Ye Feng hears that the moon shadow has no sleeve, suddenly ponders, and then looks at a Nan.

But before Ye Feng spoke, a Nan immediately said to the moon shadow, "he must have his intention, so don't embarrass him!"

The moon shadow has no sleeve but sour ground to say, "is a family after all, haven't passed the door, know to speak for him?"

A Nan smell speech complexion suddenly a red, embarrassed of turn a head to go, silent.

Ye Feng listen to the shadow of the sleeve so said, also guessed that the shadow of the sleeve may be know their relationship with a Nan.

But this is nothing for Ye Feng. After all, this is nothing new for Ye Feng.

And Ye Feng can also hear her jealousy from the tone of moon shadow's sleeveless voice, thinking that she can't help but smile at moon shadow's sleeveless voice and say, "you don't speak for me, is it because you haven't passed yet?"

The moon shadow has no sleeve a listen to this words, complexion move, can't help staring at leaf maple to see after a moment, immediately a smile way, "how? Are you going to invite me through? "

Ye Feng shrugged at the shadow of the moon and said, "more people, more chopsticks!"

The moon shadow has no sleeve, but after taking a long breath, he says to Ye Feng, "forget it, I don't have no rice to eat. What kind of rice do I have to go to rub with you?"

Then she looked at the shy girl and said, "I'll make a joke. Don't think about it! Still shy? It's not like you! "

A Nan looked awkwardly at the shadow of the moon and said, "I didn't think much about it!"

At this time, the moon shadow said to Ye Feng, "OK, no problem, just listen to your arrangement! I'll pick up my daughter from tomorrow. It's OK

Ye Feng can't help nodding when he hears the speech, and then he says to the moon shadow, "tell me more about this shadow, what are its characteristics?"

The moon shadow shrugged and said, "I don't know much. After all, not many people have seen him! I haven't seen it either. All the information is just hearsay. I'm not sure whether this guy is him or not. "

Ye Feng sniffed and sighed, "if it's really him, it will be troublesome, but if it's the other way around, it may still be a good thing!"

Moon shadow can't help but frown at Ye Feng and say, "good thing, are you scared silly by him? How can this be a good thing? Being entangled by him is just like being entangled by a ghost. Can it be a good thing if you can't eat and sleep well? I've got a lot of insight! "

Ye Feng is toward the shadow of the moon sleeveless way, "even if he really as you say the same haunting, difficult time, this does not explain a problem?"

"What's the problem?" she said

This time, without waiting for Ye Feng to speak, ah Nan immediately said, "it shows that the person who wants to kill Ye Feng or you has a bright future!"

Ye Feng smell speech can't help but nod a way, "right, if so, if we can capture this shadow alive, can we find the behind the scenes messenger?"

The shadow of the moon without sleeves could not help but be shocked, and then said with a smile, "are you really crazy? Feelings I tell you so much about shadow that you're totally deaf? "

Then the moon shadow immediately added, "if the shadow is so easy to grasp, what are we still having a headache here? It is because he is not easy to grasp, he is a terrible existence! Can't you not understand? "

But Ye Feng asked Yueying, "did you ever have the experience of being discovered before when you worked with shadow?"

The moon shadow has no sleeve to listen to Ye Feng so a say, can't help but eyebrow a wrinkly, immediately shook to shake head a way, "I don't know, but according to common sense say, is not had!"

Ye Feng smell speech immediately nodded toward the moon shadow sleeveless way, "in this case, why will he be found this time? Is his ability insufficient? Or do you mean to let us know? "

Moon shadow sleeveless immediately toward Ye Feng said, "should not be the lack of ability, is to deliberately let us find it!"

Ye Feng smell speech but immediately said, "if this is the case, then I don't understand, according to reason, this shadow work efficiency is so high, the ability is so big, why want to deliberately give us know!"

The moon shadow without sleeve said to Ye Feng immediately, "didn't I say that? He's trying to put psychological pressure on us! And then slowly torture us! "

But Ye Feng immediately shook his head and said, "no!"

After looking at Ye Feng for a long time, the moon shadow asked, "isn't it right? What's wrong? "

Ye Feng immediately said to the moon shadow, "nothing is right!"

The moon shadow has no sleeve or looks at Ye Feng with an incomprehensible face and says, "you don't want to show off, just say what you found?"

Ye Feng said to her, "according to the habit of shadow, he won't let the other party find himself first. As long as he tries to let the other party know his existence, why do he have to risk himself? Is he so confident in his ability that he has to find out for us in person, and then cause us psychological pressure? Didn't he think he would be caught by mistake? ""I don't know what he thinks, but the fact turns out that his ability is enough for him to have this confidence, which you should not deny, right? If not, now he has been caught by us! "

Ye Feng nodded and said, "everyone has his own shortcomings and weaknesses. I admit that he is very strong, but only limited to his footwork. I haven't dealt with him in other aspects. It's not clear for the moment, so our next step is to lead him out to fight!"

The moon shadow has no sleeves but says to Ye Feng, "if he wants to fight with us, he has just fought. Why wait for us to lead him out? Now I feel that he is leading us out!"

After pondering for a while, Ye Feng said to Yueying, "you should have some contacts with the opposition. I want you to contact me to see if you can know more about the shadow, even if it's hearsay! I want to know more about him, so maybe I can find out his weakness and defeat him at once

The moon shadow has no sleeve to smell speech can't help but nod, toward leaf maple say, "OK, I'll contact right away!" Then he took the phone and went to the balcony to talk on the phone.

At this time, a Nan took a look at the shadow of the moon outside the balcony. Then she said to Ye Feng, "the name of shadow, we also heard from her mouth. Is it the shadow? We haven't determined yet?"

Hearing this, Ye Feng couldn't help looking at a Nan and said, "that's why I want her to make this call. When she's finished, she'll know everything!"

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