Ye Feng actually has this question all the time. Is that guy coming for himself or for the moon shadow.

For the time being, he knew nothing about the other party except that he was the dead servant of the opposition. Now he is not good to express his opinion.

Then Ye Feng let the moon shadow sleeve and himself or go back to the apartment again, the moon shadow sleeve jumped from the roof.

After waiting for Ye Feng to jump over, he can't help but ask Yueying in surprise, "are your opponents' dead attendants so good at jumping?"

The moon shadow has no sleeves and says to Ye Feng, "footwork is a necessary lesson for every dead waiter. Without a good footwork, many things can't be done!"

Ye Feng thinks that the so-called Dead attendants of the opposition, after all, are just like those assassins in China on the earth. When assassins assassinate, they have to spy information first. Even some of the assassins live upstairs, so their footwork is naturally better.

After returning to the apartment, a Nan just came back from work. Seeing Ye Feng and Yueying come back together, she can't help looking at the two people in surprise, "how did you two come back together?"

Moon shadow without sleeves is sitting on the sofa, will just matter, simple and a Nan said for a while, asked Ye Feng way, "you recently is what the opposition people?"

Ye Feng pondered for a while, yes, since he came to longarsene castle, the word opposition seems to have been forgotten, and he has never met any opposition in longarsene castle.

In the final analysis, it's not that I haven't met them, but that even if I did, I didn't have the ability to distinguish whether the other party was the opposition or not, so I didn't rule out the possibility.

He even doubts that houdion is anti Qiao Huiying, so whether he is an opposition or not. If he is, then the whole Senate should be an opposition member.

For a moment, Ye Feng was a little confused. He couldn't remember who he had offended recently. After all, he spent most of his energy on Hu Dion and Qiao Huiying.

Moon shadow no sleeve see Ye Feng didn't speak, this time a long sigh way, "since can't remember, that don't need to think, the opposition's dead waiter didn't come back empty handed, if he didn't achieve the goal this time, he will certainly come back!"

Ah Nan didn't say a word. Then she looked at the two people and said, "it's obvious that the target of each other is one of you. Of course, it may be all of us! But the most important thing now is not to find out who let him come, but when he will come next time! "

After that, Ye Feng and Yueying immediately added, "think about who else in the world can escape under the pursuit of you two. It can be seen that the strength of each other can't be underestimated! This time it happened to be discovered by you. Next time, he will be more careful. Even he may have completed today's goal. Next time, he may not appear at all. As far as I know, the killing of the opposition's dead attendants may not be in face-to-face conflict with others, or it may be invisible! "

Moon shadow sleeveless heard a-nan say this, and immediately nodded and said, "a-nan is right. If he still comes here next time, at least we can defend him, but if they completely follow the dark line, it will be impossible to defend him. I remember once an action, a first-class servant of other groups, on the premise of not seeing the target, made the target nervous breakdown and broke down on his own It's over, because you can prevent them for a while, but you have absolutely no energy to prevent them for a lifetime! "

Ye Feng is also worried about this matter. After all, you have to eat, drink and sleep. If the other party poisons you in your food or drink, or kills you while you are asleep, you can't prevent it at all.

Listening to what Yueying Wuxiu said, and thinking about the assassination of other groups, Ye Feng could not help looking at Yueying Wuxiu and said, "if so, maybe the other party was not accidentally found by us today, but deliberately let us know his existence!"

The moon shadow has no sleeve to smell speech complexion slightly to move a way, "if is such words, then I pour is to think of a person!"

Ye Feng immediately asked the moon without sleeves, "who?"

Yueying Wuxiu immediately said, "as I said just now, the person who made the target collapse and committed suicide in other groups is very famous in the death attendants of the opposition!"

Ye Feng immediately asked, "what's your name?"

Moon shadow shrugged, "no one knows his name, we all call him shadow. It is estimated that only the leader in the whole death service team can see him, and even the leader has not seen him, just contact him through other ways!"

At this point, Yueying Wuxiu immediately added, "if it's really him, it's troublesome. Although this guy's skill is said to be very good, he never confronts people head-on. It's said that he likes the feeling of tormenting people. Every time he sees his target tormented to death, he will have a kind of unexplained pleasure!"

Listen to the moon shadow sleeve so a say, leaf maple can't help but cold hum a way, "this is not in the heart abnormal?"

A Nan said at this time, "sometimes, this kind of people's heart is extremely distorted, otherwise they will not do such things, in short, the next day, we have a hard time, we have to be careful everywhere!"Ye Feng takes a deep breath after hearing the speech. He is not very worried about it. The moon shadow has no sleeves. Anyway, she is also a dead servant of the opposition. Even if she is not the opponent of the other party, she knows something about the other party.

And Dixie has already gone to find Dante Emma. Wufeng'an should be with snooker recently, and she won't come back often. Only Anan worries Ye Feng the most.

Seeing Ye Feng looking at her eyes, she guessed Ye Feng's idea and immediately said to Ye Feng, "you don't have to worry about me, I know how to protect myself."

But Ye Feng said to the moon shadow, "anyway, you have nothing to do recently. After a-nan goes to work, you will accompany her!"

The moon shadow has no sleeve to smell a speech to be stunned, immediately cold hum a way, "don't you worry about my safety?"

A Nan smell speech also immediately toward leaf Feng way, "don't so troublesome......"

But Ye Feng said to the moon shadow, "I have full trust in you. I believe you can protect your own safety and protect your daughter again."

The moon shadow has no sleeves and can't help but look at Ye Feng and say, "you know how to make us happy. Why don't you protect a Nan yourself, then you can't be more assured?"

Ye Feng said to Yueying, "because I have more important things to do!"

The moon shadow without sleeve frowned at Ye Feng and said, "is it more important than a Nan's life?"

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