Ye Feng pretended not to see the general, continue to open the door, then went in and closed the door, after entering the door immediately opened the cat's eye video outside, staring at the video.

However, after staring at the video for a long time, Ye Feng didn't see anyone passing by, and even there was no movement in the safe passage.

Ye Feng's heart is still hesitating, his feeling is absolutely impossible to go wrong.

If you can't even see if there is someone following you, then he also feels that he is worthy of death. Ye Feng still has this confidence.

At this time, Ye Feng is thinking, maybe the other party is just tracking himself back, and has no intention of further action, or wants him to track his boss behind the scenes, without further instructions?

Now Ye Feng has entered the door, and even if he doesn't, Ye Feng doesn't worry about himself. At this time, he worries about a Nan and Yueying who haven't come back.

If they happen to meet the person following them outside, they may have a confrontation.

Just thinking about it, I saw that the shadow of the moon had come slowly from the elevator at this time, but there was still no movement in the safe passage.

Ye Feng can't help thinking in his heart, "has this guy finished his task and retreated?"

At this time, the moon shadow sleeveless has come to the door, is ready to open the door, the moon shadow sleeveless also stopped, eyes intentionally or unintentionally to the safe passage door side glance.

From the surveillance video, Ye Feng can clearly see the moon's sleeveless eyes. What does that mean?

It shows that the moon shadow has no sleeves and feels that there is something different in the safe passage, which proves from the side that his feeling is not wrong.

But the moon shadow has no patience of her own. She immediately looks towards the safe passage and yells, "who's behind that?"

As soon as the voice of the shadow of the moon fell, Ye Feng saw the black shadow behind the glass in the safety passage door flash away.

But the moon shadow has no sleeve to see a shape to immediately side to run toward that side, on the side of the mouth still loudly ask a way, "who?"

Ye Feng screams that it's not good. He quickly opens the door. However, when he opens the door, the moon shadow has already pushed open the door of the safe passage to catch up.

When Ye Feng rushes out of the safe passage again, he can't see the trace of the shadow of the moon. He only hears a rush of footsteps from the corridor upstairs.

Ye Feng knew that it must be the moon shadow who chased the man upstairs. He immediately chased the man upstairs and said in a loud voice to the moon shadow upstairs, "don't chase the poor!"

The voice of the moon shadow without sleeves also came down from the building, "Ye Feng? You wait for me, I'm sure I can catch him! "

Ye Feng a listen to this words, heart next move, immediately accelerated the foot distance, the shadow of the sleeve this competitive character, estimated will be the other side of the road.

After waiting for Ye Feng to catch up with the roof, he saw that the moon shadow was running to one side at this time. Then he jumped from the roof and jumped directly from the roof to the opposite roof.

On the opposite roof, a man was running towards the front. Under the neon lights on the roof, he couldn't see what the other person was. He couldn't even tell whether it was a man or a woman from the figure.

Ye Feng also took a deep breath at this time and ran to the opposite roof. When he learned to soar like the moon shadow, he couldn't help but feel awe struck. The distance between the two buildings should be at least four or five meters. Didn't he expect that they would jump like this?

Ye Feng knows that it's too late for him to regret now. His body flies between the two corridors and begins to fall. Ye Feng grabs the fence of the opposite corridor and sighs. If it falls, it's estimated that it's all meat.

He immediately turned over and then saw that the moon shadow and the guy's trace had already disappeared in front of him.

Ye Feng still ran to the edge of the roof in front of him and looked towards the roof of another building in front of him. He didn't see the moon shadow and the guy.

Ye Feng's secret way two people can't play Parkour. They even lost their lives. Did they fall downstairs?

Thinking of Ye Feng stooping to look downstairs, he didn't find anything abnormal downstairs. He was wondering. At this time, he saw a building on one side of the roof, and the shadow of the moon rushed directly towards this side. After jumping over, he rolled on the ground to ease his inertia.

When the moon shadow stood up and walked towards Ye Feng, he said angrily, "run away by this guy!"

Ye Feng is toward the shadow of the moon sleeveless way, "see clearly what it looks like?"

The moon shadow without sleeve shook his head and said, "I only know that I'm not old, I'm a man, and I don't see anything else!"

Ye Feng at this time a burst of sob, in the end is who, good end of tracking their own do? Is it Qiao Huiying or Hu Dion?

The moon shadow has no sleeve this time but toward the leaf maple way, "but from each other's skill, I can probably estimate what he is coming from!"

Listen to the moon shadow without sleeve so a say, leaf maple eyebrows can't help a wrinkle to look at the moon shadow without sleeve way, "what way?"The moon shadow has no sleeve and immediately says to Ye Feng, "come from the same family as me!"

Ye Feng heard that the moon shadow had no sleeve. His face moved slightly and said, "you mean..."

Without waiting for Ye Feng to finish, Yue Ying nodded immediately, "yes, he should also be the dead servant of the opposition!"

Ye Feng has also guessed, but from the moon shadow sleeveless mouth to hear, or can't help but heart next Lin way, "the opposition's death attendant why will appear here?"

Still strange in my heart, is the target of the other side not myself, but the moon shadow with the opposition's dead hand?

At this time, moon shadow shrugged and said, "I don't know, but this guy's skill is good. He should be regarded as the first-class dead servant of the opposition!"

Then he looked at Ye Feng and said, "how did you catch up? You see me? "

Ye Feng is toward the shadow of the moon sleeveless way, "when I come back, I also feel that there is something strange in the safe passage, but I didn't intend to scare the snake, after entering the house, I use the monitor to observe, this time you come back!"

The moon shadow has no sleeve to listen to Ye Feng so a say, can't help a consternation, immediately toward Ye Feng a shrug way, "that blame me too hasty!"

Ye Feng shook his head, looked at the shadow of the moon and said, "it's nothing to do with you. I guess even if you don't show up, that guy doesn't plan to show up. Besides, if you don't chase him, I can't know that his origin is the servant of the opposition!"

The moon shadow has no sleeves. At this time, she frowns and looks at the roof not far away. She still says strangely, "who are the opponents going to deal with when they send out such a level of dead attendants? You? Or me? "

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