While talking, Qiao Huiying looked at Ye Feng and said, "by the way, what can my father-in-law do for you?"

Ye Feng shrugged and said, "it's not because Quanlong arsenic castle is telling me that I want to marry Joanna. He wants to see my future grandson-in-law!"

Qiao Huiying listen to Ye Feng say, eyebrow slightly move way, "yes, his granddaughter so big thing, I haven't informed him, it is really I do not reach the designated position!"

Then he immediately looked at Ye Feng and said, "didn't you talk about anything else?"

After Ye Feng lit a cigarette, he said to Qiao Huiying, "he takes a fancy to the position of the director of the security bureau!"

Qiao Huiying can't help but look at Ye Feng and say, "where is the director of the security bureau? He's interested in that position. What do you want him to do? Do you have the power to appoint officials in the cabinet now? "

Ye Feng immediately said, "now Zhu Sanjia, who is most likely to sit in that position, is my friend, so he means that he wants me to persuade Zhu Sanjia to give up this opportunity!"

Qiao Huiying didn't say a word. She stood up and lit a cigarette. She paced back and forth and said, "did you promise him?"

Ye Feng immediately shook his head and said, "no, after all, this kind of thing should be subject to the appointment of the cabinet. I'm a cabinet errand clerk, and I'm not qualified to talk about it at all. But I think he's Joanna's grandfather. Because of his face, I just met him!"

Qiao Huiying smokes a cigarette and stares at Ye Feng for a long time. Then he sits opposite Ye Feng and looks at Ye Feng and says, "my father-in-law has retired from his position for many years. Now he still has to get involved in some things he shouldn't ask, alas!"

Ye Feng looked at Qiao Huiying at this time and said, "in fact, I've heard something!"

Qiao Huiying can't help but frown at Ye Feng and say, "Oh? What's the matter? "

Ye Feng immediately said, "when he was sick, so he had to abdicate. He recommended you to the top position, so he was a little unwilling."

Qiao Huiying heard the speech and pondered, "he recommended me to the top? He thinks too much, because he knows that my strength has reached that point. Even if he doesn't recommend me, I'm sure. He just makes it as if I was pushed by him! "

After listening to Qiao Huiying's words, Ye Feng can't help frowning. He really doesn't know this. However, Qiao Huiying and Hu diong hold different opinions. For a moment, he can't judge who is really saying it.

Qiao Huiying saw that Ye Feng didn't say a word, so he said to Ye Feng, "in fact, I already know about you and him!"

Ye Feng immediately pretended to look at Qiao Huiying in surprise and said, "Oh? So you already know? "

Qiao Huiying said, "you don't have to be surprised. I even know that he is throwing an olive branch at you, trying to win you over."

Ye Feng immediately is a pair of surprised facial expression way, "he is to have this meaning, but I also didn't promise!"

Qiao Huiying said to Ye Feng, "you don't have to turn him down in such a hurry. In fact, it's also an opportunity for you. You should think it over carefully. Although he has retired for so many years, there are still many old officials in his hand. There are many of his people in the cabinet. Sometimes my decision-making is blocked in the cabinet, which is mostly his reason!"

Hearing what Qiao Huiying said, Ye Feng frowned and said, "he's retired. Can he still control the decision-making of the cabinet?"

Qiao Huiying sighed, "if you think he is useless after retirement, then you look down on him, and I think he is wrong too!"

Speaking of this, Qiao Huiying stares at Ye Feng and sees, "in fact, if he has any requirements for you, you can just promise!"

See Ye Feng want to talk, immediately put out his hand to stop way, "you listen to me, I want you to do so means, you can pretend to cater to him, but behind my back is to help me! We are going to be a family. Anna is still asking about her marriage this morning... "

Speaking of this, after taking a deep breath, he said to Ye Feng, "of course, you can really cater to him and become his network. Maybe he has the ability to hold you up!"

On hearing this, Ye Feng immediately said, "I'm Joanna's future husband. You're my future father-in-law. Of course, I'm from your side. How can I do those things?"

Listen to Ye Feng say so, Qiao Huiying did not speak immediately, but staring at Ye Feng look, after a long time, this just said, "what I said is just a suggestion, you don't have to be so anxious to give me a reply, go back to think about it!"

Hearing what Qiao Huiying said, Ye Feng immediately stood up and said, "OK, I'll go back and think about it! Don't disturb me. I have to go to work! "

Qiao Huiying nodded, not talking, watching Ye Feng leave the palace.

After Ye Feng left the palace, he went straight to the cabinet in the middle hall. After all, guterska went back, and he could only walk.

But the back hall is too big. Ye Feng's legs are a little sour. Then he sees the door leading to the middle hall.

But Ye Feng doesn't care. He also wants to be quiet and think about the conversation with Qiao Huiying.What does Qiao Huiying mean? He should know that he has met with Hu Dion, and he may even know the content of his dialogue with Hu Dion.

However, Qiao Huiying didn't show too much in front of him. It seems that he is suspicious of himself, especially when he asks himself to think about it. In fact, he also wants to explain his attitude to himself.

Ye Feng thought of here, under the heart a little sigh, to tell the truth, this kind of intrigue is really not suitable for themselves.

What I have done before is vigorous and resolute. I can't do it with real guns. How can I have so many flowery hearts.

But Ye Feng also knows that in fact, in officialdom and battlefield, it's war, but there is no smoke of gunpowder here, but the cruelty is not necessarily worse than battlefield, or even more cruel.

When he went to the cabinet department, Ye Feng was really tired. He sat at his desk and had a rest.

At this time, Fei Wuliang saw Ye Feng come back and immediately called him into his office.

When Ye Feng just sat down, he immediately said to Ye Feng, "I heard you went to the inner hall? Yes? To the president? "

Ye Feng shook his head and said, "I'm looking for Joanna, but I also met the president!"

On hearing this, Fei Wuliang immediately frowned at Ye Feng and said, "in the end, we still meet. What's the matter? What did I talk to you about? "

But Ye Feng frowned at Fei Wuliang and said, "for your boss?"

Fei Wuliang heard this, his face suddenly sank, and said to Ye Feng, "forget it, I'm just asking. If you doubt that I'll tell my boss, then you don't have to say it!"

Ye Feng then toward fee have no quantity a smile way, "is joking, still serious?"

Fei Wuliang said to Ye Feng, "I'm not kidding. I'm wrong. I shouldn't ask. If my boss doesn't know afterwards, I'll say it if I don't know it! You'd better not say anything

Ye Feng is smoking cigarettes, toward Fei Wuliang way, "you listen or not is your business, I say not is my business!"

Said Ye Feng immediately toward Fei Wuliang way, "Qiao Huiying is really not simple, I meet with your boss, he knows!"

Fei Wuliang listened, his face moved slightly, but he didn't speak.

Ye Feng continued, "after all, your boss and Qiao Huiying are not fuel-efficient lights!"

Fei Wuliang shrugged his shoulders and said, "what do you say, I'll take it as if I didn't hear it!"

But Ye Feng said with a smile to Fei Wuliang, "come on, I can point to you and give me some advice!"

Fei Wuliang waved his hand and said, "I can't make up my mind. It's up to you! Look at what's in your mind

Ye Feng originally wanted to tell Fei Wuliang some details, but seeing Fei Wuliang's attitude, he didn't say much. He got up and left Fei Wuliang's office.

However, when Ye Feng came to the door, Fei Wuliang said to Ye Feng, "I just want to remind you that if you choose my boss, you can't choose Qiao Huiying. If you choose Qiao Huiying, you can't choose my boss. Neither side is good. If you want to do well at both ends, it's almost impossible. Maybe the end will be miserable!"

Ye Feng listened to Fei Wuliang's words and immediately looked back at Fei Wuliang. After he was eager to talk, he just nodded and said, "OK, I remember your advice!"

Fei Wuliang also nodded, "I don't know about your meeting with Qiao Huiying today. This matter should stop here. We won't talk about it in the future!"

Ye Feng smell speech also nodded, what also did not say again, directly left fee limitless office.

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