Ye Feng understands Hu Dion's meaning. He wants to completely defeat Qiao Huiying on the spiritual level. He knows what Qiao Huiying cares about most and what he values most.

Thinking of this, Ye Feng nodded, then stood up and said to Hu diong, "in this case, I will not disturb you!"

But Hu Di Weng frowned at Ye Feng and said, "is this the way to go?"

Ye Feng said to Hu diong, "I have heard what I want to hear and determined what I want to do in the future, so there is no need to stay!"

Hu Di Weng also got up and shrugged his shoulders at Ye Feng. "In that case, I won't force you to stay..." Then he clapped his hands.

Outside the door, two blondes immediately came in again, and immediately went to hudion and walked towards the swimming pool.

Ye Feng looked back. In fact, he also understood that in eisf, people's life expectancy is longer, aging is slower, and the degradation of various functions of the body is slower.

So, although houdion seems to be an old man, physically, he is still in his old age, so it's normal to need beautiful women to accompany him.

Ye Feng left longarsenbao Hotel and went back to the apartment by car. When he went back, a Nan and them had already fallen asleep. Ye Feng sat alone in the living room, smoking a cigarette, and repeated what he said when he met with Hu Dion tonight.

In fact, for Ye Feng, what Hu diong said, even if it is believable on the surface, he should be hesitant. After all, he didn't know Hu diong for long.

However, this is not the most important. The most important reason is that houdion is an old bird in the political arena after all. Even after his years as president, the years before him are still very difficult. Therefore, his acting skills may really reach the stage of perfection.

Hu Dion is also the only one who is not sure that Ye Feng is right by his eyes.

Thinking of the meeting with houdion tonight, perhaps the most surprising thing for me is the event of lion square. Although Satan in this time and space is not himself, it is also closely related to him after all.

Ye Feng closes his eyes and leans against the back of the sofa for a while. Hu Dion and Qiao Huiying can't say who they absolutely believe or who they don't trust.

However, after leaving the hotel, Ye Feng secretly determined his route and decided that he would no longer be influenced by either Hu Dion or Qiao Huiying.

Therefore, although Ye Feng felt that Hu's words were trustworthy at that time, he didn't tell Hu that Qiao Huiying wanted to be an insider on his side.

What's more, Ye Feng's biggest harvest tonight is that he has a very clear relationship with Hu Dion and Qiao Huiying.

But once it comes to the specific content of the conversation, in fact, they don't know, which is equivalent to leave the bottom line for Ye Feng.

In other words, no matter what they do, they just know whether they have contacted with the other party.

But they probably don't know how to contact and what they say when contacting. In this way, they will have more room to operate.

At this time, Ye Feng behind suddenly sounded the voice of a Nan way, "so late still don't sleep?"

Ye Feng looked back at her and saw that she was wearing pajamas and was standing behind her. She could not help saying, "are you awake, or haven't you been sleeping?"

This time, a Nan walked to the opposite of Ye Feng and sat down. Then she shrugged her shoulders and said, "I haven't slept all the time!"

Ye Feng smell speech can't help but toward a Nan a smile way, "can't be I don't come back, you don't feel at ease?"

After listening to what Ye Feng said, she didn't answer Ye Feng's topic. Instead, she said to Ye Feng, "today, the Academy of Sciences called me, and Gu zhaohuide called me in person!"

On hearing this, Ye Feng said with a smile, "what are you talking about?"

A Nan said immediately, "let me report tomorrow!"

Ye Feng immediately shrugged, "that's good! You've got it

But a Nan looked at Ye Feng and said, "did you contact me?"

Ye Feng did not deny that, "since you know the real purpose of going to the scientific research institute, of course, I want to fully support you!"

Ah Nan nodded and said, "I knew you had this ability, so I didn't have to go to Gu zhaohuide again and again to get bruised and bruised!"

Ye Feng said with a smile to her, "this skill is really ingenious. It's only recently. You said earlier that I may not be able to do it!"

When she heard this, she immediately looked at Ye Feng and said, "what do you mean? Is that what hudion helped with? "

Ye Feng nodded and said, "although he is extremely unwilling to work hard for this little thing, he still helps!"

Ah Nan looked at Ye Feng at this time and said, "when you come back so late, are you going to see Hu dingweng again?"

Ye Feng nodded, "yes, there are some things I need to confirm!"Then Ye Feng immediately looked at her and said, "after today, I have a new understanding of Hu Dion and Qiao Huiying."

After staring at Ye Feng for a long time, a Nan said, "what do you know?"

Ye Feng looked at a Nan and said, "you should have heard about the lion Square incident, too?"

Ah Nan nodded and said, "I know. What's the matter?"

Ye Feng immediately said, "we always thought that Hu Dion had done this thing in those years!"

On hearing this, she said, "listen to your tone, isn't it?"

Ye Feng shook his head and said, "Hu diong told me today that this is probably not his reason, but is related to Qiao Huiying, but the specific situation has not been explained in detail!"

Ah Nan frowned and said, "when he says that, do you believe it?"

Ye Feng shook his head again and said, "I can't say I don't believe it, but I don't believe it all. I'm half convinced."

A Nan then said to Ye Feng, "in a word, they are all veterans who have been in the officialdom for many years. I always believe in their words! You still need to have your own judgment! "

Ye Feng immediately nodded and said, "you're right. No matter how much Hu diong said, I won't believe it, but at least one thing is certain! That's the hostile relationship between Hu Dion and Qiao Huiying. Maybe they had been fighting secretly before, but now, because of my appearance, I'm afraid they will have to fight openly! "

After listening to Ye Feng's words, a Nan immediately said to Ye Feng, "whether it's an open fight or a secret fight, there's no difference for us. The only thing we can do is that no matter how they fight, how they fight, whether we can get what we want in the middle, or it's all in vain!"

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