Listen to Hu Di Weng say so, leaf Feng can't help but eyebrow a wrinkly way, "sequela?"

Hu diweng said to Ye Feng, "in fact, I've tried, but no a Xiu is perfect. Either this or that is the problem, so I gave up. But I've kept her DNA all the time. I hope one day if this technology is completely mature, I'll talk about it later."

At this point, I can't help sighing, "I hope I can see it in my lifetime, too!"

Ye Feng said to Hu diong, "but you just said that even if you recreate a perfect ah Xiu, it's not the original ah Xiu!"

Hu Di Weng listened to Ye Feng say so, also nodded, immediately said, "don't say this! In a word, if Qiao Huiying and I can ease the relationship, the world may be upside down! "

Ye Feng heard Hu diweng say so, can't help but say, "then don't think that way!"

Hu diweng then looked at Ye Feng and said, "Qiao Huiying even has a baby daughter who is willing to marry you. Why do you seem to have a lot of problems with him?"

Ye Feng asked Hu diong, "don't you also marry your daughter to him? Isn't he the same? "

Hu Di Weng took a deep breath, then stood up and said, "no matter what, I must bring down Qiao Huiying, even if it's my life. Let me tell you this, all my energy will be on this one thing for the rest of my life!"

Then he looked back at Ye Feng and said, "I know how you think of me. I think I'm greedy for power, and I want to hold power again! In fact, you are wrong, you are all wrong, maybe I was like this before, but now I have no interest in rights, I just want to defeat Qiao Huiying! "

Ye Feng can't help staring into Hu's eyes when he hears Hu's words. He thinks Hu didn't lie. If he lies, he deserves to be cheated, because his acting skills are so good that he has reached the stage of pure fire.

Hu Di Weng then breathed a sigh of relief and shrugged to Ye Feng, "do you believe it or not! I don't know whether you are here to confirm my idea or to be an insider for Qiao Huiying... "

Say to see Ye Feng want to talk, immediately wave a hand way, "you listen to me to say, I now only tell you one thing, you can believe, also can not believe!"

Ye Feng nodded, "you say!"

He sat on the sofa again, looked at Ye Feng and smoked his cigar. After a long time, he said, "I know that the most criticism of the messages from outside now is the time of lion square more than ten years ago!"

Ye Feng listens to Hu diweng's initiative to mention the event of lion square. He can't help looking at Hu diweng.

However, Hu diong continued, "if I tell you that Qiao Huiying planned the lion Square incident, do you believe it?"

Ye Feng suddenly looked at Hu diong and said, "Qiao Huiying planned it?"

Hu diong sneered and said, "of course, you may not believe it. Even I didn't react to it until many years later. Otherwise, you think Qiao Huiying was promoted by me. Why do I hate him so much? In addition to the fact that he indirectly killed ah Xiu, it was this incident that made me understand the cause and effect! "

Ye Fengxin sighs. No matter whether Hu Dion wants to throw the pot or not, if he doesn't lie, Qiao Huiying is really a very powerful character.

Hu diong continued to say to Ye Feng, "I can see from your expression that it's hard for you to believe it, right? I tell you, I didn't believe it at the beginning, but later I understood that Qiao Huiying had been in the layout since he knew my daughter. Ah Xiu and I were just walking step by step according to the script he had written. All of us were his pieces, he said From the first day, it has been calculated to today's step! "

Then Hu Di Weng looked at Ye Feng with a sneer and said, "of course, you are also included. Why do you think he wants you to be his son-in-law? I can tell you that although I don't know what his real intention is, it is definitely through his many plans and scheming in his heart! Or do you really think the pie hit you in the head? "

After listening to Hu diong's words, Ye Feng immediately pondered. The news was an absolute shock to Ye Feng.

It can be said that since Ye Feng knew about the lion Square incident, he has never connected it with Qiao Huiying from the beginning to the end. He always thought that it was Hu Dion's affair.

But now Ye Feng's heart has had waves, although this is Hu Dion said, true or false has not yet decided, but at least Ye Feng no longer want to believe that it was Hu Dion who did it.

Seeing Ye Feng's look after hearing this, Hu Di Weng shrugged his shoulders and said, "I know you don't have to believe it, and this is the first time that I have said it to anyone except myself. You are the first one!"

Ye Feng heard Hu Dion say so, immediately toward Hu Dion way, "why did not tell others?"

Houdion sighed, "it's not so easy to find someone who can be trusted and talk!"

Ye Feng frowned at Hu diong and said, "can you trust me?"Hu Dion said with a smile, "what? Do you think I can't trust you? " Then, without waiting for Ye Feng to speak, he immediately said, "I know that you have many things to hide from me, including your real purpose, including that you may just use me to achieve your own purpose. I've thought about all these things..."

Then he looked at Ye Feng and said, "but it doesn't matter. It's not something I should care about. No matter what your purpose is, no matter whether you are using me or not, I don't care. As long as I can achieve my goal, I can give up everything else!"

After taking a deep breath at this time, Ye Feng said to Hu diong, "I also want to tell you the truth. I really want to use your relationship to achieve my goal..."

Hu diong didn't wait for Ye Feng to finish. He immediately waved his hand and said, "you don't have to talk to me about this. We have talked very thoroughly before. We are just making use of each other. You use me to achieve your goal, and I use you to achieve my goal. That's enough. In fact, I don't need to know what your goal is, because it has nothing to do with me It's tied up

Ye Feng said to Hu diong at this time, "but I also told you that I once promised Joanna that I would not kill Qiao Huiying, so anyway, I would not kill him!"

Hu diong continued, "I also told you that as long as I see Qiao Huiying step down and see him look lonely, it's far better than killing him, and you don't know him. If he really gets to this point, even if you don't kill him, even if he's still alive, he's dead!"

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