After sitting back at his desk, Ye Feng pondered for a moment, but didn't think much. After work, Ye Feng immediately called Zhu Sanjia and asked him to go to the apartment.

When Ye Feng returns to the apartment, Zhu Sanjia also happens to be downstairs. They go upstairs together. After entering the apartment, Ye Feng asks Zhu Sanjia to sit down.

As soon as he sat down, Zhu Sanjia said to Ye Feng, "Mr. Ye, I've thought about that all night, and I've thought about it all day today!"

Ye Feng side eyebrow looking at Zhu Sanjia way, "the result?"

Zhu Sanjia said to Ye Feng immediately, "I have a conclusion, but I still want to hear what you mean by Mr. Ye!"

Ye Feng shrugged to Zhu Sanjia and said, "I'll tell you the conclusion directly. You don't have to think about it any more. Wait for the succession honestly!"

Zhu Sanjia a listen to this words, complexion immediately move ground looking at leaf maple way, "what meaning?"

Ye Feng said to Zhu Sanjia, "I have already agreed with Hu diong that the position of the director of the security bureau is still yours!"

Zhu Sanjia listen to Ye Feng so a say, immediately some at a loss looking at Ye Feng way, "how can? He didn't say last night... "

Ye Feng immediately said to Zhu Sanjia, "don't worry about last night. Just remember, you continue to wait for the result. If there is no accident, the position of the director of Security Bureau must be yours!"

Zhu Sanjia heard a burst of silence, and you know that Ye Feng must have contacted Hu Dion again, but he didn't know how they talked.

Thinking of this, Zhu Sanjia nodded and said to Ye Feng, "well, I'm clear!"

Ye Feng reminded Zhu Sanjia, "whether you are with Qin Feng or Hu Dion, you will always remember a little. Who are you forever?"

Zhu Sanjia heard Ye Feng ask himself, immediately nodded, "I will always be Mr. Ye's person!"

Ye Feng nodded with satisfaction, went to Zhu Sanjia's side, patted him on the shoulder and said, "very good, stay for dinner tonight!"

After chatting with Zhu Sanjia, a Nan is ready for dinner, but wufengan, Yueying Wuxiu and dixis are not here.

According to the daughter said, Dixie is accompanied by five Phoenix ANN, and the shadow of the moon with no sleeves to find snooker.

Ye Feng didn't say much. He started the meal directly, but when he saw that Zhu Sanjia's appetite was not very good, he immediately said to him, "do you have any idea? Just say it. Since you're one of your own, there's no need to hide it!"

As soon as Zhu Sanjia heard this, he immediately looked at Ye Feng. He wanted to say nothing, but when he looked at himself, he nodded, "I just think it's a good choice to go to the tiger guards!"

Ye Feng then said to Zhu Sanjia, "I told Hu diong last night that you have no military background. If you go, even if you are the captain of the tiger guards, you may not be able to convince the public. Besides, there are many people staring at that position. Now Hu diong is not fighting for the position of director of the Security Bureau, and it's exactly what you thought. What's the problem?"

Zhu Sanjia then shook his head. In fact, there were some fluctuations in his heart, but he also knew that he could not be the master himself.

So in the end, Zhu just nodded, "no problem!"

Ye Feng knew that Zhu Sanjia's mind was just connected with Qin Feng, but Qin Feng was just an elite in the cabinet. Compared with Hu Dion, the former president, it was not worth mentioning at all.

Zhu Sanjia certainly cares about the position of the director of the Security Bureau, but he thinks that if the position of the director of the security bureau can win the favor of Hu diong, it must be cost-effective.

After all, houdion used to be the president. Even if he retired, his contacts were extremely bright. Besides, the current president is still his son-in-law.

Thinking of this, Ye Feng said to Zhu Sanjia, "even if you stay in the Security Bureau, you are Hu diong's person!"

On hearing this, Zhu Sanjia's face suddenly changed. Although the joyful look on his face was fleeting, Ye Feng still looked in his eyes.

Zhu Sanjia said to Ye Feng immediately, "I don't quite understand!"

Ye Feng said to Zhu Sanjia, "because Hu diong and I have reached an agreement. Now we are all our own people. Understand?"

Zhu Sanjia understood this and said to Ye Feng immediately, "that's why Hu diong won't fight for this position, because I'm also my own person?"

Ye Feng nodded, "yes, that's the truth!"

Zhu Sanjia suddenly nodded, but then he said to Ye Feng, "I understand. No matter what, I'm Mr. Ye's person!"

Ye Feng knew that Zhu Sanjia would observe his words and feelings. He must have seen his unhappiness, so he added such a sentence.

A Nan didn't say a word all the time, Zhu Sanjia's every move, every word and every action all see in the eye, at this time just made a wink toward Ye Feng.

Ye Feng didn't say anything in his eyes. He knew that a Nan must have something to say, and immediately nodded to a Nan.

Ah Nan said to Zhu Sanjia at this time, "it's best if you can remember that you are Mr. Ye, but don't forget your other identity!"Zhu Sanjia can't help frowning when she says this, but he also knows that she is a very important woman beside Ye Feng. Sometimes Ye Feng has to consult her, and he doesn't dare to make a mistake. He immediately says, "don't worry, miss a-nan!"

A Nan then said to Zhu Sanjia, "it's OK to give orders. I just want to tell you that there is also a roster."

Zhu Sanjia's face suddenly moved when he heard this. Yes, he seems to have forgotten the existence of the roster after he hasn't mentioned it for so long.

As long as the roster is still there, I will always be Ye Feng's person. I can't run away, unless I want to go out and die, even my identity is exposed.

But he also knows that Ye Feng and a Nan won't use the roster to blackmail themselves for the time being. After all, they are still useful. A Nan is not blackmail now, but just beating him.

But if you blindly pursue the things of officialdom, and forget your true identity, it is definitely not beating.

Zhu Sanjia was a smart man, even shrewd. When he knew what a Nan meant, he immediately nodded and said, "don't worry, a Nan. I remember my identity from the beginning to the end!"

After that, Zhu Sanjia stood up and said to Ye Feng and ah Nan, "Mr. Ye, ah Nan, I'm full, so I won't disturb you!"

Ye Feng nodded to Zhu Sanjia and said, "today's meal, I hope it will be meaningful for you!"

But Zhu Sanjia immediately nodded and said, "that's true. It's of profound significance."

After Zhu Sanjia left, a Nan said immediately, "if you don't beat him again, he will forget who he is!"

Then he said to Ye Feng immediately, "in a word, I still think this guy is unreliable! You'd better be careful! "

Ye Feng said to a Nan, "I know in my heart that if I can't control Zhu Sanjia well, then if I plant in longarsenic castle, I deserve it!"

A Nan sighed, "I just think you are stepping on the steel wire. Hu Dion and Qiao Huiying are not good at it. Now you are not in an optimistic situation!"

Ye Feng is surprised to see a Nan way, "today Qiao Hui Ying to talk to me, you know?"

Ah Nan shook her head and said, "I don't know, but it's not a matter at all. It's just a matter of time. Their son-in-law has been fighting for so many years, and Hu Dion has not achieved his wish. This shows that Qiao Huiying is not simple. Hu Dion is defending him. Naturally, he is also defending Hu Dion. What's so strange about him talking to you?"

Listen to a Nan say so, leaf Feng can't help but wry smile a way, "it seems that long arsenic castle of these things, you see more thoroughly than I, if you are a man, estimate not!"

Ah Nan shrugged her shoulders and said, "I'm not interested in anything in officialdom! Besides, what does it have to do with gender? Can't a woman be an official? "

Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders with a smile and said, "I don't mean that!" Then he quickly turned away from the topic and said, "is Gu zhaohuide completely out of business?"

Ah Nan shrugged her shoulders and said, "it's over! I don't have any hope! "

Ye Feng said to a Nan, "if you really want to enter the Academy of Sciences, I can use my contacts to help you?"

But a Nan said to Ye Feng, "help me? You are mistaken. I want to enter the scientific research institute not because I am interested in those departments, but because I think there should be our people in such an important department. Among us, only I am qualified for this position! That's why I offered myself! "

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