Yefeng listen to Joanna said, can't help but toward Joanna nodded, in fact, Joanna's idea and his initial idea is very similar.

However, there is one difference, that is, Hu Dion wants to replace Qiao Huiying himself in the future. Ye Feng doesn't tell Joanna about this, and knows that he can't say it for the time being.

If he does nothing and really doesn't help each other, Hu diong's pass must be over, so Ye Feng has a little plan in mind.

After chatting with Joanna again, she said goodbye to the reluctant Joanna, but before leaving, Ye Feng promised that she would contact her by special line phone every day.

After Ye Feng came out of the palace, guterska had already finished his work and was waiting outside. Seeing Ye Feng coming out, he came over immediately.

Ye Feng saw that guterska had been waiting for him outside the door. He was surprised and said, "don't you have your own business? Waiting for me all the time? "

Guterska said with a smile to Ye Feng, "the things in the Department can't always be left to me alone. As long as you want to do things, there will always be. Is it OK to be lazy occasionally?"

Ye Feng laughs and doesn't say much. He drives away from the harem with guterska. On the way, guterska asks Ye Feng, "brother ye, when will you and the princess get married?"

Ye Feng can't help frowning at guterska and says, "get married? I don't even know! Why do you ask? "

Guterska said to Ye Feng, "it's better to get married soon. If you get married, you will be more stable than now!"

Ye Feng looked at guterska in surprise. This strange feeling came from seeing guterska waiting for him outside the palace.

But Ye Feng didn't ask at that time. Now when I think about it, I can't help but say to guterska, "do you have anything to say to me?"

Guterska pondered for a moment, his face was full of desire to talk and stop, and finally sighed, "I'd better say it! Just now I heard a few gossips in the process of delivering the letter! "

Yefeng listen to guterska so a say, secret way is so, guterska is deliberately at the door waiting for himself, think immediately to guterska way, "say it!"

Guterska then said in a low voice, "I heard that the president didn't want to marry the princess to you. This morning, their father and daughter had a quarrel in the palace, and the guards outside heard it."

After listening to guterska's words, Ye Feng immediately looks at guterska and says in his heart that Qiao Huiying has come to find Joanna early this morning, but Joanna didn't say anything to herself.

Thinking of this, Ye Feng can't help associating Qiao Huiying's finding Joanna and her refusal to marry her with gudion's meeting with her. Maybe it is Qiao Huiying's knowing that she has met Hu Dion that leads to the scene of finding Joanna this morning.

Guterska said to Ye Feng immediately at this time, "it seems that only a few leaders outside the Princess Palace know about this matter, at most, some servants of the Princess Palace know about it, but it will spread soon!"

Ye Feng can't help nodding when listening to guterska's words. Guterska is right. This kind of thing will naturally spread quickly. Maybe it won't take a day for the whole Han Ding palace to know.

Thinking of this, Ye Feng immediately said to guterska, "do you know how to get to the palace where the president works?"

Gutes Caton understood Ye Feng's meaning, then began to turn the car around and quickly drove toward the palace where the president worked.

The defense of the president's office is much more severe than that of Joanna's palace. The guards on the third floor inside and the third floor outside, Ye Feng on the first floor alone, can't get in.

Ye Feng got out of the car and went to the guard and said, "please go in and give a notice, and then he said that Ye Feng asked to see me, and the president will meet with me!"

The bodyguard and didn't hear the same, don't pay any attention to Ye Feng, and the stake man general, standing there motionless.

Ye Feng knows that he can't count on these bodyguards to help, but it's not their fault. If anyone comes to say that, and the bodyguards go to report, is the president busy all day?

Thinking that Ye Feng knew that the only way was to wait here. Then he went back and said to guterska, "you don't have to wait for me. I'll wait here for a while. You go back first, and then I'll go back myself!"

Guterska hesitated. "The president doesn't know when he will come out. Are you waiting here? I'll stay here. Can you at least wait in the car? "

Ye Feng shook his head and said, "no, I can't go back later. You go back!"

Listen to Ye Feng say so, guterska this just nodded, then drive the car away.

And Ye Feng is standing at the side of the palace gate, lighting a cigarette smoking, still thinking, Qiao Hui Ying in the end a few meaning.

After waiting for an hour, Ye Feng saw Qiao Huiying still didn't come out, and he smoked almost a box of cigarettes. He couldn't wait so indefinitely.

It's just a pity that when I was in Joanna, I didn't know that Qiao Huiying had visited her. Otherwise, I could ask her to make an appointment with Qiao Huiying.Now it's too late to say anything, but Ye Feng's heart is not happy. Although he wants to explain to Qiao Huiying, he's standing here for an hour. You know, one hour of essf's is a hundred minutes.

When will Ye Feng meet someone and stand here for an hour?

Thinking about Ye Feng, he immediately turned around and left. In fact, he waited for Qiao Huiying for an hour. In fact, it was also an hour when Ye Feng gave Qiao Huiying a chance.

If you go to Qiao Huiying to meet you within one hour, you may reveal something about Hu Dion to him. Now Qiao Huiying has given up the chance to meet you.

That is to say, Qiao Huiying pushed Ye Feng to Hu Dion. Joanna is Joanna, Qiao Huiying is Qiao Huiying. He promised Joanna not to hurt Qiao Huiying, but only in terms of life.

What's more, Joanna doesn't know why he came to longarsenic castle, so he doesn't have much affection for Qiao Huiying because of Joanna's relationship.

In addition, Ye Feng has also met many people in the officialdom during these days in longarsenbao. To tell you the truth, at the beginning, he was more or less disgusted with longarsenbao's way of life, but now he feels more and more like it and more integrated into it.

But just as Ye Feng turned to leave, he heard someone shouting behind him, "Ye Feng? Why are you here? "

Ye Feng didn't look back, but he heard that it was Joanna's father, Qiao Huiying, President of the federal government.

Ye Feng turns around slowly, looks at Qiao Huiying and says, "Oh, I'm just about to send a document to the inner hall. I passed here!"

Qiao Huiying then walked towards Ye Feng and said, "Oh, I see. I thought you came to me specially!"

While speaking, Qiao Huiying's eyes inadvertently glanced at one side. Just now Ye Feng was standing there waiting for him, and the ground was full of cigarette ends.

But Qiao Huiying's look did not change at all. When he came to Ye Feng's face, he said, "are you interested in having a drink with me?"

Without waiting for Ye Feng to speak, he immediately added, "of course, tea!" Then he took Ye Feng's hand and went back.

Ye Feng didn't refuse. He followed Qiao Huiying into the palace where he worked. This palace should be the largest in the Dinggong group of the Han Dynasty. It seems to be particularly luxurious. A side hall for tea is bigger than Joanna's boudoir.

The tea sets used to make tea are also antique. After Qiao Huiying motioned to Ye Feng to sit down, he went to turn on the electronic stove on the tea table to boil water and began to wash the tea sets while looking at Ye Feng and said, "how are you in the cabinet recently? Are you still used to it? "

Ye Feng immediately nodded and said, "it's OK!"

Qiao Huiying nodded and continued to clean the teacups one by one with a wooden clip. Her mouth said, "that's good. I'm afraid you're not used to it and can't get along well with others."

Qiao Huiying stops his action, but looks up at Ye Feng and says, "how about it? How's your relationship going? "

Ye Feng of course can hear Qiao Huiying meaning to point to, immediately nod a way, "still OK, know a lot of people!"

Qiao Huiying smiles and puts the tea into the teapot. Then she wipes her hands and sits there waiting for the water to boil. Her eyes look at Ye Feng and says, "is there anyone who is strong enough to be special?"

Ye Feng also stares at Qiao Huiying. After taking a deep breath, he says, "it's nothing special. He's retired. I don't know if it's special, former President Hu Dion?"

Qiao Huiying smell speech face slightly move, then "surprised" to look at Ye Feng Road, "Hu Di Weng? That's my father-in-law. I haven't seen him for a long time. Have you seen him? "

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