Joanna sat down and pondered, as if thinking about things a long time ago. After a long time, she said to Ye Feng, "in my impression, the relationship between my parents has never been very good!"

Ye Feng frowned, but she didn't ask much. Joanna continued, "my mother has always looked down on my father. When I was a child, I often heard my mother yell at my father!"

Speaking of this, Joanna pondered again. From her expression, Ye Feng could see that it was a bad memory for her, even a memory she didn't want to recall.

Ye Fenggang thought that Joanna didn't need to say any more, but little brother Na continued to say, "although I didn't understand why my mother was like this when I was a child, I could see from childhood that my father also hated my mother very much, you know? Is that kind of heartfelt disgust, but also have to bear the feeling! So when I was a child, I felt that my father was very pitiful and my mother was very annoying. Maybe it's also because my father was very protective and my mother was more strict with me when I was a child. "

Hearing Joanna say this, Ye Feng can't help saying to her, "your childhood really impresses you, but have you ever thought that at least your parents love you, and your family is still complete. In this world, some people have been abducted and sold since childhood, and have received some special training. They have to experience life and death, betray, and even abandon some of the things you originally saw It's a very heavy thing. You have to sacrifice the people you thought were very good before you can survive. Now you are walking on thin ice. You can't make any mistakes. If you make any mistakes, you will be doomed! Compared with these, your childhood is wonderful

After listening to what Ye Feng said, Joanna couldn't help staring at Ye Feng for a long time. Then she took a deep breath, went to Ye Feng, held Ye Feng's hand, and let his hand on her cheek.

Even if Joanna is silly, she can hear that some people in Ye Feng's mouth are actually talking about herself. When Joanna hears it, she has a feeling of heartache.

The man in front of him didn't know him for a long time, but the charm from him may be closely related to his unknown past.

At this time, Joanna stares at Ye Feng, and then sits on Ye Feng's leg, hands touching Ye Feng's face and says, "so don't think about the past. I can't guarantee that I can do better, but I can guarantee that I will try my best to love you with the rest of my life!"

Ye Feng didn't think so much, and the relationship between him and Joanna is not pure. No matter Ye Feng and Joanna, they are very clear. Even Ye Feng's coming to Joanna this time has obvious purpose.

But at this time, listening to Joanna's confession of her deep love, Ye Feng can't help but be moved. Looking at Joanna's tender eyes, Ye Feng can't help hugging Joanna's head and kissing her.

Not far away, though there were servants waiting for Joanna at any time, they all turned around silently when they saw this scene.

Joanna also felt that Ye Feng's kiss was warm, which was totally different from her previous kiss. Although she couldn't say it was cold before, at least she didn't have feelings this time.

After kissing for a moment, Ye Feng released Joanna's mouth, looked at Joanna for a moment, then said to her, "this sentence should be me to you, I can't guarantee how good I do, but I will use the rest of my life to protect you, love you!"

After listening to Ye Feng's words, Joanna's eyes suddenly became moist. She immediately hugged Ye Feng tightly and took a deep breath. "I'll be enough if I have your words!"

After holding Joanna for a long time, Ye Feng slowly pushes Joanna away. When Joanna looks at Ye Feng in surprise, Ye Feng stands up and says, "I should go!"

Joanna's eyes were full of reluctant expression. Looking at Ye Feng, she said, "don't you want to know about my grandfather? I haven't said that yet

Ye Feng said with a smile to Joanna, "I know you already know the purpose of my coming. Thank you for being willing to cooperate with me when you know my real purpose!"

Joanna said to Ye Feng, "from the moment I promised to marry you, I've regarded myself as your person. You and I, we, should be one. Everything you have is all I have, so you can ask me what you want to know! I will tell you! But you once promised me that you would not hurt my father. I hope you will always remember

After listening to what Joanna said, Ye Feng immediately took a deep breath, and then said to Joanna, "no, you really don't have to. You treat me so sincerely, but I think about how to get information from you. Compared with you, I'm just mean. If I can continue, can I still be human?"

Speaking of this, Ye Feng walked out of the pavilion and said, "I'll go first..."

Joanna rushed out, hugged Ye Feng tightly from behind and said, "I know why you have done everything. I believe what you promised me, and you will do it. Moreover, my feelings for my grandfather are not very good, so I will tell you what you want to ask. I am voluntary. No one forces me, and no one can force me!"Say to see Ye Feng slowly turn around, immediately toward Ye Feng way, "you don't feel guilty, I love you, so I do what you should, on the contrary, if you fall in love, as long as you feel is love me, there is no need to feel guilty!"

Ye Feng's heart moved when he heard what Joanna said. He knew that he had been wrong about Joanna. He always thought Joanna was a kind of pampered character.

But now Ye Feng knows that she is wrong. It can't be denied that Joanna does have these so-called Princess diseases, but it's only the influence of the environment after tomorrow. After all, they are "princesses".

However, Joanna also has her own opinions, but she didn't find them. In fact, Joanna's feelings for dealing with her and Gu zhaohuichi are not muddled at all. In fact, we can see that duanni is coming.

Thinking of this, Ye Feng said to Joanna, "I believe you!"

Joanna went up to hook Ye Feng's neck, and after kissing at the corner of his mouth, she said, "so what do you want to know?"

Ye Feng looked at Joanna and said, "in fact, I don't want to cheat you either. Your grandfather did look for me and wanted me to deal with your father!"

Joanna listen to Ye Feng say so, loosen Ye Feng's neck, but it seems that there is no surprise look on her face.

She walked to the stool in the pavilion and sat down. Then she said to Ye Feng, "it's nothing strange. My father is not under his control, which makes him very dissatisfied. So for so many years, he has been trying to be a father. I know all this!"

Then Joanna looked at Ye Feng and said, "in fact, you don't have to be surprised. I always know about the relationship between my father and my grandfather. Besides, my grandfather is the honorary president of the Senate. I know about these things, and my father knows about them."

Ye Feng smell speech eyebrow a wrinkly way, "so your grandfather and I meet of affair, your father also can know?"

Joanna shrugged and said, "I don't know, but even if he knows, it's not surprising. After all, they are all against this thing all day, so how can they not have a look at the other side?"

Ye Feng takes a deep breath. It seems that her previous worry is absolutely correct. Qiao Huiying must know that she has met Hu Dion, and maybe even knows the content of the conversation.

Joanna saw that Ye Feng didn't say a word, and immediately said to Ye Feng, "in fact, I want to advise you that the war between them is not a day or two, you'd better not help either side!"

But Ye Feng said to Joanna, "if your father knows I've met your grandfather, he won't help him..."

But Joanna said with a smile to Ye Feng, "don't forget that you still have me here. As long as I don't think you have a problem, you have no problem!"

Speaking of this, he took a deep breath and said, "besides, their war can not be changed in a short time and a half. In this protracted war, they have not encountered such a situation. Besides, I believe my father is capable of coping with it. Besides, it's hard to hear. You are just a little clerk in the cabinet now. Even if you help my father, how can you help him? What's more, you're not always on the contrary... "

Hearing what Joanna said, Ye Feng immediately explained to her, "I've already said that I'm not against your father, I'm against the system!"

Joanna shrugged her shoulders and said, "so I personally advise you not to help each other!"

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