is my friend. I didn't expect that he had concealed so many things, which was totally beyond my expectation. What do you want to do with both of them? I won't have any opinions!"

When Ye Feng listened to what Dixie said, his eyes projected a sincere look, and there was no lie at all.

Listen to Dixi Si say so, Ye Feng can't help nodding, said a know, immediately toward Richard and five feng an there.

When Ye Feng and Dixie went to one side to talk, Richard also said to Wu feng'an, "I'm sorry for you. If they don't forgive you later, you'll fall on me, I'll recognize it!"

Wu Feng an took a look at Richard and didn't speak. When Ye Feng came, he stood up first. "Anyway, it's all my problem. I shouldn't hide so much from you, so you can come to me if you have anything."

Richard a listen to this words, complexion move, immediately also stand up, toward Ye Feng way, "all is my problem, you rush me to come!"

Ye Feng without saying a word, directly took out the laser pistol, pointed to two humanity, "you two must die now, you choose!"

Wufengan thought and didn't want to stand in front of Richard, "although these people have done a lot of bad things, they are also forced by the situation. If they have a choice, no one will take this road. If it wasn't for me, he is still living an ordinary life in longarsene castle, so everything starts from me, and it's me who deceives you, so come to me together!"

Seeing this, Richard quickly pushed Wu feng'an away, and then stood in front of Wu feng'an. He blocked Wu feng'an's face with his chest full of chest hair and said to Ye Feng, "over the years, many people have died in my hands, and I deserve what I have done. No matter what the reason is, killing is killing. I don't want to find an excuse. If you only kill one, you will kill me A person who has no ideal and ambition

Ye Feng Wen Yan slightly closed his eyes, took a deep breath, then put the laser pistol away, and then said to Dixie, "let's go!"

Dixi Si smell speech to order to nod, immediately follow Ye Feng to walk toward the door of the warehouse.

Wu Feng an and Richard look at Ye Feng and Dixie in surprise. Richard asks directly, "don't you want to kill one?"

Ye Feng said lightly, "it's unnecessary!"

Wu Feng an then toward Di Xi Si big voice way, "you so let us?"

"We haven't let you go yet," said Dixie. "We've taken over everything here."

Ye Feng added, "of course, you can also oppose it. We can fight against each other and take it with our ability."

Wufengan and Richard were stunned when they heard this. Wufengan asked Richard at this time, "now I want to give them all these things. Do you have any opinion?"

Richard frowned at Wu Feng an and said, "everything here is yours. You can give it to whoever you want!"

On hearing this, Wu feng'an immediately yelled to Ye Feng and Dixie, "these things have been sent to you!"

Ye Feng has already gone to the door of the warehouse with Dixie at this time, and then turns to look at wufengan and Richard, "have you all considered?"

Richard shrugged his shoulders and said, "I listen to Wu feng'an!"

Five feng an then toward leaf Feng solemnly place head way, "I speak to keep words, here of all you fancy what all can take away!"

Ye Feng smell speech standing in situ point on a cigarette, after smoking a mouthful, looked at the side of the Dixie Si, this just toward five feng an way, "all of everything?"

Wu Feng an immediately nodded and said, "yes, everything, everything here, everything..."

Ye Feng stood looking at Wu feng'an for a long time, and then waved to Wu feng'an, "including you?"

Five feng an smell speech a Leng, Zheng Zheng ground looking at leaf Feng, "I?"

Dixie reminds Wu Feng an, "he means forgive you, or want you to join us, how? Don't you want to? "

On hearing this, Wu feng'an ran to Dixie and Ye Feng with ecstasy, and said in a loud voice, "of course I will!"

But when Wu feng'an ran past, Dixie immediately restrained her smile and said to Wu feng'an, "but before that, I have to prove that what else did you cheat us?"Wu Feng an immediately raised her hand and swore, "no, this time it's really gone!"

Dixie nodded with satisfaction, while Richard stood in the same place and yelled to wufengan, "wufengan, you boy, you ran away, what should I do? Shall I continue to rob the house? "

Hearing what Richard said, Wu feng'an couldn't help looking back at Richard, and then said to Ye Feng, "he was forced by the situation..."

Ye Feng said to Wu Feng an, "he has betrayed you. You can say good things for him, which shows that he is indeed a friend worth making in your heart. I still believe in the previous sentence. I only believe in Dixie. Dixie believes in you. Now you believe in Richard, so I believe in you!"

Five feng an on hearing this words, immediately toward leaf maple way, "that also let Richard join us?"

But Ye Feng frowned and looked at Richard. After pondering for a moment, he asked Wu Feng an, "do you have any good suggestions?"

Wufeng'an can't help pondering after hearing the speech. She looks at Richard and looks forward to him. Finally, she says to Ye Feng, "let's keep staying here. At least the weapons here need to be guarded. We just need to restrict them and don't let them continue to harass the people in the suburb of longarsenbao!"

Ye Feng did not speak, but looked to the side of the Dixie way, "do you think?"

"I don't have any opinion," said Dickens, shrugging Then he looked at Wu Feng an and said, "the problem is if you can limit it, you two won't fall out!"

Wu Feng an immediately looked at Richard and said, "are you going to harass those suburban people in the future?"

Richard immediately walked over, patted his chest full of chest hair, and then said, "I promise not to go!"

Dixie asked Richard, "if you don't make a living by robbing, what do you live on?"

Richard couldn't help but be stunned when he heard the speech. He looked at Wu feng'an and saw that Wu feng'an was also embarrassed. Then he said to Ye Feng and Dixie, "that's why we had differences in those years. I just think his idealism is like this. There is a great prospect in front of him, but the problem of food and clothing can't be solved. I can't think of how to solve it now I'm going to live, but I said if I don't go back to my old business, I'll never go back to it! "

Wu Feng an also assures Ye Feng for Richard, "Richard's words mean what he says. If he can't do it, he won't agree!"

Ye Feng frowned at this time, and then said, "it's no use just to guarantee. After all, eating is the fundamental problem. If we don't solve it and don't let them rob, can we let them wait here to starve to death?"

Wu Feng an looked at Ye Feng and said, "you must have the best of both worlds, right?"

Ye Feng pondered for a while. After pacing back and forth for a moment, he said to Dixie, "give him to the moon shadow sleeveless!"

After hearing the words, Dixie frowned, but then he remembered that Yueying Wuxiu was actually the leader of Satan's remnant forces. There were many soldiers in longarsene castle. Since this is also the case here, it would be better to merge the two sides and manage them together.

Thinking of this, Dixie immediately nodded to Ye Feng and said, "yes, it's a good idea. The problems on both sides can be solved together!"

Wu feng'an and Richard looked at each other. They were surprised. What's wrong with the moon shadow's sleeve less side? Who should they synthesize with?

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