Fei Wuliang saw Ye Feng's look and said with a smile, "you haven't really seen all the officialdom of longarsenbao. A cabinet minister is a puppet. Are you so surprised?"

Ye Feng can't help but frown at Fei Wuliang and say, "is there any puppet more incredible than the cabinet minister?"

Fei Wuliang's face changed slightly, then shrugged and said, "who knows? Maybe, maybe not! In a word, you have to walk on thin ice in the officialdom of longarsenic castle, or you may be doomed if you are not careful! "

Speaking of this, Fei Wuliang also said to Ye Feng, "so you must remember that the background of officialdom is only a part of you, and the main thing is to see your own strength, otherwise no matter who you stand behind, it will not help! No one can protect you! In longarsenic castle, you are the only one who can keep you

Listening to Fei Wuliang, Ye Feng seems to have something to say, but seeing that he doesn't want to say it, he doesn't force him. He just says to Fei Wuliang, "can I find this dance Shi'an?"

Fei Wuliang listened to Ye Feng's words. He couldn't help staring at Ye Feng for a long time. Then he sighed, "it seems that I'll talk to you again, and you won't change your mind!"

Speaking of this, Fei Wuliang sighed and continued to say to Ye Feng, "you can go to him, but you can't say that I told you this!"

Ye Feng immediately nodded, and then asked Fei Wuliang about wushi'an's office address. He immediately left Fei Wuliang's office and went to Fei Wuliang's address.

In fact, wushi'an's office is not far from here. It's even a part of the Han Ding palace, but there are many winding roads, so it's a waste of time to walk there.

Although wushi'an's office is finally found, it's not easy to see wushi'an. After all, it's different from Fei Wuliang's department. Wushi'an is also a cabinet minister.

So in Ye Feng's repeated request, the guard at the door did not let him in, Ye Feng can only stand here and wait.

Fortunately, before leaving, Fei Wuliang sent himself a picture of wushi'an. Otherwise, the people in and out of here, even if wushi'an passed by in front of him, might not know him.

After nearly an hour's waiting for eisf, I finally saw a big middle-aged man come out, with a man nodding to him. What were they talking about.

Ye Feng recognized that the burly middle-aged man was the wushi'an he was looking for, and immediately went up to block their way, "wushi'an?"

Wushi'an frowned when she heard that she had been working in the cabinet for so many years, but no one had called her name directly.

Without waiting for wushi'an to speak, the one who nodded and bowed around him immediately frowned and yelled at Ye Feng, "who are you? Do you call Master Wu's Ming Hui casually? "

Ye Feng didn't pay attention to the goods. He asked Wu Shi'an directly, "do you think you are?"

Nodding and bowing, he immediately returned Ye Feng, "are you deaf? I'm talking to you... "

Without waiting for the goods to finish, wushi'an stopped him and frowned at Ye Feng, "who are you? What can I do for you? "

Ye Feng took a look at the goods, and then said to Wu Shi'an, "I want to talk to you alone! Oh, my name is Ye Feng

"Maple Leaf?" Dance Shi an a listen to this words, complexion immediately move, surprised looking at Ye Feng, up and down after a look, this way, "so you are Ye Feng?"

Ye Feng can't help frowning, "do you know me?"

Wushi'an immediately shook his head and said, "I don't know, but recently your name has been in the Han Ding palace! The whole Han Ding palace knows that you are the future son-in-law of the president. How can I not know your name? "

Then he said to Ye Feng, "but What can I do for you? "

Ye Feng took another look at the pug behind Wu Shi'an and said, "I'd better take a step to talk!"

At this time, wushi'an turned back and said, "go ahead and do your work first."

The man nodded, puzzled to see a leaf maple, this just slowly walked away.

After waiting for that person to leave, Wu Shi an just looked at Ye Feng way, "now can say?"

Ye Feng said, "have you ever heard of shadow?"

After hearing this, wushi'an suddenly said, "what? Shadow? What shadow? "

Ye Feng saw that Wu Shi'an's expression was not quite right. Knowing that he already knew the existence of shadow, he immediately said to Wu Shi'an, "of course, it's your dead servant shadow!"

Wushi'an looked at Ye Feng and said, "I don't understand what you're talking about. What's our dead servant?"

Ye Feng sighed, "no matter whether you admit it or not, I'm not here to compete with you for this. I mainly want you to help me bring a word to the shadow, or the people behind you. If the moon shadow has no sleeves and loses a hair, I'll make them peel off!"

Dance Shi an see Ye Feng finish to turn round to walk, immediately called Ye Feng way, "wait a minute! Why did you come to me? "Ye Feng stopped and looked back at Wu Shi'an. Then he said, "aren't you the leader of the opposition?"

After listening to Ye Feng's words, Wu Shi'an stared at Ye Feng for a long time and then said, "I'm the opposition, but I'm not the leader!"

Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders and said, "I know you're just a puppet!"

But wushi'an frowned at Ye Feng and said, "puppet? What puppet

But Ye Feng said to Wu Shi'an, "forget it, it's nothing for me whether you admit it or not, and I don't care about it. It's just what I said to you, you can bring it to me! If you want to find me, go to Fei Wuliang's department to find me! "

This time, Ye Feng didn't look back, while wushi'an stood in the same place, staring at Ye Feng, until Ye Feng's figure completely disappeared, then he turned back quickly. When he got to his office, he closed the door, grabbed the landline telephone on the desk and dialed a number.

The phone rang a few times before it was connected. Wushi'an immediately said to the head, "Yefeng just came to me Well He asked me for a moment to say that if the shadow of the moon loses a hair, it will make us peel off, and he knows the shadow Well Yes OK, I see! "

After hanging up the phone, wushi'an sat at his desk in a trance, then lit a cigarette, smoked a few mouthfuls, then quickly put it out, and then stood up and came out of the office.

Just out of the office, wushi'an said to his secretary, "I won't come all day today. If someone comes to me, they say I'm on sick leave!" Then he left in a hurry.

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