Hearing what Ye Feng said, she couldn't help staring at Ye Feng and said, "so, you also..."

Before she finished, Ye Feng nodded and said, "after all, we haven't heard the name of shadow. Everything comes from her mouth. It's hard to think about it!"

Say Ye Feng can't help but also see more a Nan a few eyes way, "you also found?"

Ah Nan nodded, "I'm just a little strange. I wanted to wake you up, but you seem to see it, so I have nothing to say!"

With that, a Nan added to Ye Feng, "we are just suspicious, not necessarily what we think. Anyway, Yueying Wuxiu is also a dead servant of the opposition. Maybe she really knows, just as he said!"

Ye Feng can't help nodding when he hears the speech. In fact, what he and a Nan think is the same. After all, they haven't heard of the name Shadow, only the moon shadow without sleeves.

In other words, there is no other evidence to prove that the moon shadow has no sleeves and says what the shadow looks like.

In fact, Ye Feng has always been a little wary of moon shadow sleeveless. This wariness has existed since he was in Huke Bay, and has not been completely eliminated.

But if ye Feng really wants to tell us what's wrong with the moon shadow sleeve, Ye Feng can't tell for a while. In short, he intuitively feels that the moon shadow sleeve is not so transparent.

After a while, Yueying Wuxiu came in with a mobile phone, and then said to Yefeng and Anan, "I've made it clear!"

Ye Feng and a Nan looked at each other, then looked at the shadow of the moon and said, "Oh? What do you say? "

The moon shadow without sleeves immediately sat opposite Ye Feng and said, "don't ask, don't know. I only know when I ask. It turns out that the shadow is really not simple!"

Ye Feng nodded and said, "what's not so simple?"

Moon shadow no sleeve just about to speak, found Ye Feng looking at his eyes is not right, can't help frowning at Ye Feng way, "I listen to you this tone, you don't seem to believe me?"

Then he immediately said, "since you don't believe me, what else do you want to call and ask?" Then he stood up immediately, turned around and walked towards his door.

Ye Feng didn't say anything, but he couldn't see it. The shadow of the moon seemed really angry.

At this time, the girl immediately went to hold the shadow of the moon and said, "he didn't mean it, he was just curious!"

The moon shadow without sleeves said to a-nan, "you don't have to say good things for him. This is not the first time you doubt me. Last time you looked at me in Huke Bay, I still remember. Now you look at me with this look, which means that you are suspecting me just like last time!"

A Nan immediately explained for Ye Feng, "he doesn't mean that..."

Without waiting for the moon shadow to talk, Ye Feng said to her daughter, "you don't have to explain for me, that's what I mean!"

The moon shadow has no sleeve to immediately sneer a ground to look at a Nan way, "you see, he himself all admitted!"

After taking a deep breath at this time, Ye Feng said to the moon shadow, "I don't know why. I always feel that you are hiding something from us! This kind of feeling has existed since Huke Bay. Now it's longarsenburg, and it still exists! "

The moon shadow without sleeve stares at Ye Feng and says, "what did I do to make you so suspicious? In that case, it's no use for me to stay here! "

With that, the moon shadow did not return to the room, but walked towards the gate.

Seeing this, a Nan immediately went up to pull the shadow of the moon with no sleeves and quickly explained, "he doesn't mean that!"

Moon shadow without sleeve said, "you don't have to explain anything for him anymore. Didn't you hear him say it himself? Is that what he meant?"

Ye Feng stood up at this time, looked at the shadow of the moon and said, "haven't you thought about a problem? Why do you always make people suspicious? "

The moon shadow has no sleeve to listen to this words, can't help but turn head to leaf maple sneer way, "so say or I'm not good, always let you have doubt to me?"

Ye Feng is toward the shadow of the moon sleeveless way, "I just ask you, you dare say you from the beginning to the end nothing in hiding us?"

The moon shadow has no sleeve to smell speech complexion tiny move, is this facial expression let leaf maple more affirmation own idea.

And a Nan also noticed the moon shadow's sleeveless expression, and immediately said to the moon shadow, "I believe that even if you have something to hide from us, you have not hurt our mind. After all, I have been with you for so long!"

Then he said to the moon shadow, "can't you tell us the secret in my heart? Maybe we can help you? "

The moon shadow has no sleeve, which immediately shakes off the hand of a Nan and says, "I have no secret! It's just that you don't trust me! "

At this time, Ye Feng sighed, "in this case, we don't ask much!"

The moon shadow has no sleeve at this time staring at Ye Feng to see after a long time, this just turns round to open the door.

Seeing that a-nan is going to pursue the shadow of the moon, Ye Feng says to her, "since her heart is not here, it's meaningless to force her to stay!"A Nan listen to Ye Feng so say, hesitated for a while, and is her this hesitation, the shadow of the moon has opened the door to leave.

Seeing this, a Nan came back and said to Ye Feng, "no matter what, you can't let her leave. What if the target of the shadow is her?"

Ye Feng nodded and said, "I think so, too!"

A Nan looked at Ye Feng and said, "do you think so, too? And you want her to leave? "

Ye Feng said to a Nan, "if she doesn't leave here, how can the shadow appear?"

On hearing this, she stared at Ye Feng, but saw that Ye Feng was also walking towards the door, and said to her, "be careful tonight, I'll follow her!"

See Ye Feng so, a Nan immediately remind Ye Feng way, "you also want to be more careful!"

Ye Feng turned around and nodded to a Nan, then immediately opened the door and went out.

When Ye Feng went out, he saw that the elevator was going down. He immediately went to open another elevator.

When Ye Feng takes another elevator to go down, the shadow of the moon has already been on the street, walking aimlessly on the street.

And the moon shadow's sleeve less pace is not fast. After a few steps, she stops and looks back at the upstairs of the apartment. Then she continues to walk in front.

Ye Feng with the hidden, shadow sleeve did not find him, and Ye Feng side with shadow sleeve behind, but also toward the surrounding inspection, to see if there are any suspicious people nearby.

To tell the truth, in fact, at the moment, Ye Feng has some entanglement in his heart. He hopes that the shadow will appear and he will not.

If the shadow does not appear, it means that there is no shadow at all, or that the person is not a shadow, which means that the shadow of the moon has no sleeve and does not tell the truth.

But if the shadow appears, it means that his guess is right. His goal is probably not himself, but the shadow of the moon without sleeves.

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