When Ye Feng went out of the warehouse door, he took a look at the black man who is still guarding there. Richard immediately came out to signal them to step down.

After the black men left, Wu feng'an asked Ye Feng, "where's Hendry in the warehouse? How to deal with it? "

Ye Feng Wen Yan brow slightly wrinkled, let five Phoenix Ann will Hendry out, but wait for five Phoenix Ann go in a trip and then come out, toward Ye Feng Road, "don't come out, too much blood loss, dead!"

See so, Ye Feng can't help but sigh, he really didn't plan to kill him, but completely didn't expect that he still died.

Thinking of Ye Feng, he just nodded and then said to Richard, "you should stay here first. Don't let any of the arms and weapons out, especially those in the secret warehouse!"

Richard immediately nodded and said, "I see!"

Ye Feng also nodded, "you stay here and wait for the news. If you have any questions, we will let Wu Feng an contact you!"

Richard heard Ye Feng say so, immediately nodded and agreed, "OK, I'll listen to you all, do what you want me to do!"

Ye Feng didn't say anything more to Richard, and then he said to Wu Feng, "we'll meet long arsenic castle first, and then I'll let you communicate with Yueying sleeveless to see how to rectify it! You can just talk with Yueying about specific things! "

Wu feng'an nodded after hearing the speech. After the things here were explained clearly, Ye Feng, Dixie and Wu feng'an left here in the car they came to and drove back into longarsenbao city.

It's already dark when we get back to the apartment. On the way, Ye Feng and Dixie don't talk much. When they enter the apartment, a Nan and Yueying Wuxiu are having dinner in the living room. When they see them coming back, they immediately ask them if they want to eat.

Ye Feng is also hungry. She goes over and sits down. A Nan goes to serve the three. At dinner, Ye Feng says to the moon, "how's snooker? I haven't heard from him for a long time

Moon shadow no sleeve listen to Ye Feng suddenly mentioned snooker, can't help looking up at Ye Feng way, "what's up?"

Ye Feng is toward the shadow of the moon with a smile, "nothing, just casually ask!"

The moon shadow has no sleeves but says, "you are not the kind of person who asks casually. Since you have asked, you must have something to do. Go ahead!"

Ye Feng is toward the shadow of a helpless shrug, "I just want to know where he is now?"

The moon shadow has no sleeve and says to Ye Feng, "you don't approve of the people he recruited. Of course, he is a little frustrated, but he doesn't give up completely. I've been looking for the right person all the time. Recently, I seem to be a little busy. I've been busy with my own work, and I haven't contacted you very much. What's the matter? "

Ye Feng smell speech this just nodded a way, "Oh, nothing, I just have a group of manpower, want to introduce to him!"

The moon shadow has no sleeve to smell speech eyebrow a wrinkly way, "a batch of manpower? Where did you find it? "

Ye Feng put down the chopsticks and took a look at Wu feng'an. The moon shadow saw Ye Feng looking at Wu feng'an. He couldn't help saying to Ye Feng, "don't you say it's him?"

Listen to the moon shadow sleeveless asked, Ye Feng immediately shrugged, "is he, is not he?"

The moon shadow has no sleeves and says to Ye Feng, "I don't have time to listen to you. You can speak directly."

Ye Feng this time toward five feng an way, "you formally introduce yourself?"

Five feng an listen to Ye Feng so say, immediately also put down the bowl chopsticks, a Nan this time said, "last time he was not self introduction?"? My name is Wu Feng an? Is it a pseudonym? "

Hearing this, Ye Feng immediately said, "the name is true..." Then he looked at Wu Feng an and said, "let's talk about the relationship between you and Satan."

Wu feng'an was shocked and said, "in fact, I have nothing to do with Satan. I'm just his supporter. After his whereabouts are unknown and everyone is saying that he died, I secretly organized a group of people to inherit his mantle In addition, I buried him in person today, and my will is even stronger! "

A Nan and moon shadow can't help but look at Wu feng'an in surprise when they hear the words. They say in one voice, "will you bury him with your own hands?"

Ye Feng and Dixie look at each other. They know that both a Nan and Yueying know that Ye Feng is Satan. They must be curious to hear Wu Feng an say that.

At this time, Ye Feng immediately said to a-nan and Yueying Wuxiu, "now wufeng'an has a small base in the wilderness outside longarsenbao. There are not many people. There should be..."

Wufengan immediately added, "more than 100 people, maybe less than 100 people. I'm not very clear now. I have to ask Richard about this!"

Ye Feng nodded, but the shadow of the moon frowned, "more than 100 people? Maybe not enough? What can this person do? "

Ye Feng, on the other hand, said to the moon shadow, "there are not many people, but essence. That's what snooker and I said, and his key point is not people, but others!"

Moon shadow sleeveless and a-nan can't help looking at Wu feng'an in surprise, "other, what else?"

At this time, Wu feng'an saw Ye Feng nodding to himself, and then he continued to say to them, "there are several arsenals under that base, but the munitions are all products of the last century, but it's better than nothing. Once there's really something wrong, it's better to have these firearms than bare hands?"Ye Feng immediately added, "not only that, there is a secret Arsenal, which is equipped with laser weapons. Although the quantity is not very large, the initial team is enough!"

Wu feng'an immediately added, "if you need it, or if you have extra money in your hand, I can still contact the seller, and you can continue to get a little more! Of course, this kind of thing can't be publicized too much, only a little at a time! "

After hearing this, she looked at Ye Feng and said, "what is the product of the last century?"

Ye Feng immediately said to a Nan, "it's similar to the product of our civilization in the micro universe era. It's a little advanced, but it can't be compared with the power of laser weapons."

At this time, the moon shadow said to Ye Feng, "do you mean to integrate his base outside with snooker's people?"

Ye Feng immediately nodded and said, "to be more accurate, let snooker take the people he thinks feasible to go to the outside base. As you know, it's certainly not a good thing to start an incident in longarsene castle. It's too publicity and easy to attract people's attention, but no matter what you do there, no one will take care of you!"

Listen to Ye Feng say so, the moon shadow without sleeve suddenly a while pondering to look at Ye Feng, and then looked to five Phoenix an way, "how many of these firearms?"

Wufeng'an said to the moon shadow, "no matter how ugly or good they are, it's OK for 70000 people to 100000 people!"

At this time, the moon shadow was again pondering, and a-nan said, "as far as I know, there are about 500000 garrison troops in longarsenbao. In addition to other surrounding cities, there are at least 1.5 million people who can be rescued in one day."

Listen to a Nan say so, the moon shadow without sleeve also nodded and said, "yes, this person's weapons and equipment is just a drop in the bucket, not enough to see it!"

Ye Feng said to the moon shadow, "snooker doesn't have any weapons. Don't you keep it up to now? Now it's good to have these things. Everything is difficult at the beginning, and things have to be done step by step! "

Yueying no sleeve nodded and said, "I agree. I'll contact snooker now..." Then he took out the phone and asked Ye Feng, "do you want him to come now?"

But Ye Feng shook his head and said, "there are too many people in this apartment now. It's not a safe area any more. It's better for you to take wufengan to meet snooker in person tomorrow and let them communicate with each other in person!"

The moon shadow has no sleeve to smell speech and can't help nodding to indicate to agree a way, "that's what I said with snooker!"

But at this time, Dixie looked at Ye Feng and said, "you haven't said much about the previous question. You always say that you can talk about it when you are free. Now there is no one else and nothing else. Can you talk about it?"

The moon shadow has gone to one side to call snooker, but a Nan looks at Ye Feng and Dixie in surprise and says, "what's the matter?"

Ye Feng also looked at Dixie in surprise and said, "what's the matter?"

Dixie immediately white a leaf maple way, "less pretend garlic, of course is between you and Hu Dion!"

A Nan smell speech complexion immediately move ground looking at leaf Feng way, "Hu Di Weng? Former president houdion? What's the matter between you and him? "

Ye Feng immediately shrugged his shoulders with a smile and said, "actually, it's a long story..."

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