After listening to a-nan's words, Ye Feng realized that a-nan's good intentions. In the world of eisf, everything depends on science and technology. Without science and technology, it is impossible to do anything.

Hu Dion was just an order. His subordinates pressed a button and killed more than one million people with a space laser gun. This is the power of science and technology.

The purpose of their coming to longarsenic castle is very obvious, and there are also great risks. If they don't have some technology and products, let alone subvert the existing regime, they can't even do a lot of small things.

Ye Feng had always thought that a-nan only inherited part of jesteffe's memory, so she was also interested in these technical research and so on. That's why she always wanted to enter the scientific research institute.

Did not expect that the careful mind of a Nan but thought of this, Ye Feng immediately respect a Nan way, "it seems that I really think wrong!"

Speaking of this, Ye Feng immediately said to a Nan, "in this case, we have to find a way to get you in!" Then he said to her, "don't worry about it, I'll operate it!"

A Nan wanted to say something, but she didn't say it at last. She nodded. At this time, Dixie, wufengan and Yueying Wuxiu also came back.

As soon as she came in, she asked them, "how are things going?"

Moon shadow no sleeve just entered the door to the living room there poured a glass of water, looks thirsty.

Wu feng'an said to a-nan at this time, "it's very smooth. They've all been handed over. I didn't expect that Richard and snooker are still old acquaintances, so it's better. Now people from snooker's side have gone to the suburban factory!"

Ye Feng then toward five feng an way, "the affair of ammunition didn't say with snooker?"

Wu Feng an nodded and said, "I didn't say it. I told Richard not to say it! Stay there for the time being. The most important thing at present is people! "

Ye Feng smell speech nodded a way, "over there next hand over to you in charge of, I today strange tired, first sleep!"

The next day, Ye Feng got up and went to work in the cabinet. As soon as he arrived at the Department, he went to Fei Wuliang's office. Fei Wuliang just sat down and was drinking a glass of milk.

See Ye Feng come in, immediately surprised way, "find me something?"? What happened yesterday? "

Ye Feng said to Fei Wuliang, "no, I want to ask, do you have any acquaintances in the Academy of Sciences?"

Fei Wuliang can't help frowning when he hears the words. He looks at Ye Feng in surprise and says, "Academy of Sciences? Where can I get acquaintances over there? "

Ye Feng a listen to this words, immediately get up a way, "didn't calculate, that don't disturb!" Then he turned and left.

Fei Wuliang saw that Ye Feng seemed very worried. He couldn't help saying to Ye Feng, "you wait..." After seeing Ye Feng stop, he said, "I don't know anyone, but the boss may have. It's said that the dean of the scientific research institute is his student!"

Ye Feng a listen to this words, the heart bottom immediately move ground looking at fee to have no quantity way, "thanks!" After that, he left Fei Wuliang's office and went to find a special line to call Hu Dion.

Last time, before parting with Hu Dion, he left a phone call for himself, but he had to use a special line to get in touch in the palace of Han Ding.

After the phone, Ye Feng did not speak, there said, "who?"

Ye Feng's voice is not Hu Dion, but it's no wonder that although it's a special line phone, it's no better than a mobile phone. Who is it? It's in the mobile phone.

Ye Feng listened and immediately said, "I, Ye Feng, look for the old man!"

When the other party heard this, he asked Ye Feng to wait for a moment. After about ten minutes, Hu diong's voice said, "Xiao Ye? Can you remember to call me? It's not easy! "

Since Ye Feng agreed to Hu Dion's terms last time, Hu Dion's name for himself has changed, but Ye Feng doesn't care. Anyway, the other party is Joanna's grandfather and his elder. It's OK to call him that.

Ye Feng said to Hu dingweng, "if you have something, please help me!"

Hu Di Weng said with a smile, "I guess it is, otherwise you will not give me this phone call. Come on, what's the matter?"

Ye Feng said on the phone, "I want to arrange for a person to enter the scientific research institute!"

Hu diweng was stunned and said, "Academy of Sciences? Can't Qiao Huiying do this little thing over there? "

Ye Feng said to Hu diong, "I didn't bother him!"

Hu Di Weng snorted coldly, "it's his prospective father-in-law in the end. Instead of troubling him, he's troubling me?"

Ye Feng said on the phone, "yesterday I met Qiao Huiying!"

Hu Dion did not appear to be more unexpected, just a "Oh".

Ye Feng continued, "it seems that your advice to me is very accurate. I really underestimate him!"

"Why do you say that?" asked houdion

Ye Feng immediately lowered his voice and said, "I met with you. He fully knew that he had been testing me yesterday!"

Hu Di Weng said with a smile, "isn't that normal? He's been defending me for so many years. It's normal for him to know my whereabouts! "Ye Feng said faintly at this time, "that is to say, I and Qiao Huiying meet things, the old man knows is also in normal?"

Hu did not deny it, but asked Ye Feng, "why do you suddenly think of arranging people to enter the Academy of Sciences?"

Ye Feng knew that Hu didn't want to talk more about the relationship between him and Qiao Huiying, so he didn't say much. He just said to Hu, "a friend is interested in scientific research, and he has a little foundation, but he didn't go in several times!"

Hu diong didn't wait for Ye Feng to finish, and immediately said, "I'll arrange this matter. Don't contact me after such a small matter. You don't seem to fully understand. My network is not reserved for you to do such a small matter. If you call again later, you won't have to!"

Ye Feng micro sigh a way, "chat Qiao Huiying you are not happy!"

Hu diong said to Ye Feng, "it's not that I'm not happy, but that I have nothing to talk about. Besides, I'm not used to talking on the phone with people. If you have something to do in the future Attention, I mean something important. You go to the front desk of longarsenburg hotel. There is a golden bell on the front desk. If you ring it three times, someone will contact you! "

Hu diweng finished and hung up. Ye Feng really wanted to talk to Hu diweng about Qiao Huiying.

Now this matter is a little troublesome. Hu Dion contacts himself here, and Qiao Huiying knows it. Qiao Huiying contacts himself here, and Hu Dion also knows it.

Both sides can't hide it, so if you want to hide the benefits from both sides, don't even think about it. No wonder Fei Wuliang has been persuading you not to hide it from both sides.

In other words, that is to say, between Hu Dion and Qiao Huiying, Ye Feng must clearly express who he supports and stand in line, otherwise the two sides will not be good.

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